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Tomato, Ta-Motta. Loca-Motta!

Posts 101 posts

Feeling Blue? I Know I Am! =) Sep 12, 2010
Well! as you can see im now an official member of the sky blue crew :O that rhymes! :D
anywayz i've been on this site for over 2 years now and i really cant believe how far i've come! so many different people have tough me so many new and different things about me and this may sound cheesy but i wouldn't be who i am without this site so i thank you Tengaged :D

Now for the Thank You's O_O

BbDamian - you have slowly become my best friend on this site! Period. like we used to never talk always against each other, whether it were in stars or in a rookies, we never seemed to be on the same page! then came along survivor! and my word! thank god it did! because you a truly an amazing person and never change being you :)

Jayne - your always make me smile with your sarcasm and i've said this before i know but u do :) you are like a big sister to me and i hope we don't lose contact because you super lovely :)

Vessa - Your always there for me when i need you <3 although we may not have spoken properly in a while i know that if ever i need someone you are there to help me and that is something special that not many people have <3

Tymu888 - :) thats all i do whenever i see you around Tengaged! all i do is smile because ur one of the most upbeat and happy people i know :D you may be one of my oldest friends but that doesn't mean ur forgotten :D

Arsen - we may not speak a lot but when we do i just have to smile because you are you :P your like a brother to me and its always nice to know your there :)

Nocaroo + Xrated - we partners in crime! although one is gone and the other may be forgotten by most i will never forget you too <3 you made such impacts on people here without you realizing i do really miss you guys :/

Luke/Joee/Pounds + Riddy - Fail Alliance or what?  but i wouldn't have changed any of it :) we had some good times together even if sometimes they went horribly wrong!

the Skype callers - Shayy/Danny/Mets/Charming/Jeff/Dav/Corey/Vishaala/Paxton/Robby/Anthony/Ian + Stephen - TY for making me feel welcome i guess is the word! i know i may not be the loudest person or the most talkative but i really do enjoy chatting to you guys and i have had some great laughs with u so TY <3

Other Shout outs - Emily, Alana, Kez, Jubbzy, TeePee, Phanne, Dools, Jason, Noel, CJ, Jhay, Suitman, Markie, Haskova, Laura, Bibbles, Smi, Swimmy, mike, Peter, Tom, Kris, Sue, Willy, Alex, Ev, Brooke and many many more <3 i really do wish i could sit her all night and mention everyone but i can't :/

and TY to randomize for creating this place and letting meet SO many beautiful people because none of us would have met without it and that really amazes me is that i wouldn't know any of you if i didn't join this site and that's really quite sad to me =')
Points: 818 36 comments
☆ Featured Player Profile 3 - BengalBoy ☆ Sep 10, 2010
imageBefore we get started with the featured profile I will be making a few changes now! Firstly the player picked will now get to chose who is the next featured profile! I just think it gets the player more involved in the interview than just answering question! So at the bottom of the page will be the next featured profile so everyone knows what’s coming up next! This ties in with a new part of the featured profiles where you can send in your comments about the next player and I will obviously add some of the comments! If I get too many I may have not put some In but I will try to submit as many as possible! that’s all for now so lets get on with this weeks Featured player profile!

Bengalboy also known as Dru to some people has been on tengaged for just over a year and a half now and has played a total number of just 39 games! (including the 50+ merges he ahs made) O_O with a total of 985 karma im sure we all agree that’s a record to be proud of! Currently ranked 54th in the HoF rankings Dru is still a whopping 353 karma away from the HoF itself!Still only on black level Bengalboy is in no rush to get to that next colour level! Having won a total of 73 games including survivor merges its fair to say he’s not a bad player!
For more gossip check out T-Chatter Edition 1 Here

How long have you been on tengaged?

It's been a good while- that's for sure! I'd say abar a year and a half with a few cheeky breaks in between.

When’s your birthday?

The same day as Tex Ritter, America's Singing Cowboy.

Where are you from?

I was born in the Yukon, as many people may have guessed. But I packed my things and moved with my parents to England in the Summer of 94, in hopes of a new life. I believe it was Tex Ritter, America's Singing Cowboy, who once said: "It's not where you're from... It's where you're at."

What’s your favourite colour?

I like plain colours like black and white, it really knobs me off when my mother mixes the colours with the whites and I end up with a cheeky baby blue t-shirt or whatever.

What’s your favourite tengaged game so far?

It'd have to be The Duel, I just can't get enough of it!

Who’s the person you are closest on Tengaged and why?

That'd have to be big Fronty P aka Frontier Psychiatrist. We've rapped together, we've sang together, we've pillaged and pioneered together, we've done it all. Top respect Fronty.

What’s the song that you could listen to all the time without getting bored of it?

Anything by "Theodor Bastard".

What’s your favourite/lucky number?

With so many numbers, it's hard to decide on just one! One of my favourite numbers is 2. It isn't high in value, yes, but it makes up for it with its fine aesthetic structure.

BBUSA or BBUK and Why?

I think they're both dead shite if am being honest. Not into reality shows ironically :P

What do you want be when your older or what do you do as a career now?

A Tree Surgeon.

Do you believe in pre-made sin any type of game?

Seeing is believing, and I've seen some premades in my time. I usually avoid joining with more than one person, although it has happened before. I really don't like stars premades and I love rookies premades as long as they're doubling my t$.

Favourite big brother contestant?

Brian from The Mint

Your Favourite Food? 

I do love a biv of spag bol!

If you could have 1 word to describe yourself, what would it be?


Finish the sentence! In One years time I will ………

Finally find what I've been looking for.

What’s your biggest achievement on Tengaged so far?

Being j0nhale's favourite member of The Lads *OFFICIAL*

Look around! What’s the first thing that caught your eye?

