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Final Phase

Topic » Final Phase

2555 days 10 hours ago
2555 days 8 hours ago
Hello RSF champions!

I think that I deserve to win this game because of how I played. On the surface, this game seems to be about challenge ability, and inherently doing well in challenges is what gets you to the end of a game with this format. However, I also relied on my social ability in this game.

My strategy was to not make any enemies and to lay low early so that I wouldn’t be voted into the fortress. I ended up going into the last fortress of phase 1 due to there being no other options. My OPPONENT chose the category for Backwards Bash, and I beat everyone in that fortress in a landslide. On a side note, I got disqualified on a technicality when doing the jigsaw puzzle, where I would have gotten first place by several minutes and thus would have earned a key card.

In phase 2, I was put on a team that didn’t win a challenge. Luckily for me, in the first vote, two of my teammates self-voted and I avoided the fortress (I don’t know if I would have gone in or not, but this definitely helped). I went into the fortress in the second vote, as there were only 3 players to vote for while one had a key card (DBWs). DBWs was one of Zorbos closest allies, so naturally I went into the fortress.  I was able to pull out another win. I had plans that night, and due to RShow being late to the fortress, I made myself late to my plans to make sure that I stayed in the game.

Phase 3 was where my game needed to be strategic. I knew with upcoming votes that I couldn’t make people mad because I would then become a target. This proved to be difficult because, with 9 people left, there were 2 sides of 4 (iYBF, Mybash, Jaxon, Skyler vs. obscurity, rawr, Zorbo, and DBWs) and I was aligned with both sides. The first vote for the path was hard because I was going to make one side mad either way to keep myself safe, so I had to play it off like my vote was an accident when in reality, I knew exactly how all the votes were going. I made it through and I was on a team with DBWs and obscurity. DBWs and I were closely aligned (along with rawr and zorbo) and the 4 of us basically chose the teams. I knew obscurity would go into the fortress if my team lost, but I didn’t realize that he would volunteer. So, that made my choice pretty easy and I kept everyone happy.

The next part of phase 3 was the pair phase. I knew Skyler and Jaxon would win the challenge (because I saw they were up all night when I was as well). So, I had to choose to vote either rawr or iYBF into the fortress. If I turned on iYBF, I knew there would be a chance that he would bring me into the fortress, whereas I was more certain that rawr would not, so I voted in rawr.

Last was the individual challenge, and I was able to win because I strategically went for the option with the most points first.

In phase 4, I knew I wouldn’t be able to bet my way into the finals because I didn’t have enough points, so I opted to save them. I systematically worked on the puzzle starting with easy clues that only had one answer and working from there. I won by a long time and didn’t even need the extra clues. I had a right answer 15 minutes sooner, but not the one that RShow wanted, so I went through and fixed it until I got it right.   
So, as you can see, I played well physically, strategically, and socially. I didn’t put myself at risk when I didn’t need to, and I was dedicated to playing the game. I wasn’t threatening enough for people to want to take me out, but because I was a frontrunner in many challenges, I was considered too threatening for anyone to want to take the risk to face me in the fortress near the end of the game. For these reasons, I think I played the best and deserve to win the game.

Thank you RShow for a great season and good luck to my fellow finalists!
2555 days 4 hours ago
Hello Champions!

Over the past few years, you all have conquered, achieved, and outlasted your opponents, and throughout this game I have had the same ultimate goal in mind. I feel like my moves and my performance in this game emulates the same power, compassion, and strategic prowess that you all possess.

This game has been one for the books, with many underdogs who tried to get to where I am standing today, the finale. I do believe my game play is enough to deserve your vote as I have kept an extremely social, strategic, and physical game.

Starting from Day 1, I began talking immediately to many people, trying to find my jar as well as creating new social bonds that I have not had before. I immediately found an alliance between Zorbo, Mystery, Jman, and DBWs. We formed a tight group, that ultimately sort of went head-to-head with the infamous Duel Alliance.

However, I did not limit my social game to just one group of people. I was extremely close to Kenu, ForceMike, EM002 and began growing bonds with iYBF and Caliboy. I showed my immediate strength with an amazing 3rd place in the first challenge, even with a 8 hour disadvantage because everyone who had my Jar was offline at the start of the challenge.

The next challenge, Cannonball Run, was almost based solely on Social Bonds and Strategic Plays. I worked the connections I had with almost everybody, and I became the LAST PERSON eligible for a key card to receive a cannonball at all, and when I had my back against the wall, I successfully came up with a plan to win the challenge. My social bonds that I had created and managed, along with strong strategics plans to take out certain players, helped me to win this challenge.

