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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

The 12 Deaths of Christmas Episode 5

Nov 30, 2017 by lhooper902976
iichaoskimmy/ Lola
Macda27/ Leganja Estranga
K4r4k/ Eleanor Bradford
Varlto/ Caleb Alvs
Purplebb4/ Ursula Xenia Linman
aria_grande/ Jenna Jackson
Wolven6974/ Mike Vits
ALunatic/ Katrina Williams
ghrocky100/ Alex Jackson
JennaValentina/ Valentina
bbbeth/ Ana Marie
pizza4256/ Jeffrey Strom
jameslu/ maid/ Mildred
Max1130/ Na'Onka Bradshaw
Marcogr45/ Lucas Gottesman
wwecmw/ Juan Menendez
MrRobzilla/ Mr. Robzilla
jacobs/ Harvey Weinstien
Breadmaster0221/ Bread
Episode 5 The Last Supper
Anna and Jeffrey runs quickly down to the first floor.
Everyone still alive goes running toward Anna and Jeffrey
Ursula: Oh my sweet little boy, I am so glad you are still alive. I knew you couldn't be dead.
Laganja while smoking: I'm glad your still alive.
Jenna: How do we know you are not the killer?This is very mysterious that you are still alive while everyone else that faced the killer is dead.
Eleanor:Where is Harvey and Bread?
Katrina: Yeah, where are they!
Caleb: I'm glad that Harvey isn't around, I overheard him saying he wanted to work with the killer. He was so evil.
Valentina: Maybe he is dead, and we don't have to worry about him but, what about Bread?
Mike: Why would the killer go after Bread?
Alex, Maybe he was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Jeffrey: You are wrong on that account Bread went looking for me and I was tied up  and blindfolded on the third floor.When I was heading toward the jacuzzi, the killer hits me from behind so I never saw him.
Anna: You never told me that.
Jeffrey: Well I couldn't since Bread was fighting the killer.
Lola: I " completely" think you are not the killer
Mildred walks into the room.
Mildred: Well congrats everyone for making it this far, we are almost halfway through to find out who your host is.Here is a message from your host.
Guests, you must all be starving by now, I have prepared a lovely dinner for you all. As well as a surprise. All of you will he have seats with your name written on a folded paper. Everyone will attend this meal or you will die next. From, your host
Anna: What do you think the surprise is?
Lola: I don't think it is a good surprise. With a killer host, it can be anything.
Everyone heads into the dining room and sees  a large table  with 18 chairs. 12 of them have a covered up dish while in the middle sits 2 very large covered dish. Everyone takes a seat at their assigned chair.
Mildred: Time to reveal what your dinner is .
She removes the lid off of one covered dish and it revealed ham,mashed potatoes, corn, and a slice of Rhubarb pie.Mildred goes and removes every cover except for the two in the middle.
Mildred: Enjoy your meal, and help yourself to the two covered dishes in the middle.
She goes and quickly leaves the guests to themselves. Everyone quickly begin to eat their dinner and Jeffrey was the first to finish.He goes and takes a leak under the first covered dish. His face becomes pale white.
Jeffrey: Guys
Everyone else: What!
Jeffrey : I just found out what the surprise is.
He goes and removes the first covered dish and reveals, a burned corpse.
Lola: Eek! Who is that?
Jeffrey: I think it is Harvey.
He goes and checks for a pulse and received none.
Jeffrey; He is definitely Dead.
Caleb: I just lost my appetite.
Jeffrey goes and removes the second covered dish. Inside is Bread.
Jeffrey: No! Not Bread!
He goes to feel a pulse and suddenly is happy.
Jeffrey: I feel a pulse!
Jenna: How in the world is he still alive, he was burned for Pete's sake. Getting burned should have killed him.
Mike: Maybe the killer thought he was Dead.
Jeffrey: Bread, please wake up.
He goes and looks at Bread's  eyes and sees they are rolled back.
Jeffrey: He didn't escape unscratched. He is unconscious.
Jeffrey: Hey Anna, what do you think?
He received no reply.
Jeffrey: Yohoo, earth to Anna, come on and give your opinion.
Again, no reply.
Jeffrey: Anna?
He goes to check for a pulse and received none.
Jeffrey with an even paler face: She's Dead. There is only one thing that could have killed her, POISON!
End of episode 5


This will be done by 8 am
Sent by lhooper902976,Nov 30, 2017
Sent by k4r4k,Dec 1, 2017
I hope I don’t die I hope everyone brings me to the potion room they give me a potion and I revive
Sent by BreadMaster0221,Dec 1, 2017
Time for everyone to finally to have a word in the episode. Guess the surprise
Sent by lhooper902976,Dec 1, 2017
Be afraid, be very afraid for the next episode is a  killer death
Sent by lhooper902976,Dec 1, 2017
Dammit! Poison gets me every time
Sent by bbbeth,Dec 1, 2017
Eww xD
Sent by ALunatic,Dec 1, 2017
:o omg rip anna
Sent by k4r4k,Dec 1, 2017
By the way, you better start praying, 5 people have the potential to be killed next episode, only the killer knows how many will actually die.
Sent by lhooper902976,Dec 1, 2017
Crap I really hope that I don’t die while wounded I hope they care for me and I revive
Sent by BreadMaster0221,Dec 1, 2017
The killer was really evil with who they choose. I personally wouldn't kill them.
Sent by lhooper902976,Dec 1, 2017

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