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Topic » FINALE

4065 days 10 hours ago
41 Days ago BHD recalled 15 castaways to embark on a journey of a lifetime. But what they didnt know was 3 returnees would be returning to the game to get revenge in the game and on the others.It was clear at the begining that Tewa was going to be a challenge threat which they where being the first tribe in BHDS HISTORY to win every single Immunity Challenge. One by One Moto and Ravu voted out one of there own even Returnee Sean was voted out at the merge.Once the Merge hit the Newbies had a plan and that was to get out the Returnees starting with AJ then Danny. It worked but days later Danny returneed in a shocking twist which left the crowd to wonder.Danny then made it to Final 5 controlling some may say his Sheep and they tried to get out the Challenge beast Cory.But the sheep instead turned on him and listened to Cory and voted him out. Now there only stands 3

Cory-The physical threat who played an amazing game

Guillo-The strategic threat who played an amazing game

Bear-The Social threat who played an amazing game

This is gonna be one of the toughest votes ever in BHDS History as all of them played a good game in one way

Jury mail me your votes for the last time

You are voting for a Winner

Jury you may also ask questions

Finalists you may also post your speechs
4065 days 10 hours ago
Speech later.

Watching amazing race :P

I'm open to questions though!
4065 days 10 hours ago
bear-U did nothing y should I vote for u?
lifer-nice job but u did play every1. y should I vote u?
guill-My buddy! So glad u made it here. ur gameplay was great but y should I vote u?
I already won bhds survivor so I am kind of glad I get to see 2 ppl here that tried hard. bear u did nothing and don't deserve to win tbh gl all of u!
4065 days 10 hours ago
lifer-nice job but u did play every1. y should I vote u?

You should vote me because I was a constant target ever since Ethan's elimination, and I was able to stay away from elimination by winning a long string of challenges.

I also was never controlled by anyone, I played my own game. Unlike the other two finalists who were under Danny's control ever since he returned to when he was eliminated.

Personally, you should vote me because I tried to warn you that you were a target, and because I didn't vote you out because Danny said so. Unlike these 2
4065 days 10 hours ago
Im writing my speech. Its gonna be long so check in 10 minutes
4065 days 9 hours ago
OK well honestly I think 2 of you are scum.

Guillo- you wanted an alliance with me day one you made a cross-tribal alliance me you were that desperate. So what the fuck happened?

Lifer- We made a core alliance what the fuck happened with that?

Bear- You also wanted to play with me so yeah what the fuck?

All- What was your point in voting me out? Was I a threat? I was aligned with all of you. Who was responsible for me going?

All- Rate your and each others games like this
Physical- 1-10
Social- 1-10
Strategic- 1-10

All- Who instead of you 3 deserve to be in your spot?

All- Tell me why the other 2 deserve it over you then tell me why they don't.
4065 days 9 hours ago
Thank you everyone for this awesome experience. I just want you all to know my strategic gameplay, that was really undercover. First of all, i'm a survivor fan and i made our tribe lose pre-merge. Why? Well i love voting out people and i knew that everyone didnt want me out since i had an alliance with everybody.

AJ- well we talked when we were tribes but once we merged you never answered my mail so u kinda signed ur won tomb so i got the votes to evict you.

Witz- omg man i love you but this game needed a backstab and you were the perfect target. Sorry.

Ethan- well we had a deal but u were winning comps so i needed ur ass out of the game..

Jordan- u bitch voted against me. THE ONLY vote i got in all the game was from you. So i got ur booty out the island.

Eric- sorry we had a deal but on this double eviction i wanted to stir drama.

Yepal- im sorry but i blindsided eric on the first eviction so why not blindside you as well...?

Danny- we had a deal too lol but u were a jury favorite.

Jonathan- im so sorry i voted u out even though we came to a deal to vote lifer even though he had an idol.. I didnt want to be the one voted out.

So, who deserves to win? Bear, who was inactive all the game and got carried to the finals, cory who won competitions but had no social game, or me, who played an amazing strategic game with deals with almost everyone and never got a vote (except 1)..

Was i a sheep? No, clearly not. Look at ur mails. I asked u who you voted for but i never voted with you. Even if i had an alliance with danny jarb and eric i kinda chose who was going home at the tribal. Also, i won comps when i needed too, specially at that final 5 because i didnt know of danny was working with jarb and bear or if they really were on my side. To be 100% honest, i think i played the best game out of all 3 finalists. I know i pissed each and every jury member off but at least i played the game and when you watch survivor, thats what you want! blindsides and backstabs.
4065 days 9 hours ago
Yepal- im sorry but i blindsided eric on the first eviction so why not blindside you as well...?
ummmm well this makes me like u a little less.
4065 days 9 hours ago
and 1 question for all of u

all- when Danny told u I was mjmpb the winner of pearl island did u start to look at me as a threat?
4065 days 9 hours ago
Guillo- You say you controlled the whole game newslash it takes more than one person. Also, I never answered your mail? You never sent me any! Keep lying it works
4065 days 9 hours ago
Jflora- the 3 returnees at the start of the game because they could have essily dominated. And i never was under dannys control, i was telling everyone how to vote.

Physical: 5
Strategic: 10
4065 days 9 hours ago
Guillo was that rating for me?
4065 days 9 hours ago
Jflora- i swear to god i sent u mail...

Yepal- no, actually, i never gave a shit about what danny said. Everytime he said something i was like kk.

Everyone: i know im not gonna win because yall are bitter
4065 days 9 hours ago
No, me...
4065 days 9 hours ago
Guillo I never received any mail. I knew I was going though because when people know your going they tend to answer you less.
4065 days 9 hours ago


So I started this game on super dominant Tewa. With my help, my tribe was able to avoid tribal council all the way up to the merge. In that time I formed an alliance which included myself, AJ, Ethan, and Jordan.

Over the course of pre-merge, I began to suspect that AJ was trying to form a returnee alliance. After talking it over with Ethan and Jordan, we decided to blindside him at the first merged tribal.

After that, I was hoping Tewa could ride it out the the end. But it was not meant to be. Bobbert was medivaced. I won the next challenge, and chose to go to exile island instead of keeping immunity. Danny claims this is a stupid move, but there I found the idol. And without the idol I wouldn't be here.

However, it was also bad. WitZ went, putting our numbers down. However next tribe I drew everyone together and we voted out Danny. After this all would've been swell, but Eric flipped and Ethan went. After that, I was basically on my own. I knew I needed to start winning.

So I did. I won every challenge up to the F4, and FINALLY convinced everyone to vote out Danny at F5.

So basically, if I lost any of the challenges after Ethan's elimination besides 1 which I could use the idol, I would've gone.

I've put my heart and soul into this game, and I've played with dedication. Up until F5, Guill and bear played someone else's game.

I played my own.

Thank you.

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