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TSC 530 Final

Topic » TSC 530 Final

280 days 5 hours ago
1.        Oh I was getting my life to this!
2.        Absolutely not!
3.        Well that was dreich
4.        Obsessed!
5.        Tries too hard!
6.        Just kind of there
7.        This pops off! Bop!
8.        Love the low budget video! Song is quite good
9.        Didn’t really build up to anything but it was a nice enough listen
10.        Lol not sure what is going on but I weirdly enjoyed it
11.        I am vibing to this trainwreck!
12.        That was annoying
13.        Quite like his music. This was great!
14.        This was really good! Enjoyed this!
15.        I was vibing
16.        It was alright
17.        This was an unlistenable mess!
18.        Lol kind of obsessed
19.        Decent enough listen
20.        This was lots of fun
280 days 4 hours ago
1) Selena Gomez & The Scene - wow she rly was the queen of pop back in the day when they were heavily altering her natural voice... what a collapse....
2) A$AP Ferg - adjdbsjcjsje omg that opening line caught me so off guard ajcjsjcjsjd anyways....I kinda enjoyed it a bit....
3) d4vd - I like his other song better but this is cute I suppose
4) Ella - wait I'm moving yassss very 2010s album track core... I'm moving I am
5) Luna Zeta - it was cute!!! kept me awake for sure....kinda obsessed with the HeeEEeEyYYy
6) REHMA - wait I moved yasss very nice to listen to
7) wrs - BALDDDD didn't rly expect to enjoy this...very eurovision which I don't rly like but I enjoyed him!!
8) Senseless Optimism - yessss very enjoyable 2 me.....yasss I'm moving
9) Laufey - omgggggggggggg she's winning isn't she wow what a winner....I like some songs on the album more but this is definitely a top 3 song
10) Idina Menzel - OKAYYYYYY INDINA.... omg I'm so bald nobody told me she can eat like this....YASSSSS omg this is so middle aged YASSSSS I'm moving so hard...
12) ChoQMay - she's cute her voice is a little bit annoying imo but overall it's a cute sawng!!
13) Ryan Beatty - ewwwwww ryan beatty FLOP /j omg this is so good not my fav from him but idk he ate he did
14) Mother Mother - if this was 2017 I'd be gagging but in 2023? no.
15) Bowie Jane - wait I'm bald the way she ate this...uve been busted busted.... she got him!!! he's so gagged...
16) HYO - wait this is kinda a serve...her only good song I fear...but yeah I'm obsessed purrr
17) Léon Cordero - wait omg this so bald.....OK yeah this is great ugh hate whoever sent this...spits
18) Pink-E-Swear - OKAYYYYYYY omg this 3008....I'm moving sm
19) Mercury. - this is cute!!! not my fav this week but listenable!!
20) Wonder Girls - wait bald this is kinda cunt....not really a big standout this edition imo but definitely memorable!
280 days ago
1-Basic and funny, it works

2- this song bored me

3-the piano does its thing here, but it doesn't impact.
4- ok this is fun to watch and listen to

5-I love discovering artists that are not known, that's why I love this game... the sound is impeccable!!!
6- I have nothing to say because it passed by my ears and left nothing
7-maybe it's similar to the song he did at eurovision, but at least it's fresh
and it wakes me up something, since I was a little bored

8- I don't know what this is but it's wonderful.

