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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

☆ P Y N Blog ☆

5thOct 28, 2010 by rippyroo
Title Says It All! :) <3

just a plain old what i think of you :) haven't done it in a while so thought i should do it :D


Keyston ♥ Uhm i dont know overly well so this is kinda hard :/ but from looking at ur record u seem like a pretty good player :D be nice to play a game with u sometime :)

Yoshitomi ♥ Brutally Honest?? Well..........u are strange i must give you that :P but some of the games we played together were hilarious!! :D LUVS!

kelly_joanne ♥ one of a long list of people that i haven't had the pleasure of getting to know yet :( im sorry :(

Je7467 ♥ We have had our ups and downs i must say :P but u are very loyal and a great friend! RENEGADES <3

Infamous ♥ even tho we are in calls all the time ive never spoken to you properly :/ such a cool dude tho!!

PrincessTeePee ♥ ill always remember that game against the pre-made :) one of the biggest turn around's in a game for me :D Such a nice Lass :)

william3 ♥ i dont think we have officially got to know each other :/ we've played games but never been close! something to work on :D

BbDamian ♥ Best friend on Tengaged! need to say much more? i honestly never thought ever that if u told me a year ago we would be so close i would have been in shock! Thank you for everything :)

Bluestar ♥ You always seem to say the right things at the right time and its always so nice talking to you :) we may not be super close but i do know i have a friend in you :D

Danny ♥ Me old Irish mucker :P super awesome guy!!! u may be SUPER annoying sometimes but i know i can trust you with almost anything :D

Koolness ♥ Uhm.....i really dont know what to make of u :P do u like me? do yo not like me? u seem nice enough im just curious of what u think of me :P

Puma ♥ HOWS YOUR VULPIX HOODIE GURL? LOL sorry for the wait :P LOL u seem like such a sweet guy! quite quiet imo but hopefully over time we can become closer friends :D

Wonderland ♥ Now we always seem to be together then apart in stars XD your such a nice girl and its a shame we aren't closer because i think we could be really good friends :)

Bradd156 ♥ Thank You :) thats all i have to say :P you creep me out sometimes but overall your such a good guy even if i do vote u out of skype games :S

AlanaDee ♥ Well Well Well, me thinks we should join another stars as it has worked out good every time :P But i know if i ever i need someone your always there and thats something that really is special :)

Vishaala ♥ GIRL we have become so close its so weird like i'd never thought we would be good friends before i met you :P your a definetly the mother figure on here for me which i luff :)

jtotalturtle ♥ i feel we have this weird sort of friendship :P like i know you and everything but we really dont talk a lot XD but whenever your on call your super nice :)

Antnikiabonnie ♥ whenever i think of you i think of survivor :P i'll never forget that :P your one of the most easiest people to talk to on here because your just so friendly <3

Ianfitz ♥ Uhm who are you? JK JK :P Well Ian i must say your are one of the people i enjoy talking to the most on here and playing games with! super loyal and always up for a laugh :D

Tymu888 ♥ One of my oldest but still best friends on here :) i know i can always trust you with anything and your super loyal which is amazing :)

Brittney ♥ we have had our differences i must say! before we had that argument you were really nice and super funny :/ hopefully we'll get back to that soon :)

Mork ♥ we don't know each other as well as i'd like to because we always seem to be in games together yet we never seems to speak that much :/ you seem like a great guy so hopefully ill get to see that :)

Banjo ♥ another person i haven't had the pleasure of getting to know really well unfortunetly :/ i've heard good things about you though so hopefully we can talk soon :D

Steevy ♥ bit of a dodgy start in games but your definetly a friend and its lovely joining games with you as your always to talkative and friendly :D

Austin ♥ i see you so much around Tengaged but we have never been super close which sucks because your such an awesome guy! :/ mail me and we can talk some more :D

Patrick319 ♥ Someone who i have seen so much of yet know so little about :/ i ALWAYS see you on tengaged but i never had the chance to speak to you or get yo know you :/ hopefully that can change :)

Snoofle ♥ i have to say i love your voice :P had to get in there! your ALWAYS up for a laugh and when your on call you always make me giggle in some way! and your a really good spammer in games O_O

Loowis ♥ like many people i see you around tengaged a lot and we have spoken on rare occasions but never gotten to know you properly! super nice guy though :D

Vatcheabs ♥ What can i say? your a great ally and a loyal one at that! we may not always be on the same side in games and i think thats ok :)

Ryatur ♥ From what i hear you seem like a great guy! i know for a fact your beast in challenges but never had the honour of getting to know you that well! hopefully the time will come soon :D

TheCookieMonstor ♥ i think we've played a game before coz the name comes to mind :P you seem like a sweet person :)

MattyBB9 ♥ your a karma whore :P LOL but your such a nice guy and im glad that i've played games with you because people don't give you enough credit :/ <3

Philomena ♥ i don't think i know you do i? :/ mail me and we can join  a game sometime coz im up for getting to know new people :D

brookie_cookie ♥ Your hilarious! we may not know each other inside out but whenever we talk i always seem to have a great conversation with you :D

BigBrotherFanGirl09 ♥ we have played together once or twice before but once again i don't know you that well :( you seem like a sweet person though!