In Challenge 5, I won the entire challenge, winning two out of the five challenges in Phase 1. I had the fastest puzzle time, showing that even though I already had a key card, I knew that points played a huge part in the game. Never did I believe it was time to give it 50%, as I always put my best foot forward.

Throughout Phase 1, every time we had to vote, I was always on the correct side of the vote. Any person I voted, went into the Fortress and I believe that the connections I made with people helped me to keep myself in the loop and to place the people I wanted in the Fortress.

During Phase 2, I believe my team was the most neutral out of the three. I did feel we had the most rounded team in terms of ability, allegiances, and social standings. I only missed out on the keycard because iYBF fell asleep by accident, causing me to miss out on the minimum of 75 points I would have gained in that challenge. Had he shown up, I would've won the keycard in that challenge.

However I bounced back and made decisions to better my own game, such as betraying my ally Kenu for a better chance in the elimination.

Phase 3 came around and my social ties were strong. Sending Zorbo into the Path first allowed for me to get a full picture of what all the items were on the Path. I also got him to pick me 2nd so I had the option for ANY of the items. This was me using my social bonds as I kept them strong. This use of my social ties helped me further myself in the game.

I got the power to switch people on the trios and duos, and my switch to get Zorbo and iYBF onto my trio helped us secure the win. However a bit of manipulation and miscommunication between me and iYBF led to Zorbo getting the keycard.

I was sent into the Fortress next round, for a second time, but I excelled against my opponent. I kept my cool and continued to give it my all, as all champions should have.

During the third challenge of Phase 3, I won the challenge, using many different skills such as a keen eye, speed, intuition, and quick thinking. Although I didn't need the win, I KNEW that points would come into play very soon, so gaining as many points as I could was imperative.
2555 days 4 hours ago
And lucky for me, they did. I played my cards right, I gave every challenge everything I had, and I ALWAYS planned for the future and it got me a secured spot in the finale. Which is where I stand now.

All throughout this game I have continuously performed exceptionally well, winning FIVE challenges total even when I already had a key card. I had two Fortress wins, and I do think I had one of the best social games of the players in the finale. Although many people saw me aligned with Zorbo and Mystery's alliance, I still had ties with iYBF and even talked a bit with Jaxon, amf, Kenu, EM0, obscurity, and many others.

I believe I played a very strong game, and I do think that I possess the qualities to become a champion. I would be honored to join you all, if you could give me the chance. Thank you so much, and I hope you can see the game that I have played as worthy of your vote!

And thank you Alex for an AMAZING game as always!
2555 days 2 hours ago
At the end of each day I will update here how many tasks have been finished by each finalist.

For Task 1 since it is in 3 parts, that will be reflected by 0.333, 0.667 and so on

Since for Task 7, answering questions by jury members is not required but encouraged, Task 7 is considered complete once a player posts their plea/speech.

The end of a day will be judged by me and after I finish with a person.
2555 days 1 hour ago
I am going offline soon so I will update the Final:

amf7410 - 3 of 7 tasks finished

iYBF - 1 of 7 tasks finished

obscurity - 2 of 7 tasks finished

rawr121 - 1 of 7 tasks finished
2554 days 17 hours ago
Iybf- I wanna vote for you but coming into the game you had alliances already made. My question is, had these other 3 people from "the duel alliance" not been casted would you be in the same spot.
2554 days 17 hours ago
Jordon, you have to wait until Monday!!!!
2554 days 17 hours ago
Lol I really don't think that's a fair question considering everyone has their group of friends within this series & we had to beat the odds against them in previous seasons, & we weren't the only group this season
2554 days 15 hours ago
the question was for anthony not u skyler, plz get your ass to ponderosa
2554 days 15 hours ago
That's odd Jordon addressed Anthony yet somehow Skyler is speaking.

Skyler, take my advice now, if you want Anthony to have any chance at getting votes, I would stop chiming in.
2554 days 15 hours ago

andrew and I on season 42
2554 days 13 hours ago
i mean to me if you are in a built in obvious/dominating alliance theres gonna be ppl rooting against you thats just how it is, now its up to him to explain his case when questions start/with his opening speech. (the petty drama that ybf was involved in that occured for virtually 0 reason in the last two rounds also doesnt help the situation as well)
2554 days 6 hours ago
Alright, so my question is, as a viewer, we don't really get to see much that is spelled out to us apart from eliminations - Unless we read every mission/elimination thread (which to be honest, apart from Timster, most of us did not), we actually have no idea on any details.

In your opinion what part of the game helped you get to final 4: Physical, Social, or Strategic, and explain why you pick what you picked.

Good luck!
2554 days 5 hours ago
Also, just read Fortress 12, idk who this Skyler person is but please shut the fuck up. Acting all entitled when you on a fucking loser season, sit the fuck down you're a nobody bitch.

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