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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

whose got the winner edit so far?

Oct 1, 2015 by superman11
based off of screen time: joe, abi, spencer, wentworth, jeremey, varner

i think they have all had a good amount of screen time

not as much screen time but still can pul it out: Tasha, wigglsworth, kass

im like blanking on half the cast cause like not a lot of screen time for alot of people




I'd say Terry.
Sent by OutRAGE,Oct 1, 2015
joe does not have a winner edit, he's OTTP
abi does not have a winner edit, she's extremely OTTN
spencer, wentworth, jeremy, and varner all have potential
tasha has a good edit but not the best
wiglesworth is OTTP
kass has a chance but probably won't win
Sent by TheEclipse,Oct 1, 2015
What is OTTP and OTTN ._.
Sent by Pieguy555,Oct 1, 2015
pieguy555 look up edgics
Sent by TheEclipse,Oct 1, 2015
im confused to pieguy555 and theeclipse
Sent by superman11,Oct 1, 2015
Pieh Gee has a chance
Sent by dak236,Oct 1, 2015
Over the top Positive
Over the top negative
Sent by JetsRock12,Oct 1, 2015
After this past episode, I'm on Team Kass. She's getting a complex personality and showing room for changing her game and making the most of her second chance.
Sent by Tryphena,Oct 1, 2015
Sent by Matedog1209,Oct 1, 2015
Idk who is getting the winners edit but I am willing to bet my last dollar that neither wentworth nor Varner will win.
Sent by WANJ,Oct 1, 2015

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