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The neme81's blog

Posts 94 posts

Fast Big Brother Right Here Sep 26, 2015
Do you got what it takes:

Points: 0 1 comments
Brantsteele Big Brother Canada 3: Results Sep 25, 2015


-Naeha Sareen parkerstack7
-Britnee Blair pandashaveaheart75,
-James Huling alwaysvictorious
-Steve Moses xxThornWYZ
-Becky Burgess Brashful
- Allison White LoveMeLoveMe
-Meg Maley aj111
-Liza Stinton Fighton
-John Mcgurie opslove
-Elissa Slater Dragonair
-Audrey Middleton pleaseletmestay
-Austin Matelson Max_203
-Jason Roy DisneyWorldLover
-Hayden Moss Matedog1209
-Evel Dick bb123
-Frankie Grande ThatOneGuyyy


::Week 1 Info::

The houseguests are informed that they are all the HoH.

Each enters the diary room and votes to nominate two other houseguests.

Naeha nominates Allison and Elissa.

Brittnee nominates Evel Dick and Jason.

James nominates Becky and Audrey.

Becky nominates Frankie and James.

Steve nominates Austin and Brittnee.

Allison nominates Meg and Jason.

Meg nominates Allison and Hayden.

Liza nominates Elissa and Meg.

John nominates Elissa and Audrey.

Elissa nominates James and John.

Audrey nominates Meg and John.

Austin nominates James and Allison.

Jason nominates Brittnee and Hayden.

Hayden nominates Jason and Meg.

Evel Dick nominates Jason and Austin.

Frankie nominates Meg and Elissa.

Meg Maley: 5
Jason Roy: 4
Elissa Slater: 4
Allison White: 3
James Huling: 3
Hayden Moss: 2
John McGuire: 2
Brittnee Blair: 2
Austin Matelson: 2
Audrey Middleton: 2
Dick Donato: 1
Becky Burgess: 1
Frankie Grande: 1
Liza Stinton: 0
Steve Moses: 0
Naeha Sareen: 0

Week #1:
Initial Nominees: Meg and Jason
Veto Players: Meg, Jason, Evel Dick, Liza, Becky, Frankie
Veto Winner: Frankie
Veto Used: Yes on Meg
Replacement: Elissa
Final Nominees: Elissa and Jason
Evicted: Jason [Evicted by Canada]

::Week 2 Info::
Week #2:
Head of Household: Frankie
Initial Nominees: Becky and Elissa
Veto Players: Frankie, Becky, Elissa, John, Evel Dick, Steve
Veto Winner: Frankie
Veto Used: No
Replacement: No one
Final Nominees: Becky and Elissa
Evicted: Becky [7-5]

::Week 3 Info::
Instant Eviction:
Head of Household: Naeha
Nominees: Elissa and Hayden
Evicted: Elissa [6-5]

Week #3:
Head of Household: Frankie
Initial Nominees: James and Meg
Veto Players: Frankie, James, Meg, Austin, Brittnee, Naeha
Veto Winner: Meg
Veto Used: Yes on Meg
Replacement: Allison
Final Nominees: James and Allison
Evicted: James [5-5]

::Week 4 Info::

Canada has voted for a Forced Veto.

Week #4:
Head of Household: Allison
Initial Nominees: Frankie and Meg
Special Veto: Forced Veto
Veto Players: Allison, Frankie, Meg, Hayden, Brittnee, Audrey
Veto Winner: Frankie
Veto Used: Yes on Frankie
Replacement: Naeha
Final Nominees: Naeha and Meg
Evicted: Meg [5-4]

::Week 5 Info::

The winning evictee has now become a full-fledged Houseguest once again. They now have a chance to earn safety for the week. They will have 30 minutes to solve a series of logic puzzles that will lead them to a certain safe. If they find the correct safe before time runs out, they will earn safety for the week. If they do not, they must spend the night in the vault alone.