The de-humidifier- it's bloody beautiful!

What’s the grossest thing you have ever eaten?


What was your greatest childhood memory?

The time I beat Ruthless Ronald in a Pokémon card battle, and won his shiny Charizard.

If you were reincarnated you would be………

Back, and stronger than ever.

FINALLY! you must pick the next person to be the next featured profile! so who you gunna pick? FrOntIeRpSyChIaTrIsT

Points: 839 26 comments
☆ Featured Player Profile 2 - Bluestar ☆ Sep 5, 2010
imageBluestar also known as Kez has been on the site now for 16 months and has managed to rack up an awesome 1085 karma in the time she has been here! she has played 55 games including survivor merges and has racked up a total of 70 wins which may not make sense but that includes survivor merges :P

How long have you been on tengaged? 1 year and 4 months, joined in April 09

When’s your birthday? 18th June

Where are you from? a lil town near Manchesterrr

What’s your favourite colour? hmmmm tough one, probabaly blue

What’s your favourite tengaged game so far? Survivor <3

Who’s the person you are closest on Tengaged and why? I have a few really good friends but if I had to choose one it's be Ryatur20... I know I can tell him anything and he knows how exactly how to piss me off but also how to make me smile :')

What’s the song that you could listen to all the time without getting bored of it? Mardy Bum - Arctic Monkeys

What’s your favourite/lucky number? 8 (obv an even number)

BBUSA or BBUK and Why? UK, Iv never watched the US one

What do you want be when your older or what do you do as a career now? I loveee my career, I'm a hair stylist in a City Centre salon, I'm also on the Paul Mitchell Art Team which involves me teaching on hairdressing courses around the UK.. My goal is to eventually have my own training school

Do you believe in pre-made sin any type of game? Yes, id be a hypocrite if I said no

Favourite big brother contestant? hmmm maybe brian dowling

Your Favourite Food? italian food

If you could have 1 word to describe yourself, what would it be? Creative

Finish the sentence J I One years time I will ……… have progressed in my career, be happy anddd will have finally washed my car

What’s your biggest achievement on Tengaged so far? My survivor merges

Look around! What’s the first thing that caught your eye? My rooms a mess, it need tidying :(

What’s the grossest thing you have ever eaten? a friend brought home from her holiday this chocolate turkish delight, it was disgusting, tasted like rubber

What was your greatest childhood memory? ohmy this is a tough one.. probs my birthday party when I was like 8 or something, my cousins from Australia came over and surprised me and I had a bouncy castle yayy

If you were reincarnated you would be……… a cat because they have 9 lives, u cud do extreme sports and not worry
Points: 750 28 comments
☆ 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY BLOG ☆ Aug 30, 2010
This is it :)
it's just struck midnight when i posted this blog meaning my 2 year anniversary has officially started :)
Ok :)
first off im gunna start at the beginning! kids you better get comfy this could take a while! :P
i first joined this site on the 31st of August (obviously) 2008 :O
joined my first games which was a 10 player castings :P shows how old i am XD
then i carried on joining games and more games and suddenly i find myself in my 1st stars :O i joined when i was BLUE LEVEL :P like blue levels wouldn't even dream of getting in stars now so this site has grown so much since then :) i was a real flavour in that stars and got 5th being taken out by Jensa :P
around a year into my time on tengaged i bought black!
in fact i think i brought black level on my 1 year anniversary :D
i was black level for a long time then new colour levels came out!
around march/april time i joined the HOF and haven't left since :) that was also another massive accomplishment on this site and honestly there's nothing i need to do here now but i just stay because of the lovely people i have met :) and now i sit here with my gold level feeling very happy and proud on how far i have come on this site :)

moving on to those amazing people i have met imma just quickly go through some of the people that really have made my time on this site the best it could possible be :)

Nocaroo - R.I.P only person i knew outside this site and see you everyday at school :) TY for everything! :)

BbDamian - we joined that survivor way back and made 14 merges together but every since then you really have been my best friend on this site and really have looked out for me :) <3

Imxrated + tymu - 2 of my oldest friends on the site but never forgotten <3 thank you for all those great games we played together and for always being so loyal to me <33

Vessa + Jm - my survivor friends! without you i wouldn't have done half the things i have done without the help of you guys in that survivor game!

Jayne - our lovely chats we have on skype when i never know if ur online or not but also thank you for always supporting me in everything i've done and you always remember little things that i may have forgotten happened between us :)

Suitman - my first ever friend on this site :) never forget you <33

Arsen - we have some weird bro-mance thing that i don't really understand but ur such an awesome guy and never gets angry at me which is really nice :D

Other shout-outs! ---> Charming, Phanne, Shayy, Johnny, Anthony, Paxton, Jhay, Noel, Luke, Joee, Corey, Alana, Vishaala, Triple, CJ and not forgetting brooke and many more! really am sorry if i didn't mention you :( </3

Heres to 2 years of tengaged :) <33
Points: 799 31 comments
First Featured Profile!! You Decide :) Aug 8, 2010
Ok so i was having a really hard time trying to decide on who will be the 1st of my Featured profiles! and i finally came to the decision that i will let Tengaged decide :)
so you can only post 1 name on this blog! (yes i will be checking for double posts) and the player with the most votes will be my first Featured profiler :)
So Post Away! :D
EDIT: you can't post yourself!
Points: 990 86 comments
Featured Profiles! Aug 7, 2010
i dont know if many of you remember Swatza doing these but i used to always remember thinking what a good idea it was!
so i have decided i might start it up again by interviewing a certain person every week and then posting their interview in a blog for everyone to see! :)
like some people probably think this is a stupid idea! but i want to know what everyone thinks of it 1st before i put loads of effort into to something noone cares about XD

Post your thoughts!
Points: 1018 52 comments