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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

The 12 Deaths Of Christmas Episode 6

Dec 1, 2017 by lhooper902976
iichaoskimmy/ Lola
Macda27/ Leganja Estranga
K4r4k/ Eleanor Bradford
Varlto/ Caleb Alvs
Purplebb4/ Ursula Xenia Linma
aria_grande/ Jenna Jackson
Wolven6974/ Mike Vits
ALunatic/ Katrina Williams
ghrocky100/ Alex Jackson
JennaValentina/ Valentina
pizza4256/ Jeffrey Strom
jameslu/ maid/ Mildred
Max1130/ Na'Onka Bradshaw Hanged by Christmas lights
Marcogr45/ Lucas Gottesman electricuting by Christmas 馃専
wwecmw/ Juan Menendez electricuting by Christmas 馃専
MrRobzilla/ Mr. Robzilla fell and snapped neck in the chimney
jacobs/ Harvey Weinstien burned in furnace
bbbeth/ Ana Marie poisoned
BreadMaster0221/  Bread burned in furnace but, somehow has a pulse
Episode 6 Warning: Keep Out
Everyone is staring at poor Ana' s body.
Leganja after a smoke: What do you think she was poisoned with?
Jeffrey:Let us just look to see what food she has left, hopefully it isn't a liquid poison.
Everyone looks and all that is left was a partial piece of Rhubarb pie.Everyone inspects it and Jeffrey sees something green in the pie.He pulls it out and reveals a Rhubarb leaf.

Jeffrey: So that is the cause, I bet there must have been a lot of Rhubarb leaves to kill her quickly.
Mildred comes back into the dining room.
Mildred: I see Ana enjoyed her last meal of her life.Here is a message from the host. She reads it to herself and then yells.
Mildred: Really! You fired me and I can't even leave this house or tell anyone who you are or you will kill me! I thought you would keep me! I knew  I should never have worked here!
She looks at everyone else, including her master.
Mildred: It looks like I am joining you all now that I have been fired. Here's the rest of the message.
Oh Mildred, you have been so faithful to me. Unfortunately good things can't last forever so you are fired. Inside this house, there is a cure for Bread, you just have  to find it. I will give you a clue, the cure is under your feet.
Mike: It has to be the basement
Jenna: No kidding Sherlock. It is the only place under us.
Jeffrey: So who is going to the basement, we need a couple of people to stay here to protect Bread in case the killer decides to attack and kill him for good.
Mildred: I'M going to protect Bread, it's the least I can do.
Ursula: I'M going with Jeffrey to the basement.
Alex: Count me in
Lola: I totally want to go to the basement.
Caleb: I'LL go with you.
Jenna: I'LL stay with Mildred.
Valentina: Me too
Mike: Count me in on staying
Katrina: I'LL stay
Leganja after finishing smoking: I'LL stay.
Eleanor: I'LL go to the basement.
Jeffrey, Ursula, Alex,Lola,Caleb, and Eleanor all head down to the basement and inside is a maze with lots of doors.
Lola: How will we ever find the cure with all these rooms?
Alex: Do you have some lipstick?
Lola: What girl wouldn't be caught dead without 馃拕. Why do you need it?
Alex: To mark the doors.
Eleanor: What other reason could there be Lola.
Ursula: Settle down children, no need to be upset or yelling at each other.
Jeffrey and Alex: We need to keep moving to find the cure.
Caleb: Should we split up or stay together?
Alex: Stay together, we can't let the killer attack us when we are alone, almost every person died since either was alone or just with 1 other person. It is also safer.
Everyone starts looking inside each door hoping to find a door with the cure. Alex then finds a mysterious door.
Alex: Hey guys, look at this door, it has a little sign on it.I can't read it since someone rubbed the letters off but, I think this is the right door.Who wants to look in this room first?
Jeffrey: I'LL do it.
Ursula: I'LL go after you my son.
Caleb: I want to enter 4th.
Eleanor: I want to enter 5th.
Lola: I so want to go last.
Alex, I guess I will go third.
Jeffrey opens the door and walks in.
Jeffrey: Hey guys, I think I see the cure!
Ursula walks in.
Ursula: I think you are right.
Alex: Let me see.
He walks in and suddenly the door shuts behind him.
Alex: Hey , Who closed the door?
Caleb: It wasn't us, we saw the door close itself
Suddenly they here the KILLER'S VOICE.
Killer: I see you found my favorite room of the entire house. The Laser Room. Everyone still inside will die unless you find the key in two minutes.Your clue is it is in 1 of these rooms. Failure to find the key in time and a laser will sweep through the room, killing everyone and turning them into pieces.The countdown starts now.2 minutes appear outside the door.
Alex: Everyone split up to find that key! We need to get out quickly! We don't want to die!
Ursula: Please children, find the key.
Jeffrey: Please hurry.
Everyone not inside the Laser Room hurries and splits up.
Alex: Hurry! We have 1 minute!
Everyone is trying different rooms, hoping they found the door with the key.
Alex: 30 seconds! Hurry, I don't want to die!
Everyone inside the Laser Room is Screaming the countdown to the end of their life.
Alex, Ursula,  and Jeffrey together: 10!
Lola: I found it!
Caleb: Run Lola!
2! 1!
Lola reaches door.
Laser starts going through the room.
Ursula: This is it my sweet, little boy.
Jeffrey: You were the only one to believe I was alive and not the killer.
Alex:I shouldn't have let everyone let me be third.
The laser hits Jeffrey first, followed by Ursula, and finally Alex, who tried to climb above the laser beam but, killed by the 2nd beam with multiple beams.Lola finally opens the door:
Lola: Eek! This is totally groady!
Inside is all the corpses. Jeffrey and Ursula cut in half at their stomach. Alex was cut to pieces by the laser. Still standing, somehow is the cure.
End of episode 6

Comments Please save me and vote to evict Scooby!
Sent by BreadMaster0221,Dec 1, 2017
This will be done by 3 :30 pm at the most. How many of the 5 will die, only time will tell.
Sent by lhooper902976,Dec 1, 2017
I'm loving this
Sent by Macda27,Dec 2, 2017
Hope I鈥檓 safe 馃馃檧
Sent by k4r4k,Dec 2, 2017
Just got busy. Will be done by 5 pm
Sent by lhooper902976,Dec 2, 2017
I've got 1 line in 6 eps
Sent by ghrocky100,Dec 2, 2017
I really hope other people stay with me to
Sent by BreadMaster0221,Dec 2, 2017
This was probably my largest episode yet. How do you like the deaths.?
Sent by lhooper902976,Dec 2, 2017
This episode was breathtaking
Sent by ALunatic,Dec 2, 2017
So sad, Jeffrey survived 2 times and unfortunately he died the 3rd time.I guess it was 3 strikes, your out.
Sent by lhooper902976,Dec 2, 2017
HOLY COW!! I鈥檓 thanking my lucky stars to still be alive rn
Sent by k4r4k,Dec 2, 2017
Really great episode lhooper902976 馃憤馃徏
Sent by k4r4k,Dec 2, 2017
Thanks for your opinion on this episode.I have a treat for you guys coming real soon.
Sent by lhooper902976,Dec 2, 2017
Sent by bbbeth,Dec 3, 2017

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