James does not earn safety and must spend the night in the vault alone.

Week #5:
Head of Household: Austin
Initial Nominees: Allison and Steve
Veto Players: Austin, Allison, Steve, Evel Dick, Hayden, Liza
Veto Winner: Hayden
Veto Used: No
Replacement: No one
Final Nominees: Allison and Steve
Evicted: Steve [6-3]

-The houseguests select one man and woman to go into the vault.

James and Audrey are selected.

Inside the vault there are two small beds, a blank TV screen, and two buttons.

If either of them press their button, they will receive $10,000.

The $10,000 would be deducted from the grand prize.

By doing this, they would be evicted from the game.

Neither houseguest presses their button

::Week 6 info::

Week #6:
Head of Household: Brittnee
Initial Nominees: Evel Dick and Audrey
Veto Players: Brittnee, Evel Dick, Audrey, Allison, James, John
Veto Winner: John
Veto Used: No
Replacement: No one
Final Nominees: Evel Dick and Audrey
Evicted: Audrey [5-3]

::Week 7 Info::

Week #7:
Head of Household: Evel Dick
Initial Nominees: Brittnee and Austin
Veto Players: Evel Dick, Brittnee, Austin, Frankie, Liza, Hayden
Veto Winner: Frankie
Veto Used: No
Replacement: No one
Final Nominees: Brittnee and Austin
Evicted: Austin [4-3]

::Triple Eviction info::

Triple Eviction:
Head of Household: Hayden
Initial Nominees: Naeha, John, James
Veto Players: Naeha, John, James, Allison, Brittnee, Frankie
Veto Winner: Frankie
Veto Used: No
Replacement: No one
Final Nominees: Naeha and John
Evicted: John [1 votes to stay] and James [1 votes to stay]

Evel Dick votes to save Naeha.

Allison votes to save John.

Liza votes to save James.

Brittnee votes to save Naeha.

Frankie votes to save Naeha.

::Week 8 Info::
Hayden and Evel Dick are voted Have-Nots for the week.

Hayden and Evel Dick compete to earn a special power.

Evel Dick wins the Have-Not Super Power!

This power requires the holder to remove one nomination before eviction.

Evel Dick has the option of removing both nominations.

He will choose any replacement nominations.

(At the Eviction)
Evel Dick reveals the Have-Not Super Power.


Evel Dick removes Allison from the block.


Evel Dick names Liza as the replacement.


Brittnee and Liza now face eviction.

Week #8:
Head of Household: Frankie
Have-Nots: Hayden and Evel Dick
Initial Nominees: Brittnee and Allison
Veto Players: Frankie, Brittnee, Allison, Hayden, Naeha
Veto Winner: Frankie
Have-Not Super Power Finder: Evel Dick
Veto Used: No
Replacement: No one
Post-Veto Nominees: Brittnee and Allison
Saved With Super Power: Allison
Replacements: Liza
Final Nominees: Brittnee and Liza
Evicted: Liza [3-1]

::Week 9 info::

Week #9:
Head of Household: Allison
Initial Nominees: Evel Dick and Frankie
Veto Players: Allison, Evel Dick, Frankie, Hayden, Naeha, Brittnee
Veto Winner: Frankie
Veto Used: Yes on Frankie
Replacement: Naeha
Final Nominees: Evel Dick and Naeha
Evicted: Naeha [2-1]

Double Eviction:
Head of Household: Frankie
Initial Nominees: Allison and Brittnee
Veto Players: Frankie, Allison, Brittnee, Hayden, Evel Dick
Veto Winner: Frankie
Veto Used: No
Replacement: No one
Final Nominees: Allison and Brittnee
Evicted: John [1-1]

::WEEK 10 INFO::

Week #10:
Head of Household: Hayden
Initial Nominees: Frankie and Evel Dick
Veto Players: Hayden, Frankie, Evel Dick, Brittnee
Veto Winner: Frankie
Veto Used: Yes on Frankie
Replacement: Brittnee
Final Nominees: Brittnee and Evel Dick
Evicted: Brittnee [1-0]

::Final HoH info::

The final three enter the vault.

