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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

The 12 Deaths of Summer Vacation

Aug 10, 2018 by lhooper902976
Episode 2 Swimming with the Fishes
1. purplebb4 Aysha
2. foxy_piplup Keizo
3. Jameslu  Esmery
4. Wolven6974  Jai
5. ghrocky100 Alex
6. aria_grande  Georgia
7. Waffleman  Oliver
8. ClayBerry  Lambert
9. Maddog16  Madi
10. Macda27 Mac
11. wwecmw Caleb
12. k4r4k Spencer George
13. me2013 Melissa  Moore
14. TroyHay27 Troy
15. jasoi Jason the Butler
16. Coppertribe  Jack  the Groundskeeper
Possibly Dead
jmctwin Rylan Shot in the Back
Fans Section who want to watch this
The lights after 5 minutes suddenly turns back on and Rylan's  body is gone, the only thing left was drops of blood.
Georgia: So where do you guys think Rylan is?Is he actually dead or was he faking it?
Aysha: We just don't  know, no one touched him to see if he still had a pulse.
While everyone is talking, Jason appears.
Jason: I would  now like to introduce you to the only other house staff here, Jack. Jack is the Groundskeeper here and if you want to know anything, ask him since he's  been here 2 years before I came here.Jack, you can come out now.
Jack: History is repeating itself, the question is can you change the history.
Jack quickly leaves before anyone can ask him any questions about the past.
Madi: I'm  scared, what history was he talking about.
Lambert:: I don't  know but, I'll  protect you.
Madi: My hero.
Georgia: I feel the need for a swim,  anyone care to join me.
Melissa, Spencer, Mac, Madi, Lambert, and Keizo agree with Georgia to go for a swim.
Jack: Follow me, I'll  take you to the pool .
The group follows Jack to the pool with their swim clothes and head into the 2 dressing rooms to change.As they all leave to go to the  door into the pool room , Melissa is hit behind the head and put into one of the dressing stalls and the killer quickly turns around and leaves.Once everyone is out, Georgia noticed Melissa was missing.
Georgia: What happened  to Melissa?
Mac: Maybe she decided to go back with everyone else and not swim.
Georgia: I can agree with that, let's  have a fun time.
Everyone  began swimming and chilling out until one by one everyone left the pool and after 2 hours, Georgia was alone.
Georgia to Keizo as he left: I'll  be out in 15 minutes so don't  worry about me.
When Georgia was looking the other way, a killer appeared with swim trunks on and quietly began to sneak up on her in the deep end of the pool.He quickly jumps into the pool and grabs Georgia and pushes her head underwater. After clawing the killer's  hands with her fingernails, Georgia pops up for a breath.
Georgia sputtering: Why are you trying to kill me?
The killer doesn't  answer, instead he pushes her head back underwater  and continues to drown her.Georgia tried to escape a second time but, the killer had a firm grip on her and she finally inhaled water, and started to choke and shudder. After the killer thinks he had her under long enough, he let's  go, sets off, and leaves quickly to get back with the group.
Just 5 minutes after the killer left, Melissa finally wakes up after being knocked out.
Melissa: Oww, my head hurts. I can't  believe someone would do that to me.I think I'll  finally take my swim.
She goes into the pool room and sees Georgia in the pool .
Melissa: Hey Georgia, glad to see you're here, how long was I unconscious.
Melinda suddenly notices that Georgia  was underwater.
Melissa quickly jumps in the pool and drags Georgia out of the pool. By that time, everyone enters the pool room and sees Melissa  hovering over Georgia.
Keizo: Where were you, I thought you were going to swim?
Melissa: I was going to swim but, SOMEBODY  hit me I from behind and I was unconscious.  When I finally came to, I went into the pool room and saw Georgia underwater. 
Alex: Never mind that, let's  give mouth to mouth to her.
Alex rushes and begins to give her mouth to mouth and suddenly the lights go out.
Everyone: NOT  AGAIN!!!!
End of Episode 2.


It's getting interesting
Sent by CopperTribe,Aug 10, 2018
Melissa... :0
Sent by ClayBerry,Aug 10, 2018
Me being useless lol
Sent by Foxy_Piplup,Aug 10, 2018
It's pretty obvious who hit me tbh.
Sent by me2013,Aug 10, 2018
Alright, I think it's  time for more drama. I'm  going to make this sequel be better than the first with my newest twist.This twist will last until 6 people are still alive and it's  a big one.After this next battle to live challenge, we will have a Saftey Competition.  The winner is safe for the next episode but, here is the fun part. The winner will remain a secret and if any killer voted them to possibly die, the winner gets to steal that killer vote and cast their own vote to kill.If a killer is killed before a certain point, there will be a replacement killer.
Sent by lhooper902976,Aug 10, 2018
Oooooo sounds nice
Sent by Foxy_Piplup,Aug 10, 2018
Alright, I'm  making this first one short and sweet. I'm planting a post on  someone on 1 of my first 4 friend pages. Find it and post underneath and you get safety. I'll  plant it after the killer(s) vote someone to die so there isn't  cheating.
Sent by lhooper902976,Aug 10, 2018
Georgia works as a surprise early death... RIP tho
Sent by ClayBerry,Aug 10, 2018
I’m not playing anymore sorry.
Sent by TroyHay27,Aug 10, 2018
yay mouth to mouth!
Sent by ghrocky100,Aug 11, 2018

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