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Tomato, Ta-Motta. Loca-Motta!

Posts 101 posts

so everyone that was 'supposed' to get a design didn't! Uhm does it matter?
you don't going into a regular clothes go to buy something and the worker says
"sorry your not allowed that because its for someone else"
i'm sorry but i think its a load of nonsense!
*end rant*
Pluss Dis ^_^
Points: 659 28 comments
The End Of My Featured Profile Blogs :/ Dec 18, 2010
i think it is time that i give this up :/
Well there are a few reasons to this they are as follows.....
1) i think you can only do so much until this kind of thing becomes repetitive and boring and that is now
2) If the people chosen dont make the effort then theres no point in trying.
+ 3) i know a ton of people who have asked me if they can do something similar or even take over form what im doing and i dont think by me doing it and others too that it would have the same effect.
so i am giving the opportunity to someone that may want to take this over for them to MAIL or SKYPE me and i will choose someone :)
i mean obviously you can just start your own but it would be nice if it was someone that i know will do a good job of it.

but thank you for everyone who took the time to read the blogs and to the 15 people that spent their time answering my questions.
Points: 634 32 comments
☆ POST YOUR NAME :) ☆ Nov 26, 2010
I seem to be doing thse a lot more lately purely because i have been meeting new people or getting to know new people better so i want to see how far my friendships have gone with people since then :)

So post your name and i'll write a paragraph about you :)

(i will have a list for people i don't know and hopefully in the near future i will get to know you)


Bigupboy - Well what can i say? i have known you for some time now and we may not be as close as we used to be but i will always have memories with you on this site :D I know if i ever join a game a can rely on you :)

Brookie - Well, i just love you :) your such a sweet girl and your always so kind to me :) U'll always have my support in stars! whenever i chat to you, you always have me in fits of laughter <3

BbDamian - Jonathan.....Where do i start? its clear to say your my best friend on this site and im sure you always will be :) i know i can trust you with my life on this site and you are the one person i know i can tell ANYTHING to. thank you for everything you have helped me with and all the great memories. One day i really do hope i get the chance to meet you :) <33

MattyBB9 - My tengaged Bank :P apart from betting my life savings of T4 on you, you are a really awesome person and clearly super awesome at games. one day i hope to get to know a bit better than just the acquaintance we are at atm :)

Utsumi - only recently have i had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know you :) i've only heard great things about you hopefully in the near future get the chance to make a friendship with you and you seem like a great person :)

Steevy - im not gunna lie but we probably didn't get off to the best start :) couple of bad games but we've moved on from that and i've gotten to know i really nice, sweet, kind person who i know i can always count on when it comes to games <3

Chemicali - now i don't know you overall well however i do know that we have played a few game together and i think we seemed to have gotten on really well :)

Anthony - You have helped me through some things that nobody else on this site has and for that i cannot thank you enough :) you never seem to be in a bad mood and that is something i wish i could do :P much luv <3

Runner - no matter how annoying you are there is something about you that makes me like you and think your hilarious :P i know we aren't the closest of friends but i you will always be a friend of mine :)

Jamie - Well, all i can say is you are one of the most trustworthy people i know on here and i know we will always be friends :) i luff joining games with you coz i know that ur a really genuine person who won't go out of their way to deliberately backstab me <3

Reality - Well i remember you from when you first started on here :) your such a nice guy and i know people and myself included can trust you a ton and more :)

Sash - when we were in survivor i believe that was the 1st time we met :D you were nothing but nice to me and i really do appreciate that! Thank you for just being a genuinely nice person because as you may know, they are quite a rare species on this site ;)
PinaColada - Now i dont know you overly well but i know people have nothing but nice things to say about you :) i hope some day we can talk some more because i see you round this site loads but never had the chance to speak :/

Dav - You a Creep! LOL JK!! I <3 U :) you sarcasm always confuses me as i never know if your being serious or not! nonetheless i know you have always got my back and ill always have yours! Luff <3

Ian - well well well if it isn't Mr....i have a shop :P LOL JK <3 your laugh literally drives me INSANE! but i know whenever im in a game with u that u got ma back and i dont have that with many people on here so feel special :D

Danny - the Irish slut :P i have known you for quite some time now and continually seem to crack me up! however your constant attacks at me are very repetitive ;) JK :) <3

Jimmy - when it came to writing this i honestly had no idea what to write :P but you told me to kiss your ass so thats what imma do :) *pukes* Luffs Yooo :)

Brandon - Your probably one of the people in our calls that i really haven't got to know overly well which is a shame because you seem like such a cool dude! <3

Malik - well our friendship is really interesting because i always feel like you don't trust me :/ if i was to ever join ai game with you i would think you would want me out, maybe that just me and from what happened between us in that rookies :/ you really are a nice guy though :)

