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Tomato, Ta-Motta. Loca-Motta!

Posts 101 posts

The HoF Without The Duel Feb 16, 2011
Well here ya go :) game number 3/5 ^_^

Fiona 3117
MattyBB9 2822
PrincessTeePee 2694
BbDamian 2654
Phenomanimal 2646
Megan 2581
JesseM 2470
WillyEx 2407
Alegeeter 2384
MinsiKid 2383
Uskyld 2311
Emmaleigh 2265
BioDork 2194
Maggie 2164
Lonlee 2096
Rippyroo 2069
JordanLloydFan 2053
Aquamarine 2034
Ryatur 1908
Kmyster 1816

This was done at 8pm GMT so i dont think any other karma was added by that time :P Enjoy ^_^
Points: 1301 31 comments
The Hof Without Survivor Feb 12, 2011
NOW! :P this is where the changes are at O_O literally huge ass switches high and low! far more interesting than the stars one :) once again take a look below to see all the changes that have happened :)

Fiona 3127
MattyBB9 2647
Megan 2551
Emmaleigh 2547
BbDamian 2536
WillyEx 2480
Phenomanimal 2467
BioDork 2444
PrincessTeePee 2384
JesseM 2306
Alegeeter 2279
Aquamarine 2263
JordanLloydFan 2145
Uskyld 2008
MinsiKid 2007
Lonlee 1966
Rippyroo 1804
Maggie 1799
Kmyster 1796
Ryatur 1577

This was done at 6pm GMT any karma added after that won’t have counted so over the next day this may be a little off but you get the rough idea! :)
Points: 1273 28 comments
The Hof Without Stars Feb 11, 2011
try to imagine stars never being created! there was never such a game and every Saturday you could never enroll! well I've been doing a bit of maths and I've worked out everyones Karma in the HoF IF stars had never been created! take a look below to see how things have changed.

This was done at 5pm GMT so im not gunna bother updating it :)

1st - Fiona - 3247
2nd - Phenomanimal - 3182
3rd - Emmaleigh - 3027
4th - Alegeeter - 3014
5th - BbDamian - 2971
6th - MattyBB9 - 2892
7th - WillyEx - 2875
8th - BioDork - 2684
9th - PrincessTeePee - 2604
10th - JesseM - 2591
11th - Megan - 2578
12th - JordanLloydFan - 2515
13th - Aquamarine - 2502
14th - MinsiKid - 2422
15th - Ryatur - 2362
16th - Kmyster - 2351
17th - Lonlee - 2303
18th - Rippyroo - 2265
19th - Maggie - 2139
20th - Uskyld - 2073

things haven't changed THAT much but im going to try and do it for the other games too and i think the results from that may be a big different :P
Points: 1350 27 comments
TV STAR ^_^ Jan 30, 2011
So do i get a little yellow box now? :D
Number 19 i believe? ^_^
WOW i really cannot believe i have finally got here (luvs charity games) <3

Ok so where do i start? All the way back in August 08 perhaps? :D Yes......i joined this site nearly 2 and a half years ago! O_O thats really quite sad isn't it? XD

Ok so i really have no idea what to say but when these new levels first came out i really did not expect to get TV stars i was like 900 karma away form it and i just thought it was impossible :x Well i was wrong....

It's so weird to think i have made SO many amazing friends on here and yet i don't know any of them IRL like most of these people are half way around the world and it's just really amazing that a site like this really can bring so many people together... (and apart) O_O

Apart form Winning a stars i really feel like i have done it all on Tengaged after buying this level :D Finally i can say +15 :D after having sky blue for SO long its so nice to finally say +13 and im a TV star :D

Skipping blood level was kinda weird because i have never skipped any level before but because i hate blood IRL and it makes me puke i kinda wanted to just leave it XD so thats my reasoning for that incase anyone was wondering :D

Onto the people that have made this happen!! :D
literally if i could list the whole of Tengaged i would! because every moment leading up to this has been influenced by so many people and it literally was down to you guys :D but there are some people on here that have had a bigger impact than other so because of tradition and shit ill mention a few (bit more than a few) people who have given me so many good memories on this site ^_^
Suitman13 (my first ever friend on Tengaged) BbDamian, Anthony, Vishaala, Shay, Tony, Chelsea, Jamie, Johnny, Danny, Corey, Ian, Jimmy, Zach, Lucy, Dav, Eddie, Paxton, Robby, Yoki Seb and anyone else related to the OC, Jayne, Tymu, ImXrated93, Nocaroo, Joee, Luke, Arsen, Vessa, Jeff, Dorkish, Phanne, ¬¬', Emily, Alana, Alex, Noel, Kris, Seaking, Steevy, Finkle, Qwert, Charming, Laura, bibbles, Mike, Willy + SO many more but i really can't remember your names right now! :/

Thank you for all the memories i have had and all that are yet to come!
Points: 1034 60 comments
C O N F E S S I O N Jan 20, 2011
I'm A Girl IRL

LOL JK but i luvs drama ^_^
Points: 584 14 comments
The Official List Of People..... Jan 14, 2011
.......Who Have Never Bought T$
EDIT: If you have had people buy it for you that still counts as buying T$
Official List:
- Rippyroo
- Je7467
- PayPal
- Tonym101101
- sokerstar
- chelseaa16
- finegold
- ecologydude
- Sparky9171
- PrincessTeepee
- vh1luvr15
- wumblebee
- NotAfraid
- TheIrishSmurf4
- BB5lover
- Joe1110
- eee400
- semajdude911
- Dav_o_79
- Brandolicious
- QueenDoe
- FantasyPNTM
- Akomes
- Akron
- Loowis
- LucyX3Jean
- rdesch1
- MinsiKid
- Millzepede
- kelly_joanne
- Tevin1001
- ambermansell
- koolboy357
- ShadowBaller000
- Jermin119
- bigmike6192
- connorthomson
- _Aria
- mike56
- Brandonator
- Mankini
- yankees14456
- DiNoM
- snowflake3
- snowskier121
- sparks75
- Dash
- SuperPatrick
- lachy35
- easyExoxo
- Brittney
- Xbac5
- joey96
- tenj246
- ZEEnon
- TheTropicalPun
- Slizer107
- Nakomis
- survivorfan12
- Heather15
- owee13
- Juergen
- jdog
- David
- realitynerd
- philliesfan09
- Cray
- _maffew
- Ryguy
- Evaa
- mikec51
- Lotta
- MelloJello
- iEpic101
- nmh95
- Honalulue
- TehWinner
- dreambabe101
- SashaBaby2010
- Quackerz
- Farst
- khart92
- mack3199
- JohnMorrison
- superman11
- BengalBoy
- Jaylon
- MrAlexD
- Shabootyquiqui3
- Patrick319
- AllieBoBallie
- Scheuerman14
- disneygeek
- cody_
- pokemaster
- Mitsuki
- Phenomanimal
- Zimy
- MastaManipulator_11
- awesome2210
- soccerguy0428
- JP923
- dustinb1694
- Quentin
- supergoten
- BowlerKid21
- MichelleLi
- hoodieboy7449
- Moonfelar
- TheRealMessiah
- Tykeal
- BigBrotherFanGirl09
- Libertarian
- bubba3
- jerimondo
- sjsoccer88
- jeffypop
- SuppJosh
- Yoki
- Kob3Sm1th
- 1fireboy
- Claud
- tyleror
- chameleoneyes
- sd66
- Guessmyname
- qwert2
- vikejk17
- tymu888
- Herki
- xloveladyx
- toro
- Balls
- cristieh
- jackyboy
- James1985
- iGravity
- hello555
Points: 1119 192 comments