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Naozhou Finale

Topic » Naozhou Finale

1608 days 15 hours ago
@marissa so who in your eyes was expendable? Just cause I do think you played really well, I do think you controlled the course of the game! And while I was in it you ‘seemed’ to have a grasp on what was going on! But when you are in an alliance with a lot of people I wanna know where you draw the line with expendable.
1608 days 15 hours ago
Ryan you tried to claim that you lying to Richard and you staying in final 5 solely because of your social game and Richard falling for it just weren't.... true?

I wasn't going to sit here and let you speak up on it as if you were some mastermind manipulator when in reality everyone knew what was happening and nobody was being lied to
1608 days 15 hours ago
Can we clarify who’s lying I would love to know? So Dana is continuing to lie to Lily and Ryan is continuing to lie about the move?
1608 days 15 hours ago
I literally just said earlier it was partly my social game, and partly people thinking I wasn’t a huge threat, both of which are beneficial to MY game lol. I just don’t understand why you’re focusing on MY game more than your own

And it’s funny to me that only you and Richard are claiming you both KNEW that I was lying, yet everyone else knows that isn’t the case. You all are only acting like that now because you all got played lol not my fault.

Just seriously stop addressing me. Every single answer you and Richard have given, has somehow had to include something about me. Just focus on yourself and your own game. I didn’t pick apart every part of things that you said, simply because I am not scared nor intimidated by you at all lol
1608 days 15 hours ago

My question is for Marissa. Why should the jury vote you to win when you attack people on personal levels and overall just have a bad attitude towards everyone in the game?

My vote is still up in the air so please enlighten me.

I agree with you that I definitely attacked you, Bubba, and Ryan on personal levels which I apologized to you for in private messages and I agree that it's never the best way to handle things. Everyone who has played with me knows that I'm just someone who is always very open with how they are feeling and quite frankly I have anger issues which I need to resolve and it's something that I've really tried to work on, and you played with me in SBB and you know that this season I was nowhere near as bad as I was in that. I'm slowly working on it and I'm trying and that's all that I can do. As far as having a bad attitude towards everyone, I really don't think I did. I talked to almost every single person in this game on a day to day basis and had a lot of really great one on one conversations with people and made a lot of really great connections. I even connected with Chloe who I had a vendetta against and now completely adore her. You just happened to be on the blunt end of my anger and so my attitude towards you was pretty bad, but overall I think I was pretty chill with everyone in the game.
1608 days 15 hours ago
No, Lq. I am not lying about anything

Richard got caught looking like a dumbass and him/Marissa are just trying to deny it now because they are trying anything they can to undermine me because they know I am a threat to them in this final tribal.

Lilly should be the mediator here because he knows that Richard is lying now whenever he says that he knew I was lying to him
1608 days 15 hours ago

@marissa so who in your eyes was expendable? Just cause I do think you played really well, I do think you controlled the course of the game! And while I was in it you ‘seemed’ to have a grasp on what was going on! But when you are in an alliance with a lot of people I wanna know where you draw the line with expendable.

So yeah, in this game, I built connections with a LOT of people. There were a lot of people who I knew were not going to vote me out and would have wanted to go to the end with me, but at the end of the day I could only bring two people with me, and ultimately as long as I made it to the end that was my major concern and the only thing I was worried about, if someone had to go home then they had to go home in order to get me one step further, it's all part of the game. I mean to be honest with you, and I hope that nobody takes this the wrong way, but when it came down to it the only person I was worried about in this game was myself, and if somebody had to go home in order to get me one step closer to the final 3 then I would have voted them out, I don't think there was a single person in this game whose name I wouldn't have written down if it meant putting me in a better position and getting me to the end.
1608 days 14 hours ago
Fair point Marissa! I admire your honesty!

@ryan I need to hear from you what sole moves were your own that came from you and you put into motion!
1608 days 14 hours ago
And I will say one final thing to Ryan, Nolan, and to Bubba

I really do apologize for all of the personal attacks because at the end of the day it's a game and in a game like this, nobody needs to be put down for anything involving them personally and the only attacks that should be made should be based on that person's game.