Joey - JOEY! :D man i swear i used to join like every single game with you :P some of the things u say are so weird but they still crack me up XD never forget those times :)

Tofu - just had a great couple of survivor merges together! im sorry for voting you to i really am but based on scores i believed it had to be you :/ you such a cool and calm dude though and you dont get many of them around these parts anymore :D

DiNoM - now i've played with you in a few games but never got to know you fully! you seem like such a down to earth guy and some day im sure we will cross paths again :) btw Grats on stars finals :D

2008girl - you are one of the only people on this site that i really really really wanna join with and get to know because everyone always raves about how nice you and so i would love to join a game with you :)

Quackerz - one of my newest friends :D we went pretty far in that spanish castings and we have joined games together here to :) you seem really genuine and nice and i really like that about you.

TP - Well we have had some great games together and i know if i ever join a game ur in u'll do the best to keep me safe as long as possible and i would do the same :) pluss your british so i like you even better :D

Brawl  - now it might just be a name that sounds familiar but i feel like i have seen you in this site for ages but i've never gotten to know you fully :/ you seem like a great person though :)

Dillbob - all i know id that you are a beast in challenges XD naaaahhh you seem like a nice guy but a guy that i dont know particularly well unfortunetly :/

Khart - its only until recently that i have been in a few games that you have been in and been able to speak to you :) however i must say you are a really nice person and would love to join more games with you!

Wonderland - Amy :) my little stars buddy :P TY for everything you did with the gifting i really appreciate that :) but i must say even though i don't speak to you everyday like some people i know you are one of my good friends on this site :)

Austin - now i remember from last time when i said i didn't know you overly well and immediately you mailed me and since then we have spoken quite a lot and im glad we have because you are seriously one awesome guy :) <3

rdesch - a fellow Ryan :D we seem to be on different parts on tengaged or something because bar a couple of games i literally never speak to you which kinda sucks coz i think we get on really well :/

Sakwilla - well in rookies we aren't the best of allies :P am i right? :P however some day none of us will join with pre-mades and we will eventually be able to work together properly XD

ZIMY - my survivor merging friend :D i absolutely loved those few merges with you because before then we didn't really speak and now we do and your making signs for me with my name on it :D lovely gurl <3

BengalBoy - oh my :O well you always pluss my annoying spam without even having a go at me and trust that doesn't happen a lot. it's fair to say your pretty down to earth and i know that you will always be you which i luff luff luff :)

Jenna - another one of my new friends! i had a great time in survivor with you :) sorry it was cut short though :/ your a really sweet girl and i know that we are gunna be good friends :)

Scheuer - i couldn't help but think in survivor it was really awkward with you being the only one from your tribe left that didn't flip :x however beyond that you are a super nice guy, really trustworthy and bit of a monster in challenges XD

Snoofle - i've said it before and ill say it again, i luff luff luff your voice :P sounds so stupid but i do :) past that i think your a really nice sweet girl and it sucks that you were out in stars so early ='(

Domany - well we have had our moments haven't we :P but im glad that FINALLY everything is done and finally i can call your my friend :D its about time too :P

Danielvk - well i see you around tengaged all the time and i always pluss your spam because most of the time i actually enjoy reading/plussing it :) but i haven't really gotten to know you which is a shame :/ mail me  and we'll talk :D

sprtsgy - i love talking to you because your always honest and will never talk shit behind my back and i love that about you :) we may have only played a few games together but i have a lot of trust for you :)

Hoodie - well apart from stars i have no reason to dislike you :P theres something different about you on this site and i can't quite put my finger on it :D when i find out ill let you know :D

Finkle - TY so much for everything in survivor i had a blast! :D shame it ended so early but like very little people on her ei have gotten to know you a lot better as time goes on and hope that carries on cuz your awesome :D

Vessa - i KNOW you will always be there for me :D <3 i can trust you with anything and i know that u'll always be there behind me :D i don't feel like that about many people on this site so you should feel special :D

Tony - One of my newest friends on this site :D you are super trustworthy and super nice :D thank you for joining this site because tengaged needs more people like you :)

Qwert - i always luv typing your name out on the keyboard :d it makes me giggle! sucks you were out of stars :( but i can honestly say you are one of my favs on this site :D <3

Tymu - probably my oldest remaining friend on this site =') i dont think ill ever run out of nice things to say about you :) i know you ull always have my back in games and i know i can trust you with anything :)

Robbster - unfortunetly i dont think we have ever been on the same side in games :/ i know from hearing about you that you are loyal, trustworthy and just a down right nice guy though :)

Mork - :D :D :D you always make me smile as the things you say to me are just so nice :D i may not know you overly well but i know i will always have a friendship with you.