They must come to a unanimous consensus on which jury member to evict from jury.

They are locked inside the vault until they decide.

The decision will be revealed on finale night.

Final HoH:
Part 1 Winner: Frankie
Part 2 Winner: Hayden
Part 3 Winner: Frankie
Nominees: Hayden and Evel Dick
Evicted: Hayden [1-0]

::Finale Info::

It is revealed that Audrey was evicted from the jury.

Evel Dick and Frankie watch the jurors vote.

Austin votes for Frankie to win.

Naeha votes for Frankie to win.

John votes for Evel Dick to win.

Steve votes for Frankie to win.

Allison votes for Evel Dick to win.

Brittnee votes for Evel Dick to win.

Liza votes for Evel Dick to win.

James votes for Frankie to win.

Hayden votes for Frankie to win.

-Inside the vault there are two small beds, a blank TV screen, and two buttons.

If either of them press their button, they will receive $10,000.

The $10,000 would be deducted from the grand prize.

By doing this, they would be evicted from the game.

Neither houseguest presses their button.

Finalists: Evel Dick and Frankie
Winner: Frankie [5-4]
America's Favorite: Allison

Personally I hate Frankie but this cast was smart as they tried to get him out but they failed so he deserves the win also with these stats

::other stats:

Total Wins
14: Frankie
3: Hayden
2: Allison
1: Meg
1: John
1: Austin
1: Naeha
1: Evel Dick
1: Brittnee
HoH Wins
5: Frankie
2: Hayden
2: Allison
1: Austin
1: Brittnee
1: Naeha
1: Evel Dick
PoV Wins
9: Frankie
1: Meg
1: Hayden
1: John

Times Nominated
7: Allison
7: Elissa
6: Meg
6: Brittnee
5: Evel Dick
4: Jason
4: Hayden
4: James
3: Austin
3: Frankie
3: Audrey
2: Becky
2: John
1: Steve
1: Naeha
0: Liza

Saved With Veto
2: Meg
2: Frankie

Votes Against
11: Elissa
9: Naeha
9: Allison
7: Becky
6: Brittnee
6: Steve
6: Hayden
6: James
5: Audrey
5: Meg
4: Austin
4: Evel Dick
3: Liza
1: John
0: Frankie
0: Jason

Points: 10 5 comments
Brantsteel Big Brother Canada 3: 12 spots open Sep 24, 2015

-Naeha Sareen parkerstack7
-Britnee Blair pandashaveaheart75,
-James Huling alwaysvictorious
-Steve Moses  xxThornWYZ
-Beck Burgess Brashful
Points: 3 3 comments
Bransteel Big Brother Canada 3: Sign ups Sep 24, 2015
It is a twist filled season
Choose from Us (s2-17) or Can (s1-s3)
first 16 #casting


-Naeha Sareen parkerstack7
-Britnee Blair pandashaveaheart75,
-James Huling alwaysvictorious
-Steve Moses xxThornWYZ
-Becky Burgess Brashful
- Allison White LoveMeLoveMe
-Meg Maley aj111
-Liza Stinton Fighton
-John Mcgurie opslove
-Elissa Slater Dragonair
-Audrey Middleton pleaseletmestay
-Austin Matelson Max_203
-Jason Roy DisneyWorldLover
-Hayden Moss Matedog1209
-Evel Dick bb123
-Frankie Grande ThatOneGuyyy
Points: 13 22 comments
Brantsteele Big Brother 15: RESULTS Sep 23, 2015
Prepare to read


-John Mcguire JamieN8954
- James Huling xxThornWYZ
-Naeha Sareen Jameslu
-Andrew Monhagan alwaysvictorious
-Monet Stunson CarsonWorld
-Dan Gheesling Colin1357
-Audrey Middleton Shuppet
- Candice Stewart pandashaveaheart75
-Cody Califiore Furryfox
-Jackie Ibara dawnpeacly
-Rachele Diamond cdawg4444
-Will Kirby thegreendragon193
-Jeff Schroeder opslove
-Patricia Denner LoveMeLoveMe
-Meg Maley Tommy123
-Ian Terry garygbs2nd


Earned in Week 6:

Jeff wins the Cone of Shame.