JustMe ♥ what happened to T-chat? :O it was awesome! luving playing survvior with you atm!! :) such a lovely person and i ALWAYS enjoy our conversations <3

Vessa ♥ we have had our ups and downs i must say but i know i can always count on you to be there for me <3 will never forget our 14 odd merges together :)

nasmay1 ♥ your such a cool dude and i may not know you too well but i know that your a great guy to play games with :)

Bix123 ♥ unfortunetly i haven't had the chance to meet you on this incredibly huge site yet so it's really hard to say anything about you ='(

Seal ♥ i see you around this A LOT :) but i've never had the opportunity to get to know you due to not being alligned in games or just not being in games in general! im sure your awesome though :D

talldude_1031 ♥ im so glad im finally getting to know you :0 your such a great guy and we may not be super close but over time im sure we will be great friends :D

Noelsarah ♥ i dont know where to start :S your one of the sweetest, kindest people on here and i love every game we play together! i know i've royally screwed u in our last game and im sorry i really am <3

MerPear ♥ we may not be super close by i can definetly call you a friend :) we've had some great games together and even if we don't now ull be apart of my experience :D

Jenna2010 ♥ one of my newest Tengaged friends :D your such a sweet girl and i've loved every minute of our survivor :) im sorry your gone now but thank you for a great time :)

JamesM ♥ I <3 U :D your such a great guy and i remember when i first joined you being here! i used to look up to you and i still do! great friend :)

qwert2 ♥ another one of my newer tengaged friends! although i have known you for a while on here its only recently that we have become a lot more closer :D i think your super awesome :)

ZIMY ♥ YOU are a beats in challenges i have to get that in there :P honestly one of the most genuine people i have met since i joined this site! you have a sincerity about you which i love :D

Dav_o_79 ♥ Uhm where do i start! u scare me u really do but thats what i love about you :D i never know if your being serious or not but i know that u are super awesome and a great friend :D


Sent by Keyston,Oct 28, 2010
Yoshi, and be brutally honest. :P
Sent by Yoshitomi,Oct 28, 2010
kelly_joanne :)
Sent by kelly_joanne,Oct 28, 2010
Sent by je7467,Oct 28, 2010
Sent by infamouskydd,Oct 28, 2010
Sent by PrincessTeePee,Oct 28, 2010
Sent by william3,Oct 28, 2010
Sent by BbDamian,Oct 28, 2010
Sent by BlueStar,Oct 28, 2010
Sent by danny,Oct 28, 2010
oh danny you on top
Sent by koolness234,Oct 28, 2010
puma xD
Sent by puma,Oct 28, 2010
Sent by Wonderland,Oct 28, 2010
brad x
Sent by bradd156,Oct 28, 2010
Sent by AlanaDee,Oct 28, 2010
Sent by BlueLagoon506,Oct 28, 2010
Sent by jtotalturtle,Oct 28, 2010
Sent by AntNikiaBonnie,Oct 28, 2010
Sent by ianfitz0012,Oct 29, 2010
Tymu888 <33

Sent by tymu888,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by Brittney,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by MORKMINDY,Oct 29, 2010
Banjo <3
Sent by Banjo,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by steevy,Oct 29, 2010
Austin :)
Sent by Austin,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by Patrick319,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by snoofle,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by Loowis,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by vatcheabs,Oct 29, 2010
ryan <3
Sent by ryatur20,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by TheCookieMonster,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by MattyBB9,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by Philomena,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by brookie_cookie,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by BigBrotherFanGirl09,Oct 29, 2010
me me me
Sent by JustMe,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by Vessa,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by nasmay1,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by Bix123,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by Seal,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by talldude_1031,Oct 29, 2010

Please play this, sorry for spam. =/
Sent by schmooboy,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by NoelSarah,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by MerPear,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by Jenna2010,Oct 29, 2010
jamesm (:
Sent by JamesM,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by qwert2,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by ZIMY,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by danny,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by JamesM,Oct 29, 2010

Sent by snookie123,Oct 29, 2010

Plz play the game I sponsered.

Sorry for spam.
Sent by tonym101101,Oct 29, 2010
quack :o
Sent by Quackerz,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by rdesch1,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by James1985,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by Claud,Oct 29, 2010
Phenomanimal =]
Sent by Phenomanimal,Oct 29, 2010
Sent by Kryssy23,Oct 29, 2010
Bonus Bones
Sent by joeyjones,Oct 29, 2010

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