Je - RENEGADES :D ha i will never forget that :P im glad we have gotten closer again recently as i think your a super amazing person and i love spending time and playing games with  you :)

Trishy - your designs are seriously so posh :P LOL the survivor we were in together was by far one of my favs and  i defo think it brought us closer together as before that i didn't know you that well :/ so TY <3

People I Don'y Know Well Enough: :( (MAIL ME I WANT TO KNOW YOU)
Banjo :(
Timster :(
snels66 :(
Kryssy23 :(
amills :(
GDrummer :(
Pattieilikefun :(
dreambabe :(
Sirgaga :(
Points: 705 76 comments
Survivor IDEA! Nov 20, 2010
Wouldn't it be awesome if we had tribe swapping like in the real thing :O
how freaking awesome would that be?!
Points: 544 18 comments
STARS........ Nov 20, 2010
.......This week it is 1 for the price of 2 :)
NO NO NO not 2 for the price of 1 :P 1 for the price of 2 :D
Thank you for shopping at Tengaged stars

HINT: look at the price they paid to get in ;)

ALSO check out my new survivor idea :D
Points: 751 17 comments
☆ Featured Player Profile 12 - Aquamarine ☆ Nov 12, 2010
imageTotallyMicheal has been busy all week and unfortunetly couldn't do the featured blog ='( this means that shay had to pick someone else and she picked Aquamarine.

Aquamarine/Metslover or just Johnny is known for having numerous accounts after being banned :P but has finally settled with his account of Aquamarine currently with a total of 1920 (on this account) this puts Johnny at 10th in the hall of fame! Currently at blood red level he is only that last step away from the prestigious TV star level. Having played 273 games it is clear that he must enjoy being here :) Take a look below to see what he has to say!

How long have you been on tengaged?
Since November 22nd of 2008 (on metslover7675)! Me and NoelSarah joined our first games together ^.^

When’s your birthday?
June 14th 1994. So I’m 16 :D

Where are you from?
New York, USA. Not gonna say my town in fear of the creepers on here ;)

What’s your favourite colour?
I’d love to say its Aqua, but it isn’t. Its actually red.

What’s your favourite tengaged game so far?
The Duel. Even if its not played anymore, it’s the thing I was best at. Challenges are my strong point, and I don’t have to worry about that health crap!

Who’s the person you are closest on Tengaged and why?
ShayyBayy by far. I talk to her every day, and she is the biggest pain in the ass ever, but she still helps me with everything whenever I need someone to talk to, and I’d like to think that I have helped her more than anyone I’ve ever met ;)

What’s the song that you could listen to all the time without getting bored of it?
One of these 4: Let It Rock, Love the Way You Lie (Pt. 1+2), Watcha Say, and I Made It.

What’s your favourite/lucky number?
64. Lucky number is anything with a 7 tho @_@

BBUSA or BBUK and Why?
BBUSA, one because I am from the United States, and two because it involves a lot more strategy than the UK version has. Also has exciting competitions (y).

What do you want be when your older or what do you do as a career now?
I want to be involved with business somehow. Right now I’m just in school. I have an overall average of around a 99. =)

Do you believe in pre-mades in any type of game?
Can you imagine the response this blog would get if I said no? Of course I do, everyone joins with premades in games like rookies and whatnot! Its actually more fun though when I have to work to stay by winning PoV’s and stuff like that though. OC 4 LYFE.

Favorite big brother contestant?
I took the liberty of changing all the “favourite”s to “favorite” ;). Anyways, my favorite contestant ever is Danielle from BB3. Britney from BB12 would have to be a close second though. Although, I consider myself to be most like Hayden…winning competitions and being loud ;)

Your Favorite Food?
White Fudge Oreos!

If you could have 1 word to describe yourself, what would it be?
I’d say outgoing…Though most people are telling me either “Backstabber” or “Angry” or “Prepubescent” =’(

Finish the sentence! In one years time I will ………
Be #1 in the Hall of Fame ;)

What’s your biggest achievement on Tengaged so far?
Getting banned after getting black level, and then rebuilding my account to be (currently) #10 in the Hall of Fame. And I’ll probably have earned 2000 karma in one year, even though that just means I have no life.

Look around! What’s the first thing that caught your eye?
Erm. A Pikachu stuffed toy? @_@

What’s the grossest thing you have ever eaten?
A+W Root Beer Jelly Beans. They almost made me puke.

What was your greatest childhood memory?
Going to Disney World when I was 6 years old. =)

If you were reincarnated you would be………
A parrot. They live a really long time and can fly around in the jungle and stuff. And repeat what you say. XD

One thing that not a lot of people know about you…..
That I plan on never drinking, and if not that I will NEVER get drunk. Smoking and drugs are bad kiddies! Stay off them, or I will harass you for all eternity…just ask Shay!

Please now pick someone to be the next featured profile (cannot be someone who is banned)
Points: 262 17 comments