9-not my cup of tea but cute.
10- I like the energy of this
11-I like the chaos and disorder here. I should do a collaboration with Katia Sambucca
12-I think this is a bit weak
14-ok I was about to pass out from boredom but this gave me a little bit of what I needed ty
15- Ok, as is almost always the case, the good thing is on the second page lol. This is good and rhythmic
She has the character.
16- I love how she dances, she ate
17- Maybe to an English ear this sounds cool, but the lyrics are so strange. equally
form the concept is so strange that I like it. of this genre one always expects
something normal and silly but this blew my mind a little. I did not expect.
18-Lol, slay
19- it bored me a little
20- ok this is terrible, more of the same and the main vocal is horrible.
279 days 19 hours ago
1) Selena Gomez & The Scene
2) A$AP Ferg
The way I was hoping for Fergie to come through and save this song but it didn't happen.
3) d4vd
This sounds like every tik tok song out there... and a duncan lawrence wannabe so ciao!
4) Ella
How generous of Ella to make a song about the three pigs who cried wolf!
5) Luna Zeta
Oh I can jam to this! Straight to Spotify it goes I fear.
Oh this sounds good as well! We are shaking.
7) wrs
Sometimes people just have to stop making music... and wrs is one of them.
8) Senseless Optimism
This is a cute melody! Like you can zone out and enjoy it yasss!
9) Laufey
Not a fan of her I fear, I tried to give her a chance but can't </3
10) Idina Menzel
This is serving Red Panda / Clifford the Big Red Dog in one and I'm living for it. Idina giving the LGBTQ+ community an anthem before summer ends!
11) Karen Mok
You know we are jamming to this hit! Dance dance dance dance dance!
12) ChoQMay
It's a very cute song! I'll give her that!
13) Ryan Beatty
What in the offbrand walmart Austin Butler is this honey..... basura give us the real austin butler.
14) Mother Mother
No but this is so amazing like omggg.
15) Bowie Jane
You been BUSTED (red) BUSTED (cameron) BUSTED!
16) HYO
She has better songs! But we will give her props!
17) Léon Cordero
Someone is committed with the custom video.
18) Pink-E-Swear
Mam who said "Let me send Pink-E-Swear" choices were made.
19) Mercury.
Maybe if this user made a custom video it could have lifted the song!
20) Wonder Girls
Tell me tell me TETEETELL ME what was the mad genius behind this song.
279 days 9 hours ago
1) Selena Gomez & The Scene: LOL teenage Selena was so camp. We love Radio Disney
2) A$AP Ferg: The hold this song had on me back in 2014. This and 2 On by Tinashe defined my freshman year of college. Like a week didn’t go by without my and my friends listening to this on at least one occasion. The A$AP clan really was unmatched. It was a bop then, and it’s a bop now. Best song ever
3) d4vd: Wasn’t expecting this collab. They complemented each other well. This was very pretty
4) Ella: Um well…
5) Luna Zeta: This kind of just went in one ear and out the other
6) REHMA: There were some decent parts but it never really came together to form anything meaningful imo
7) wrs: The drop is cute!
8) Senseless Optimism: I really liked the instrumentation. She can’t sing, but we can overlook that.
9) Laufey: It’s kind of over for everyone else. This is so gorgeous
10) Idina Menzel: a;sghaioghesoifjgis I mean this is bad but ab;lsdhgioashoigajhg
11) Karen Mok: I’m happy for my wall of noise girls, but this isn’t really my brand of noise
12) ChoQMay: Cute! Wait actually the piano at the end ate!
13) Ryan Beatty: This was kind of cute. Sometimes you need a nice acoustic moment. Oooh yes, I’m vibing at this outro. This was quite good. Yeah I liked this a lot
14) Mother Mother: Honestly, this was nice. Similar to Senseless Optimism, the instrumentation is good enough to overlook the singing
15) Bowie Jane: It’s a shame I’m not watching Big Brother this season because then maybe I’d find this funny instead of dreadful
16) HYO: Now this is kpop I can get behind. This is a bop
17) Léon Cordero: I liked this, very well produced. Just needed a better ending imo
18) Pink-E-Swear: lmao this is actually quite funny. They did their thing and that’s all you can ask of them. I’m happy for them. They kind of ate Selena up
19) Mercury.: Cute. I do appreciate the little production elements that stops it from being a generic white girl alt pop song
20) Wonder Girls: This was fine. I wasn’t living for this I fear
279 days 9 hours ago
1) Selena Gomez & The Scene        i'm bored.
2) A$AP Ferg        this is now what i want to listen to when i'm sick
3) d4vd        this was really nice when i'm sick
4) Ella        lol this is camp
5) Luna Zeta        okay work
6) REHMA        this will probably sneak in with how few songs there are
7) wrs        it's no llamame, but still boppin
8) Senseless Optimism        i was not offended by this today
9) Laufey        laufey making 2 appearnaces... gotta knock them down a little now
10) Idina Menzel        overrateed cunt
11) Karen Mok        nope. not today... or ever
12) ChoQMay        this feels like it would be camp... but it's not
13) Ryan Beatty        someone told them they have a nice voice... they dont'
14) Mother Mother        this feels like something that would maybe win like 2 years ago
15) Bowie Jane        fucking bowie Jane
16) HYO        MOTHER. not her best bust still MOTHER
17) Léon Cordero        This has a 50% chance of winning
18) Pink-E-Swear        this did not give what it wanted to give
19) Mercury.        no thank you
20) Wonder Girls        Thisn't Nobody
279 days 9 hours ago
1) Selena Gomez & The Scene - now this is TRUEEEEE MUSIC. im going to need miss selena to get her act together and do another song with them bc THIS WAS EVERYTHINGGG. so disney channel core like yassss. this is her good girl gone bad like whewwwww...

