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The max318's blog

Posts 22 posts

Video game challenge day 16 Oct 6, 2013
Day 16 - Game with the best cut scenes..
The things i should pay attention to in video games. Everything i don't pay attention to. The game with the best cut scenes has to be... I have to say something don't I.... Stalling stalling stalling.. I guess my game with the best cut scenes would have to be Bioshock infite Fairly pretty and good story behind the cut scenes
Comment and share your opioions
Points: 0 1 comments
Video game challenge day 14 and 15. Oct 5, 2013
imageOnce again i missed my deadline. Well i can tell you i enjoyed my football game that we lost by 1 point.
Sorry guys.
Day 14 - Current (or most recent) gaming wallpaper.
My most recent gaming wallpaper would have to the 3d land super mario bros wall paper(i can't get a pic as this is a double pic day)
Day 15 - Post a screenshot from the game you’re playing right now
This is screenshot of me playing Cave Story again. Just started today.
Which games are you playing? Tell me.
Points: 10 1 comments
Video game challenge day 13 Oct 3, 2013
Day 13- A game you've played more than five times.
Well. (still bleed) ugg. Mario party 1-9, Mario kart, I got nothing. Well execpt for that one awesome game called Wind Waker.
The lovly somewhat short zelda game. Awesome tonny graphics just great.
Comment your answers i will also tag you to keep you updated with mine.
Points: 4 0 comments
Video game challenge day 12 Oct 2, 2013
Yay! Day 12 - A game everyone should play..
I would say bleed but i said that game was underrated for the purposes of this video game challenge i will try to not repeat myself either.
The game everyone should play is A hat in time. How much faith i put into a game that hasn't been released just shocks me. A hat in time is the ultimate throw back to SM64, Banjo Kazooie, and OoT. A nice solid 3d platformer as it seems. BBut as not alot of people have played it yet everyone should play it.
I love your opinion just drop it in the comment section and I will most likely respond.
Points: 9 0 comments
Larceny/ Oct 1, 2013
Well i don;t know how to go around this but i am an advertisement.
If you have money and you like apples to apples/=cards against humanity go there.
Points: 0 0 comments
Video game challenge day 10 &11 Oct 1, 2013
Look okay. I didn't forget to do the challenge yesterday. I think a squirrel or a raccoon chewed on the power line and put me out for the day as soon as I was going to update my blog.
Day 10- Game with favorite game(best game play but i really hate best)

Well my game with my favorite gameplay has to be Super Mario galaxy 2. Not because it is my favorite game i think that is is a decent game with quality platformer gameplay. Best of the series(doesn't mean it is my favorite out of the series). I think it improves upon the #D standards and raises the bar.

Day11- Gaming system of choice.

Wait for it wait for it. The wii. I know. But trust me on this one consider this I get to play all of my GC games on the Wii and even more(wii games and the wiishop). Done.
Please share you answers. I love them. I would like to have a conversation with you on your opinions just please share them. I will also keep tagging you to keep you updated on mine.
Points: 18 1 comments