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The max318's blog

Posts 22 posts

Video game challenge day 3 Sep 23, 2013
imageDay 3- A game that is underrated.
The game that I think is underrated(very interesting thing underrated I might make a blog about what underrated really is) Bleed. Everyone who plays this game loves(most of them) it but have you heard of it.  A throw back to 2D action platformers but I only found out about through a friend. Please play bleed it is a very fun game that everyone should play and it is only $5.
Post and I will tag you.
Points: 15 1 comments
Video game challenge day 2 Sep 22, 2013
imageDay 2- favorite character
This is a really tough one. I guess i have to go with wait for it.
TOAD. Yes that annoying guy that everyone really hates worse than navi oh no. Toad is the fun loving mushroom ball of fun.  He is fun to play with and beat up i mean come on what can be better than that. Oh wait. Put Toad in Super Smash bros!
Comment and I will tag you.
Points: 6 1 comments
Video game challenge day 1 Sep 21, 2013
imageI need something to blog about. 1 because i am bored and 2 because it makes me money(hey you do it too). I see so many people doing these challenges(okay not a lot but it is quite popular) so i decided to take the broadest 30 day challenge that i am interested in. Lets begin.

Day 1 - Very first video game.- My very 1st video game was Mario party 5. I remember getting my GameCube for the 1st time and looking at the selection of 4 game that i had to choose from. LOZ CD-, Mario party 5, NASCAR '03 and Mario kart double dash. My 4 year old mind was instantly attracted to the shiny game with the star on it. And then my 5 year old bother always beat me.
Points: 11 0 comments
Thoughts on Big brother 15 so far. Sep 12, 2013
As i sit down on my couch for another episode of Big brother, I feel empty inside as this season slows to a grinding halt and just gets worse. The final 4 got there and they deserve to be there, I have no argument for that as they got there through alliances and backstabbing and a bit of luck. From the beginning I though this season was just dull with contestants especially these final 4. I like people who are fun and creative and I just haven't got that feeling this season. I liked Enzo when he wore his penguin costume because he was a fun character but this season i haven't gotten the fun personality I look for in these type of shows. In the sense of fun i mean different I have seen too many Andy's and GM's in real life or in the shows. Very little creativity this season for me.
Points: 0 1 comments