Ian wins 50 Shades of Orange.

John wins the Clownitard.

Dr. Will wins a Bahamas vacation.

Andrew wins $5000.

Earned in week 10:

Risha and Rachelle have to wear chicken suits.

Week #1:
Head of Household: Risha
Initial Nominees: Dr. Will and Ian
MVP: James
MVP Nominee: Jackie
Veto Players: Risha, Dr. Will, Ian, Jackie, James, Rachelle
Veto Winner: Risha
Veto Used: Yes on Dr. Will
Replacement: Cody
Final Nominees: Cody, Ian, and Jackie
Evicted: Jackie [7-5-0]

Week #2:
Head of Household: Candice
Initial Nominees: Ian and James
MVP: Candice
MVP Nominee: Dan
Veto Players: Candice, Ian, James, Dan, Monet, Andrew
Veto Winner: Ian
Veto Used: Yes on Ian
Replacement: Meg
Final Nominees: Meg, James, and Dan
Evicted: James [4-4-3]

Week #3:
Head of Household: Dan
Initial Nominees: Naeha and Audrey
MVP: John
MVP Nominee: Andrew
Veto Players: Dan, Naeha, Audrey, Andrew, Risha, Cody
Veto Winner: Dan
Veto Used: No
Replacement: No one
Final Nominees: Naeha, Audrey, and Andrew
Evicted: Audrey [5-5-0]

Week #4:
Head of Household: John
Initial Nominees: Ian and Andrew
MVP: America
MVP Nominee: Meg
Veto Players: John, Ian, Andrew, Meg, Naeha, Candice
Veto Winner: Naeha
Veto Used: No
Replacement: No one
Final Nominees: Ian, Andrew, and Meg
Evicted: Meg [5-4-0]

Week #5:
Head of Household: Risha
Initial Nominees: Monet and Ian
MVP: America
MVP Nominee: Andrew
Veto Players: Risha, Monet, Ian, Andrew, John, Cody
Veto Winner: Cody
Veto Used: Yes on Andrew
Replacement: Dan
Final Nominees: Monet, Ian, and Dan
Evicted: Monet [5-3-0]

Week #6:
Head of Household: John
Initial Nominees: Ian and Andrew
MVP: America
MVP Nominee: Dr. Will
Veto Players: John, Ian, Andrew, Dr. Will, Jeff, Naeha
Veto Winner: Naeha
Veto Used: Yes on Dr. Will
Replacement: Rachelle
Final Nominees: Ian, Andrew, and Rachelle
Evicted: Ian [4-3-0]

Fast Forward:
Head of Household: Cody
Initial Nominees: Rachelle and Risha
Veto Players: Cody, Rachelle, Risha, Dr. Will, John, Andrew
Veto Winner: John
Veto Used: Yes on Rachelle
Replacement: Dr. Will
Final Nominees: Dr. Will and Risha
Evicted: Dr. Will [6-1]

Week #7:
Head of Household: Dan
Initial Nominees: Risha and Naeha
Veto Players: Dan, Risha, Naeha, John, Rachelle, Candice
Veto Winner: Risha
Veto Used: Yes on Risha
Replacement: Cody
Final Nominees: Cody and Naeha
Evicted: Naeha [3-3]