My anger issues are something that I've struggled with a lot and in a lot of previous group games I've let them get the best of me. I'm an incredibly emotional person and I feel things very strongly, and so when I am in a state of frustration and anger, it's so hard for me to see anything besides just absolute madness and I lose it and uncontrollably go off on people. This I can admit is a major flaw of mine that goes well beyond this game. It's something I deal with in my personal life too and it's something that I'm trying desperately to fix through therapy and anger management and becoming better at handling my emotions.

At the end of the day all I can do is apologize for it and honestly if you don't vote for me that's understandable and I don't blame you whatsoever I don't think you guys are horrible people by any means, and sometimes in games like these tensions run high and for a minute everyone forgets that it's just a game in the end.

This isn't me trying to grasp for jury votes, like please if you felt victimized by me by all means don't vote me, I wouldn't expect you to, but as far as me getting into fights with people goes, I know I'm psychotic but I'm working on it.
1608 days 14 hours ago
I already gave you all my knowledge of the situation.

Dana came to me after the votes and pretended like he made a mistake in not flipping in the revote and tying it 3-3. That's all I know. I don't know if it was an act to try to get my jury vote or if Ryan's lie genuinely affected how he voted.

To me, it wouldn't make sense why he would be voting on loyalty over jury threat anyway. But, if he IS telling the truth and he's saying that he thought I would be a harder beat compared to Ryan, I do agree with him on that front.

But one way or the other, it's either Dana lied to me in order to try to get my jury vote or is currently trying to lie to the jury in order to make all his moves seem more calculated than they actually were.
1608 days 14 hours ago

This is my final word on the situation.
1608 days 14 hours ago
And also that apology above extends to anyone this season who felt like I attacked them in any way
1608 days 14 hours ago
What’s your deal, Ryan? I should be able to call you out on parts of your speech that are literally factually incorrect LOL. Don’t ask me or any of the jurors to stop addressing you because that’s..... what jury questioning is for

I 100% knew you had voted for me at the final 5. Marissa went on screenshare right at the voting deadline and showed me Lilly’s message which confirmed that she put 1 vote on Chloe and 1 vote on me, and that she had talked to you about voting for me. The only logical explanation after the 4-2 was that you voted me. You fooled no one
1608 days 14 hours ago
@ryan I need to hear from you what sole moves were your own that came from you and you put into motion!

I would say the biggest vote I put into motion was the Sydney vote. I WILL give credit to Lilly though, because she was the first person to say Sydney’s name but that is who I intended to go home anyway. Lilly had originally planned on siding with Chloe  in that vote, but I exposed everything to Dana because I knew that if Dana were to leave that round, it wouldn’t be good for me numbers wise. So getting out Sydney really opened the door for me moving forward because I felt like it would lessen the target on my back.

Another vote I lead was the Julio vote. Originally, we all were locking in Ranz that round. However, Austin went and spilled the beans to Julio/Ranz so I knew I had to change the course of action and get my alliance to flip their votes onto Julio. Voting Julio was 100% beneficial to me because he was the person who tried to curse me early on in the game and was the reason I had the idol in my pocket. I had never even played a game with Julio, so that fact he was so willing to curse me so early on(literally day 2 or 3), I knew he was someone I wouldn’t be able to have any sort of game connection with.

I also had a hand in the Bubba vote out, even though it was more a group consensus. But I still was able to stay that round, whenever it would’ve been more beneficial for Dana/Marissa to try and get me out at that point.

I feel like the two moves I made late game (Sydney/Bubba) were solely beneficial to my game. Richard and Marissa may argue that it was beneficial to them too, but I don’t see how voting out Bubba was more beneficial to their game than say, voting me out. I was able to convince them that voting Bubba was beneficial to all of us, when in reality the person that vote most benefited was myself.

So yeah I didn’t have a HUGE say in a lot of votes. I know I wasn’t the greatest mastermind this game, but I didn’t really need to be. I made smart, calculated moves that weren’t flashy, but were the most beneficial to myself and my game.
1608 days 14 hours ago
I haven’t told any jurors to not question me, Richard. Only you because you lying at least 20 times in your speech gives 0 right to try and critique me.

It’s just obvious this is a ploy from y’all to try and make me lose credit with the jury and I just hope that they realize that.

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