2) A$AP Ferg - omfggg u have got to be JOKKENNNNN ME?!?!?!?! cant believe I've been forced to listen to this skiddy song. FARRR too masculine for a young petite (GORGEOUS) girl such as myself. bloody awful !!

3) d4vd - omfggggg didn't d4vd have a collapse one time? i feel like i remember but what the hell is this. i don't remember his voice being a bit shite. i get the vibe of it and every thing but im just not in that mood rite now.... just a bit of a DRAGGGGG... i was bored !!!!

4) Ella - aweeee its very fun isn't it. yeahhh... funnn.... im happy for the girls that lurve this... i bet shes a queeie in some households... SOME...

5) Luna Zeta - oh when i saw (video oficial) i was ready to be transported to another world but... this was the biggest disappointment ever.. oh i hated it....

6) REHMA - the only hypnotic i claim is by zella day!!!!!! my queenie. that being said... oh wow miss rehma rly tried to transport me to the heavens nd she sort of did a bit... the voice kinda gorg... this had me mOOOOOVEDDDDD... this was cutesyyyy.

7) wrs - ohhh we're doing this jarring production again.. like yeah once in a blue moon i can wind my arse to it.. but mostly i just have a big fat migraine.. i just cant do thartttt right neoww.... like as a whole its not bad but its just not pour moi.

8) Senseless Optimism - awee this is kinda gorgeous u know...? the lack of video budget is kind of endearing in a way, no? a lidl cute melodic angel i thinkkkk..!

9) Laufey - oh not laufey a bloody GENNNN...... and there's nothing new nothing changed. i think there was a time i was yassing for her and liiiivedddd for her songs.. but once you've heard one you've heard them all i just cant help but get BOREDD... like objectively its kind of sweet and pretty...... but i need something with a bit more grit to it. its giving very DISNEY and not in the cunty selena tell me something i don't know way....

10) Idina Menzel - oh this was the most scariest thing everrrr.. it kind of reminds me when emile sande released a pure pop song and it was AWFULLLL.... like she got a good laugh out of me for that like awee my girly was trying for top 50 in the charts but failed... having said that it also gives me a bit of gwen stefani when she was doo doo.... just terrible but verrrryyyyy funny.

11) Karen Mok - ohhh ab so fucking LUTELLLYYYYYYY...... KAREN MOK IS A VISIONARYYYYYY... this was kind of the most interesting entry this week.....

12) ChoQMay - oh this instrumental was beyond scaryyyyy.... its very CBeebies isn't it. come awnnn teletubbies.. i will say its kind of endearing in a way.. like its just so cheery and feel good like aweee.. very sweet.

13) Ryan Beatty - oh i will forever hate this m*n for personal reasons. his voice just gives me ptsd and i SHUDDER every time. its not like he was my e*b*yfriends fav artist or anything like LAWWWD...... unfortunately this wasn't even that bad so i cant even drag him that much.. it was..... +GULPS+ cuyttee :)))). . . .

14) Mother Mother - aweeee i kind of lurveddd this.... very jarring in the best way actually.... this is the grit i needed... she is CRAZYYYYY. the instrumental sooo gewddd!!

15) Bowie Jane - F*CKING BOWIE JANE MY QUEENIEEEEE... i literally love her.. she is MY #JENNCITY!!!!! middle-aged women who lie abt their age and make music is just the perrrfectt recipe for a serve.

16) HYO - ohhhhhhh this was stunnnnn... she is gorgeous..... if i had a pinky toe worth of her talent id be the president of the united states.. that's just the truth... this was VERY needed this week.

