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S23 Japan Discussion

Topic » S23 Japan Discussion

3344 days 8 hours ago
Tocan confesh

I already have an alliance with rhys cam and Daniel from my tribe. I also have talked with alex a little bit in the past and know ray from one of the other tribes a bit. The only fear I have going in would be the blindsides cause in Drago's Survivor Cagayan I was blindsided quite surprisingly so I hope I'm able to be the one laughing this game :D
3344 days 8 hours ago
Cam confesh

'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,' - that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

So I'm obviously excited to be here, as my last two group game experiences were not my best performances and they were a bit on the dull side.  Anyway, I am very satisfied with my tribe insofar as I don't hate any of them, except maybe Daniel.  Rhys instantly approached me for an alliance and I happily accepted because he's cool, in my current season of the group game I host, and one of the few tolerable people to talk to on this godforsaken site. 

Daniel also asked me about an alliance, wondering if hard feelings were still there after he stabbed me in the back in BigBen's game, mercilessly cutting me down in my prime.  I said they weren't, so I acquiescently accepted his alliance offer as well.  Thankfully a four-person alliance fell in my lap with him, Tocan, Rhys, and myself.  As of now, I have no clue as to whether or not I can trust Daniel.  I really want revenge and nothing would be sweeter than taking him out early.  Plus he has left a bad impression on me after Ben's game.  Fool me once, shame on him.  Fool me twice, shame on me.

Game on.
3344 days 8 hours ago
Daniel confesh

I'm so glad to make the cut and get this show on the road. From looking at our whole tribe it seems legit. You have the brittany bitch tribe that wont function for shit, jarrod tribe that will have their face stuffed with cum from jarrod and our tribe, who is pretty chill. As i've played with the kid before but no one needs to know that. I got in close with cam to create a strong duo that i could use as my escape goat if anything happens. Rhys later approached me as fashionable as always and asked for an alliance but he is too shady. Already makes an immature mistake of sending me as mail that was supposed to go to tocan. Specifically saying he would want to allign with us as were "the lesser known people" and i said. BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH, you a stupid hoe. Both me and cam are watching out for him but i played it off like it was nothing and created the needed majority 4. Tocan was also in the alliance and he seems to be the leader of the tribe if anything. Other than that, i would think none of us would need to worry about this occultus island bullshit you slapped in our face but Alex, the best physical player here (CAUSE HE HAS BELL) is inact. It's a huge bummer but Blake says he could do well in those challenges for us which is a huge upside to this tribe.  Speaking of Blake, as I want rhys ass taken to the curb, getting blake to my side at this point would be gold. If i capitalize on blake, i think i dont need to shit my pants for a few weeks!!!

Now occultus island. I've heard of it but I've never played it before and it's real frightning. I do well in RI seasons but this feels like the total opposite since it's more of an advantage to be voted off first, instead of 5th since you have the time to strategy. So it's puts the thought that if i'm in the minority, i would want myself gone asap so i have time to make new allies and all that schpiel.
This is such a complex game but that's what i expect from a suits game and i will overcome this bowlshit.
3344 days 8 hours ago
Rhys confesh

As the buffs were handed out, I felt like I had one stuck down my throat, as I saw names like Robin, Brittany, Ollie and Tim appear for the Nagoya tribe, all who are certainly LIVELY characters to put it fondly.

But I wasn't out the woods yet, as the next tribe, Okazaki, seemed relatively tame, and almost exciting, until Bingo's name came up. If this really was Bingo that would be the equivalent of having 5 numbers in a row, and all you need that is that 6th, and it doesn't appear. In fact, the Bingo caller drops down dead and the event is called off. Bingo is good, real good.

And then Tahara comes up, and every player are ones I've never met. They seem good, competent in fact. I'm thrilled. But then 3 names come up and not mine... another name, and it's not mine. The penultimate name comes up and suddenly I'm thinking, "Oh goodness, put me with Jarod, put me with Brittany, Tim, even ROBIN, just anyone!'

But - relief - my name comes up, and I'm on a tribe I not only feel really excited by, but I feel proud to be with them. I love teams of 6 because it homes in your sense of loyalty, and I'm not a loyal fella. But it feels like the 6 of us against the world, (or the 4 of us if you discount Blake and Broniak, already on the outs it would appear to me) and I'm ready to get both hands stuck in.

I'm playing for the team in this one. NAGoya won't win. The tribe Bingo is on won't win. Tahara all the way baby.
3344 days 8 hours ago
Adam confesh

Well..... My tribe's already a mess. There's 2 alliances and I'm in both of them lol. Hopefully we don't go to tribal
3344 days 8 hours ago
this seasons seems fun already
3344 days 7 hours ago
Daniel confesh

So there is speculation that max will be replacing AA which is great as i've played with him before and as he plays a loyal game, i could use him as my backup for anything but i still need to play off that charade that he's my number 1. Really i need to do that with everyone to keep my mouth out of everyone and especially you at tribal council. Max seems to be heading in the direction of cam as of now which makes me uneasy. The thing is that i need BOTH of them so that in a swap or something, rhys will be goine. It's that i hate the guy, it's just that the guy is too difficult to read at this point. I plan to approach blake, cam and max for an alliance but it looks to me that blake is already taken a job for a puppet at Rhys vintage puppetier show. Why am i obsessed with rhys so badly? What if i worship him?! Questions will be answered soon
3344 days 7 hours ago
Scott confesh

So in the past few days leading up to the premiere I've been talking with my tribe and I'm feeling alright about it. Chazz, Tim, and Rob have all expressed interest in working with me. I messaged Ollie on Skype but we're literally never on at the same time so I haven't really spoken to him yet, same with Brit. However if the 3 others are truly with me, then I think I'm in a decent spot. I'm sure there will be a lot more communicating in the next 24 hours. Hoping I can work out a solid alliance of 4 with me/Rob/Chazz/Tim or 2 of those 3 and Ollie.
3344 days 7 hours ago
Brady confesh

