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Naozhou Finale

Topic » Naozhou Finale

1608 days 14 hours ago
Lilly, I did not vote on loyalty in that vote. I had realized you were the bigger threat in that revote. The way I acted around you was genuine though because I felt bad. You deserved to be here more than Ryan. I came into the Finale expecting to want to go to the end with you and Marissa, but the way it played out made me realize that my best shot to win was to vote you out, gamble on winning that final immunity (which I did) and sit with Ryan instead of you.

I hope I cleared that up but I did know Ryan voted for me like Marissa showed me everything and I knew Ryan was lying to me that whole time he was begging me to keep him. It literally broke Ryan down that I was upset with him and he sent like 8 messages in a row to me last night during the Finale when I was clearing ignoring him with him begging me to forgive him. But then he’s over here in front of the jury claiming that he was some cutthroat underdog? No. He was constantly using my relationship with him which I THOUGHT was genuine to his advantage. I don’t think someone who says they would self vote so I could stay in the game should win. Yes, Ryan said that and I have proof.

If I can clear anything up anymore, let me know
1608 days 14 hours ago
Shouldn’t we be trying to show how we played a better game than the other two? I haven’t lied about the whole final 5 situation yet and you’re just beating a dead horse at this point. I’m surprised you’re playing the victim when you’ve sexually harassed people on this website and a ton of people in the community know it.
1608 days 14 hours ago
Yes, I told you I would self vote to save u, and I also voted for you lol

Clearly was a bluff.

I’m so happy y’all made me the star of this final tribal !!
1608 days 14 hours ago

"I also had a hand in the Bubba vote out, even though it was more a group consensus. But I still was able to stay that round, whenever it would’ve been more beneficial for Dana/Marissa to try and get me out at that point.

I feel like the two moves I made late game (Sydney/Bubba) were solely beneficial to my game. Richard and Marissa may argue that it was beneficial to them too, but I don’t see how voting out Bubba was more beneficial to their game than say, voting me out. I was able to convince them that voting Bubba was beneficial to all of us, when in reality the person that vote most benefited was myself."

I'm going to have to disagree with you 100% on this one. Voting out Bubba was ENTIRELY most beneficial to my game than voting you out at final 6 as Bubba was 100% someone who was against me whereas you were someone I had just voted together with in the previous round. It also made absolutely no sense for me to vote out you over Bubba at final 6 because as I explained in my jury speech, I wanted to go into a final 5 scenario in which on one side I had you/Dana who people assumed has a really close relationship and were a threat and on the other side I had Chloe and Lilly. I would have set myself up in the middle perfect position because if Chloe won immunity, you or Dana would have gotten the votes, and more specifically you would have gotten 5th as I knew Dana had the idol. If you won immunity, then my plan was just to get everyone to vote out Chloe instead for being the biggest threat, all while keeping the target off of myself at final 5 in case I didn't win immunity. Of course I didn't know about Chloe's idol, but me voting out Bubba was a million times more beneficial to me at the final 6 than had I voted you out and given Chloe another person on her side at the final 5 to vote me out with.
1608 days 14 hours ago
Tbh @Dana and I hope you don’t mind me saying this but all three of you don’t have the most positive reputation in group game community so I think we leave this questioning just to the game that we all played here?
1608 days 14 hours ago
Richard you and I had NO issues until I lied and voted ya out

If you wanna get personal just because I wrote your name down, that’s a character flaw on your behalf.
1608 days 14 hours ago
Okay Marissa..

This is just a joke at this point lol

I’m done addressing the both of you
1608 days 14 hours ago
I mean Ryan you keep making false claims, as someone in the final 3 with you I have to speak out on it and defend my game?

I don't understand why you're getting mad at this, obviously I'm not going to sit here and let you say it was only beneficial to you to vote out Bubba and that you were behind it when it just wasn't the case
1608 days 14 hours ago
Any JURORS have any other questions or comments for me??
1608 days 14 hours ago
The truth of the matter is none of us jurors really enjoy this back and forth between yall. I think it's one thing to do it in a structured manner, but imo yall are speaking outta turn. So relax yall.
1608 days 14 hours ago

Tbh @Dana and I hope you don’t mind me saying this but all three of you don’t have the most positive reputation in group game community so I think we leave this questioning just to the game that we all played here?


I agree. The 3 of us definitely don’t have that positive reputation, yet I was able to play a better game by defying that reputation. Both Marissa and Ryan are kind of owning up to their reputations and it’s showing in questioning. I’m trying to show that I adapted to such an intense game and big ego cast by downplaying just how hard I was playing. Balancing being under the radar yet playing socially and strategically is rarely successful for me. Yet, I was able to embrace it this game. I refrained myself from arguing with people to get my way. I was constantly aware of what was going on at tribal councils. I made power moves with idols and targeting certain people to further myself and avoid being a target for as long as possible. Questioning should be mostly about the game played, but I think Ryan’s drunkenness and sexual harassment this game should raise some red flags for everyone here tonight.
1608 days 14 hours ago
@dana I will admit that I said to Marissa that you being calm and nice is a scary Dana because normally you are a total mess and I warned Marissa very early on that this was gonna happen! So I do commend you on that I just think you may have dimmed your shine too much, like the Dana here is popping off being the mess we know and it’s a such a contrast to the one we had in the game
1608 days 13 hours ago
Thank you Final three for all of your honest answers...

I just have to say, Marissa... since you felt you did not need my vote at all this game, I am assuming you wont need my vote you will not get it.

Good Luck Ryan & Dana! <3
1608 days 12 hours ago
Grats to you all.
I mean it's no secret I wasn't really playing the game and will vote on who I think played the best game based on my knowledge and your answers at this tribal ❤

Goodluck to all of you
Queen Sydney out.
1608 days 12 hours ago
I mean Bubba I guess I could have continued lying to you and told you what you wanted to hear, but that’s alright, no I didn’t need your vote in the game and if I lose oh well, it’s all a game in the end 😁❤️

Good luck everyone, I’m out ✌🏻

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