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Tomato, Ta-Motta. Loca-Motta!

Posts 101 posts

Really Emotional! Nov 23, 2012
Listening to some awesome Music and it's making me really emotional and happy about the friends i've made on here ='] I Love you all!
Bluestar (Even though idk where we stand :S)

There's so many more on here but I literally can't name every single fricking person! But you all know if i'm totally in love with you or not =]
Points: 439 17 comments
My Top Blogs =] Nov 8, 2012
Points: 13 0 comments
My Coming Out Story Oct 4, 2012
WARNING (It's kinda long)

So as some of you know yesterday on my 19th Birthday I came out to my parents as gay. The reason I did this was because the likely hood of me ever ending up with a girl is very small :P Also before I start this, no this isn't for another Top Blog I just know of a few people who wanted to me keep them updated.

So for the last week (before my birthday) i had been preparing a letter for them to read because i just couldn't handle telling them to their faces! Telling them at all was bad enough XD So i was 1st up and out to work before anyone else was even up which was really handy and I just left the letter by my parents computer because that's the only place I knew they would see it.

All the way to work I was freaking out wondering if I had made the right decision and about an hour after I left i got a text from my Mum pretty much saying she was in complete shock and never knew I felt that way at all (which to be honest really surprised me because I thought like Mum's just knew) but she went on to say she still loves me no more no less and she supports my decision! phew half the anxiousness over! However she also included that she would wait until after our family to dinner to tell my dad because she was really unsure on how he would take it. I stayed out with my friends and my family went home and when I got back everyone was asleep.

So last night I had a sleepless night wondering what his reaction was and if he would even speak to me etc. Just about to leave for college (On Thursdays I go to college) and my dad pulls up and i'm like shitting myself. He doesn't really say anything except offer my a life to college which I decline because I want ZERO awkwardness.

Then at about 3pm I get a text from him saying he's JUST read my letter so he didn't know the whole time I was worrying. Turns out he wasn't shocked at all and is completely fine with it! Weird ending considering I was more worried about my dad but hey ho! They don't want me to tell anyone just yet as they want to get used to the idea before anyone else knows :L Thanks for all the support folks It's been a stressful week but i'm glad it's over! ILY ALL < 3

Points: 1624 44 comments
Quick Update :P Oct 3, 2012
I told my mum i was Gay and she's fine!
I'm going out to dinner with my fam in like an hour and my mum is gonna tell my dad for me afterwards :S
Wish me luck :D So far so good thoughhh =]
dav_o_79 < 3
Points: 1689 50 comments
My Day At London 2012 Aug 4, 2012
Ok so some of you may know I went to the Olympics today and had an EPIC time! I promised i would upload some pictures of my day so here they are :L

I woke up at like 5.30 am because our time slot was 9.00 am to 1.00 pm so we needed to be there early :L But it was good because then we could spend the whole day in London!

- This is me in front of the Olympic Stadium :) We didn't have tickets for the Athletics but just being there and seeing it was amazing and it's SO BIG!

- The royals parked their boat in the Olympic Park.... :| They should get a parking ticket for that for sure! It's been there for over a week now!

- Only the British people that have been watching will have an idea of what this is :S It's where they do all the BBC coverage and shit. I was gutted not to see me a bit of Sue Barker!

- Me outside the Basketball arena :L It was actually awesome the matches were intense and the entertainment between the quarters was ace too :D P.S My shirt says "Top Banana" :L I had to make an effort yall!

- Finally this is like a Panoramic one of a section of the Olympic Park :D (Athletes Village, Part of the Velodrome and Hockey) =]

So yeah that was some of my day :L I have loads more pics but they were some of the more interesting ones i guess? People probably don't wanna see random things :L
Points: 1270 35 comments
=============================================== Jul 27, 2012
Points: 39 2 comments