17) Léon Cordero - oh i just KNEWWW SHE WAS ABT TO GIVE BY THE THUMBNAIL ALONE.. ohhhh was this a custom MV... LAWWDDD.. someone is out for BLOOD. u almost had me. unfortunately, this is just a m*n i mean the name gives it away but whoever sliced nd diced these visuals together u played it VERYYY well... OR WAS THIS AN ACTUAL MV... im confused...... it looks TOO profresh but i don't see the song on spotify or anything..... ANYWAYS... this was stun i loooooved.

18) Pink-E-Swear - aweeee this was cuyyyteee.. these girlies knew what they were doing... a third eye was def open when this was being crafted.

19) Mercury. - why didn't i hate this... likeee i kind of moved eventho its def not my type of music at awlll.. but i just found it..... very cutesy... very coming of age... kind of lurshhh.

20) Wonder Girls - i luuurveeee the vocals... like YESSSSS. you don't need to be a singer to serve a gorg cunty little song EVIDENTLY... the chorus gave everything it needed to... a gorj way to end this week yassss< 3 3 3 3
279 days 8 hours ago
1. Selena Gomez & The Scene - Damn y’all really are just running with the new year rule huh. Honestly this is just a reminder of how awful my taste was as a child

2. A$AP Ferg - Kind of the worst TSC entry I’ve ever heard

3. d4vd - Now that I’m thinking about it, I only really like d4vd when HE’S the featured artist and I don’t have to hear his whole dollar store JVKE schtick for the entire song. Laufey sounds great though

4. Ella - Be so serious wtf is this

5. Luna Zeta - I’m asleep

6. REHMA - Oh this is so good. Love the production

7. wrs - This is fun! Not anything I’ll ever listen to again, but I moved a bit

8. Senseless Optimism - Not super memorable but very cute. Love a visual that looks like it was made in Aftereffects in about 45 minutes

9. Laufey - Now THIS is the true Mother Mother of the edition. Genuinely one of the best songs I’ve heard all year, she absolutely devoured.

10. Idina Menzel - Idina you’re so much better than this

11. Karen Mok - YESSSSSSSS this slayed so hard. Love a song where I can’t keep track of what’s happening

12. ChoQMay - I’m literally never going to listen to this again but it was cute enough for a one-time listen

13. Ryan Beatty - I love the overall vibe of his music, but if we were gonna send anything by him it really should have been Ribbons. That song outsells so hard

14. Mother Mother - Mother Mother make a song that doesn’t make me want to rip my hair out challenge (impossible)

15. Bowie Jane - Move over Sneakernight, my nightmares have a new soundtrack

16. HYO - Honestly I miss the old HYO. You’re telling me this is the same woman that brought us the oontz-oontz slays? This woman made Dessert? Deep? BADSTER? Let her make good music again.

17. Leon Cordero - Slayyyy omg. The production on the chorus really got me

18. Pink-E-Swear - This is so camp but it’s also the worst thing I’ve ever heard so that’s where I’m at.

19. Mercury. - Honestly they ate. Came very close to being a pretty run-of-the-mill alt pop song, but there’s a lot of small little touches in the production that really set it apart and elevate it. The GLITCH? So good.

20. Wonder Girls - Honestly kind of their weakest single. Irony would have been an INSTANT 12 but this is just kind of meh.
279 days 6 hours ago
1) Selena Gomez & The Scene - YASSSSSS BAWP BAWP the way this would literally clear a beta but it didn’t chart high enough for some reason??? like this literally should’ve gone #1 everywhere like !!
2) A$AP Ferg - this is fine…. i really just don’t care about it!
3) d4vd - this is pretty idk it’s fine!! the guy is dragging this down i fear
4) Ella - oh this is bad <3 yeah
5) Luna Zeta - oh this just kinda passed me by yeah…. it’s fine i suppose
6) REHMA - oh this was kinda an eat!!! finally some good food etc etc
7) wrs - well! i’ve heard worse so there’s that!
8) Senseless Optimism - oh this was cute !! a little too short i think?? it just like abruptly ended but maybe i wasn’t paying attention anyways i enjoyed !
9) Laufey - oh this is gorgeous congrats on the win alexi
10) Idina Menzel - she just ended gaga sjdhjddhjd the way she was at st louis pride it was so camp because i was sitting somewhere shady because it was like a thousand degrees and she was performing so i was just hearing really bad dance pop until i left like mom!!
11) Karen Mok - ATE ATE ATE this is tew good actually
12) ChoQMay - i jumped but this was fun!
13) Ryan Beatty - oh this is kinda gorgeous yassss maybe men do deserve rights!
14) Mother Mother - has this not been sent already i swear
15) Bowie Jane - NDDBJDHDJD BAWP!!! i love good music yasss
16) HYO - honestly bop lowkey i can’t lie yasssss
17) Léon Cordero - oh this is an eat YASSSSS !!
18) Pink-E-Swear - YASSSSSSSSSS this is so nevracore like…. girly gorgeous cute with just the right amount of camp oh they mothered ended laufey with ease yup !!
19) Mercury. - oh this is a bawp actually a little basic but i love the glitchy bits :3
20) Wonder Girls - oh bawp YASSSSS !!
279 days 6 hours ago
Selena Gomez - this will always be one of her BEST IDCCCCCC. one of the best songs ever released. so nostalgic <3 my bestie and i used to sing this all the time. GANADORA