The thing I hate about starting 2 weeks later than the cast reveal sucks because I dont want my alliance to break up I was originally with Ray and Leanna but then I wanted Jarrod gone but everybody is do scared kf him I can't go against the group right now so hes in are alliance I dont trust him which is why I am in a side alliance with adam. I really want Owen gone first because we had a rivalry in a past group game and I just dont like him. When we get him out I will really try to persuade people to get bingo out once we have the numbers.
3344 days 7 hours ago
Ollie confesh

*Ollie would be sitting on the river bank*

So we lost today's immunity challenge and someone from our tribe will be the first person voted off and I know for sure as HELL! It ain't gonna be me since I was actually at the challenge and I tried

I mean right now I am annoyed at Scott since he did keep guessing which meant only two of us were trying, granted he did win the only points we got but it's still annoying. I mean I know at the end of the day myself, Scott and Britt will all be safe, it's a case of who should we get rid of out of Rob, Tim or Chazz and I personally have my mind set on Chazz

Personally looking at this tribe Rob and Tim I get along with they are looking out for me so why would I get rid of people who I feel like will align with me and give me majority in this tribe right now, it's just stupid plus Chazz hasn't even tried once talking to me so why bother now, yeah his arse is on the line but he wasn't at the challenge and hasn't been active so why should I keep him

Right now my main goal is to send Chazz packing so I am able to get numbers on my side after this tribal so if my tribe does suck again and gets us sent to tribal council I will be safe
3344 days 7 hours ago
Jarrod confesh

It feels great to finally make an appearance in Gen 2. The timing is good because I'm on holidays except that daylight savings just ended in aus which means the challenges are now at 7am instead of 8am which sucks. My tribe is a complete mess. Brady and Owen have bad blood from some other game which has offset my plans of working with those 2. Brady is making alliances left right and centre and the last I heard he's with LEANNA and Ray while I'm hoping I'm with Owen and Adam. Ideally I want Ray out first just because I haven't really talked to him yet and I've never seen him play before. Hopefully I proved my worth a bit today because I wouldn't be surprised to see a 3-3 split our first tribal. I'll be working on leanna until we go to tribal trying to convince her to take out ray. It helps that he wasn't at the challenge today and owen was because I assume that's who brady will want to target.
3344 days 7 hours ago
Brady confesh

This is awesome me and Jarrod did score us some points with are tribe by being the only two at the challenge. I needed a win today because unfortunately my closet ally Leanna was at 18 hours so it gives her time to get on before tommoriw and if we went to tribal tonight I probably wouldn't of had the numbers so it was very good to win today.
3344 days 7 hours ago
Tocan confesh

we won! HOLY CRAP not only did we get immunity but we came in first BOOM
anyways I have an alliance with Rhys Cam and Daniel which I already mentioned but considering we have numbers and won first challenge I think we're on a good path. if there's a tribe switch though I won't be surprised however ill just figure it out when I get there
3344 days 7 hours ago
Chazz confesh

Well the game has begun, it's gonna be fun I can feel it, I only hope to deliver a good season. I've learned from playing my last group game that I'm going to lay low, and try not to make myself a target. I've made somewhat separate alliances with Scott and Rob, and I talked to Tim today, I wanna rally the "noobs" since there's more of them on my tribe, it only makes sense. I was unable to be at the challenge, and we lost, so that sucks, however I don't think I'm gonna go home. My alliance and I have agreed to vote out Brittany, who is a threat for later on, I'm only targeting her to save my ass, nothing personal or even really strategic other than safety. Even if I do get voted out, there's still OI so at least I can have this cushion. I'm trying to be less paranoid about everyone turning on me, and rather trust my instincts and believe people are 100% with me, if it leads to my demise, then so be it.
3344 days 7 hours ago
Scott confesh

Chazz confesh

I had such high hopes for us going on a winning streak... but then that got shut down at the first challenge. This sucks not only because I'm in danger of being voted out, but because Tocan and Maxwell will be around to troll another challenge. *rolls eyes*

Anyways, 2 seconds after the challenge ends everyone is scrambling already. Brittany and Ollie want to keep the tribe strong and said that us 3 (me and them should be safe). They think Chazz is the most inactive and therefore Chazz should be gone. Then the 3 people who didn't show up at the challenge get online at the same time. Initially Rob and Tim are willing to vote Chazz to keep the target off of their backs, then the next thing you know Rob is telling me he wants to keep Chazz because he thinks he's more trustworthy than Brittany. Meanwhile tim wants an alliance of 4 between me him Ollie and Rob, but if we end up keeping Chazz the alliance will become me/Tim/Rob/Chazz. Next thing you know, a knife is being passed around quicker than an STD in a whorehouse, and everyone's just waiting for someone to stab them in the back with it.

For me I think the better move would be to keep Chazz because I think he's a good ally and it would break up Brittany and Ollie who are beginning to look like a duo. On the downside his activity is questionable and Ollie is gonna be pissed if he's left out of the loop for the vote. On the flip side I think Brittany is the one person on this tribe who wouldn't be willing to work with me, but she has shown to be active... so idk

Overall it's not really my decision at this point because if Tim doesn't want to save Chazz I'm not willing to tie the vote, so Chazz will go, but if he is willing, Brittany may not be as safe as she thinks. As of right now, it's all waiting on Tim.

Anyways sorry for this sloppy confessional, but it pretty much sums up how things are going right now. The only person I trust right now is Rob (he's my duo to the end as of right now) and to some degree Tim.

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