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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Porsche Briggs

9thFeb 17, 2023 by ryguy1997
Porsche entered the Big Brother house and was partnered up with legendary Regulator Keith.

Porsche right off the bat does something that I really like and that was work with the veterans in the house.

She knew that they would likely end up dominating the early game and that it was in her best interests to do so.

It even earned her a golden key giving her automatic safety until the final 10.

Porsche also had pretty good game awareness and was a fairly successful floater. She did a great job at going where the power was. Early on she did this with the veterans, later she joined up with Danielle and Kalia while they won back to back to back HOHs.

This kept her safe for the majority of the season. She even fixed up her relationship with Rachel later on the ensure that she would keep her and even eventually take her to the final 2.

What newer or casual fans dont understand is there is floating and then theres coasting. Coasting is when you essentially do nothing but hangout and hope not to be taken out.

Floating is actually an excellent strategy implemented by various winners and strong players. It is where a player goes back and forth or wherever they need to in order to keep themselves safe. It is strategic and Porsche certainly does a decent job of it.

Jun, Alison, Andy, and even to an extent Dr WIll are examples of this strategy.

On top of this Porsche managed to win a couple of competitions and really could have won the game if not for a production fixing at the final 6.

Productions influence at the final 6 is a big reason why Rachel ended up winning this season.

Essentially it was Porsche's HOH and she wanted to get out one of the two remaining veterans.

She was then tempted by Pandoras box which ended up with the duos twist returning.

The reason why this ruined the game is because it meant that if either Rachel or Jordan won the veto they would both be safe. Then Shelley and Adam would automatically replace them on the block and the veterans would control the vote.

Of course production also made the veto competition the same as a competition that Rachel had one earlier in the season. So Rachel ended up winning the competition again and the above scenario took place.

This resulted in Shelley going home on a week where Rachel or Jordan were definitely going to go otherwise.

What makes this worse is that Porsche didnt want to take pandoras box but was pressured by production to do so. Obviously i realize its still her decision, but i wonder what they may have done if she continued to say no.

It was even later confirmed by Ian Terry that this is something that production does, which does explain some other instances as well.

Regardless Shelley went home on Porsches HOH and Rachel would go on to win the season. Had it not been for the duos twist theres a good shot that Jordan would go at F6 and Rachel may not have made it even to the F3.

In the end Porsche lost to Rachel in the Final 2. Not only did Porsche get screwed but so to did Shelley.

As you can tell overall i feel Porsche is a pretty underrated player.



I loved her
Sent by PrincessTeePee,Feb 17, 2023
I didn't really care for her
Sent by Tester,Feb 17, 2023
Tester the first time i watched neither did I. But i was also 13 at the time. Rewatched a few months ago and i appreciated her gameplay much more
Sent by ryguy1997,Feb 17, 2023
I did not enjoy her and what did she really win besides Rachel! Rachel fight really hard … it was well deserved by her! 🥰 like Jordan said I didn’t notice much besides waking in a bikini
Sent by Travisk30,Feb 17, 2023
the ONLY good newbie & she actually deserved to win over Rachel but yall aint ready for that conversation

Porsche was the queen of BB13
Sent by BenjaminB,Feb 17, 2023
BenjaminB its hard to find people ready for that because of the Rachel love...gross
Sent by ryguy1997,Feb 17, 2023
Travisk30 Yes Rachel fought, but theres a good chance she doesnt get to the end without the help of production. And the instance i brought up isnt the only time
Sent by ryguy1997,Feb 17, 2023
i LOVE rachel but imma be fair too
Sent by BenjaminB,Feb 17, 2023
I smoked weed with Porsche once, it was the highlight of my life
Sent by schmooboy,Feb 17, 2023
Who did production help her ? Give me an example ryguy1997
Sent by Travisk30,Feb 17, 2023
Travisk30 gave two examples in the morning post
Sent by ryguy1997,Feb 17, 2023
Sent by semajdude,Feb 18, 2023
She deserved the win over Rachel 1000000%
Sent by joe1110,Feb 18, 2023

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