A$AP Ferg - i mean.. it was interesting. not really a fan of these artists but it sounded good at moments. i wouldnt ever listen again tho.

d4vd - i LOVE his vocal on this immediately omggg. just gorgeous really. OMGG NOO CAUSE WHEN LAUFEY CAME IN I STARTED 2 FLOAT... i just love music tht makes u float. so bloody gorjUSS. laufey is truly gonna be fighting her SELF for the win this week.

Ella - honestly im glad 2000s songs are allowed in tsc i feel like it breaks up the week more. dont have any idea who this lady is but she sorta transported me 2 her universe w this. it was actually meh but in a funny way.

Luna Zeta - the way she started was so stinky.. like i can smell the STENCH. this was just nawt pleasing to my ears unfortunately. the production was so amateur to me idk. quite horrific actually.

REHMA - she gobbled a bit i cant lie.. when the beat came in i was moving a bitsy like yas...   i like it!

wrs - did he say bring the AITANA vibes??? IYUDGJKHSDIYUKLHGJF anyways i was between liking and hating it.. tbh i think i like it. i also think it's nawt special whatsoever. we need MORE! but i did enjoy it a bit.

Senseless Optimism - the start was a bit of jumpscare but i got used to their voice.. i feel like in a completely different song this artist could create an ethereal slayful masterpiece.. its just not being utilized here i fear. lowkey it was growing a bit though.. thanks to the voice. i think im a fan of it a bit maybe..

Laufey - u beWITCHED... me.... from the first time that u kISSED... me... like oh my lAWDDDDD this song just makes me wanna fall in lurv even harder than i already do. i just think laufey deserves all the success she is currently receiving <3

Idina Menzel - she can be sexy too yall. YASSSSS. shes actually really funny to me. she sounds so granny like here im so obsessed. the beat in the chorus is taking me the fuck out im sawryyy.

Karen Mok - i'm a fan of noise as we all know but this was actually a bit annoying :x like im usually all for the chaos but something abt it wasnt slayful enough to warrant my stannage.

ChoQMay - it was sorta cute i suppose but its not something i would ever listen to. i would skip this song really quickly if it came on unfortunately.

Ryan Beatty - ur telling me i wasnt the only f word streaming this king? YASSSS <3 i love this man sm. his recent album so good. this probably wouldnt be my send but its still rly good and gorgeous <3 king!

Mother Mother - was this nawt in tsc before.. well anyways. it definitely has been iDGAFFFF.F i literally remember this song. i would say that it sounds worse now than it did back then.

Bowie Jane - finally some real fucking music abt time. like this actually was a bop im sorry.. she invented music. GANADORA

HYO - i'm kinda gagged at this being hyo.. because compared to some of her songs from the past few years this is a bit ASS.... bless her.

Leon Cordero - a bit of a slay perhaps! oh yes.. hes a bit of a king. i rly like the chorus on this its quite the collapse!

Pink-E-Swear - their name is soooooo good u guys. the song itself is meh unfortunately i dont have nostalgia w these girls so unfortunately its just giving meh.

Mercury. - aweee i quite like this <33 i love these kind of girlies. her voice is pretty. its not groundbreaking but it was good and one of the better ones this week <3 the end was such a slay

Wonder Girls - moms! i definitely dont care for this song whatsoever but yeah moms.. !
279 days 5 hours ago
279 days 5 hours ago
new page me thinks
279 days 5 hours ago
279 days 5 hours ago
279 days 5 hours ago

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