Week #8:
Head of Household: John
Initial Nominees: Rachelle and Andrew
Veto Players: John, Rachelle, Andrew, Jeff, Dan, Risha
Veto Winner: John
Veto Used: No
Replacement: No one
Final Nominees: Rachelle and Andrew
Evicted: Andrew [3-2]

Week #9:
Returning Player: Ian
Head of Household: Jeff
Initial Nominees: Rachelle and Cody
Veto Players: Jeff, Rachelle, Cody, John, Ian, Candice
Veto Winner: Candice
Veto Used: No
Replacement: No one
Final Nominees: Rachelle and Cody
Evicted: Cody [4-1]

Week #10:
Head of Household: John
Initial Nominees: Rachelle and Ian
Veto Players: John, Rachelle, Ian, Jeff, Risha, Candice
Veto Winner: Rachelle
Veto Used: Yes on Rachelle
Replacement: Candice
Final Nominees: Candice and Ian
Evicted: Ian [4-0]

Fast Forward #2:
Head of Household: Jeff
Initial Nominees: Dan and Rachelle
Veto Players: Jeff, Dan, Rachelle, Candice, John, Risha
Veto Winner: John
Veto Used: Yes on Rachelle
Replacement: Candice
Final Nominees: Dan and Candice
Evicted: Candice [2-1]

Week #11:
Head of Household: John
Initial Nominees: Rachelle and Jeff
Veto Players: John, Rachelle, Jeff, Dan, Risha
Veto Winner: John
Veto Used: No
Replacement: No one
Final Nominees: Rachelle and Jeff
Evicted: Rachelle [1-1]

Week #12:
Head of Household: Risha
Initial Nominees: Dan and John
Veto Players: Risha, Dan, John, Jeff
Veto Winner: John
Veto Used: Yes on Dan
Replacement: Jeff
Final Nominees: Jeff and John
Evicted: Jeff [1-0]

Final HoH:
Part 1 Winner: Dan
Part 2 Winner: John
Part 3 Winner: John
Nominees: Dan and Risha
Evicted: Risha [1-0]

Finalists: Dan and John
Winner: John [5-4]
America's Favorite: Risha

16th- Jackie
15th- James
14th- Audrey
13th- Meg
12th- Monet
11th- Will
10th- Naeha
9th- Andrew
8th- Cody
7th- Ian
6th- Candice
5th- Rachelle
4th- Jeff
3rd- Risha
2nd- Dan
1st- John

Total Wins
10: John
5: Risha
4: Dan
2: Jeff
2: Cody
2: Naeha
2: Candice
1: Rachelle
1: Ian

HoH Wins
6: John
3: Risha
2: Jeff
2: Dan
1: Cody
1: Candice

PoV Wins
4: John
2: Naeha
2: Risha
2: Dan
1: Cody
1: Candice
1: Ian
1: Rachelle

Times Nominated
7: Rachelle
6: Ian
5: Andrew
4: Dan
3: Cody
3: Dr. Will
2: Jeff
2: Candice
2: Meg
2: Risha
2: Naeha
2: Audrey
1: James
1: Jackie
1: Monet
1: John

Saved With Veto
3: Rachelle
2: Dr. Will
1: Andrew
1: Ian
1: Dan
1: Risha

Votes Against
16: Ian
12: Andrew
8: Meg
7: Rachelle
7: Jackie
7: Cody
6: Dr. Will
5: Dan
5: Audrey
5: Monet
4: James
3: Naeha
2: Risha
2: Candice
2: Jeff
0: John
Points: 31 6 comments
Brantsteele Big Brother 15: 4 spots left Sep 22, 2015
Here to play:


-John Mcguire
- James Huling
-Naeha Sareen
-Andrew Monhagan
-Monet Stunson
-Dan Gheesling
-Audrey Middleton
-Candice Stewart
-Cody Califiore
-Jackie Ibara
-Rachelle Diamond
-Will Kirby
-Jeff Schroeder
Points: 0 0 comments