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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

The 12 Deaths of Christmas Episode 3

Nov 28, 2017 by lhooper902976
iichaoskimmy/ Lola
Macda27/Laganja Estranga
K4r4k/ Elanor Bradford
BreadMaster0221/ Bread
Varlto/ Caleb Alvs
Purplebb4/ Ursula Xenia Linman
aria_grande/ Jenna Jackson
Wolven6974/Mike Vits
MrRobzilla/ Mr. Robzilla
ALunatic/ Katrina Williams
ghrocky100/ Alex Jackson
bbbeth/ Ana Marie
Jacobs/ Harvey Weinstien
Pizza4256/ Jeffrey Strom
Max1130/ Na'Onka Bradshaw
Marcogr45/ Lucas Gottesman
wwecmw/ Juan Menendez
Episode 3 Down through the chimney comes old Saint Nick
Everyone comes  running to the jacuzzi.
Ursula: Guys, where is Jeffrey, that poor sweet boy?
Everyone looks around and sure enough Jeffrey is nowhere in sight.
Laganja after taking a smoke: Hon, he's most likely dead.
Katrina: Or he could be the killer.
Ursula: I don't believe either of those things are true.
Jenna: Bitch, it had to be 1 of those 2 things, why would the killer kidnap someone?
Before Ursula could get defensive about Jeffrey. Mildred arrives.
Mildred: What a shocking end to their lives.My master has a .message for you.
Now you know I can pull off a double murder and get away with it. Also, do not go on to the third floor, it is absolutely forbidden unless I give permission, failure to follow this rule will result in your death.Now I'm feeling generous and I have books and games in each of your rooms, you are welcome to go in someone else's room if you want to play some of my games.From, Your Host
Elanor: So, does anyone want to play some games in my room?
Ursula, Sure, the more the her head: And more odds the killer won't attack us.
Elanor, Ursula, and four others leave to go to Elanor's bedroom while everyone else decided to just stay in their own bedrooms and read a book.
While reading a book, both Mr Robzilla and Bread find a note inside.
The note reads My master has allowed me to save a few of you from dying and has agreed to let you go to the third floor. Meet me in 15 minutes at the end of the third floor hallway. Mildred
Bread: What kind of fool will take a chance, for all I know, the killer wrote this. I am not going.
Mr Robzilla: This sounds real tempting, I think I will go, what's the worst that could happen.
Mr Robzilla creeps past everyone's bedrooms and heads to the third floor. On the floor is another envelope.
Whoever is reading this, the way to escape is almost there, just go to the chimney for more instructions. The way to the roof is to go to the balcony on the room on the left.Mr Robzilla goes through the door on the left and inside is another bedroom with a book case and just like the note promised, a balcony. He steps out onto the balcony and sees a ladder to the roof and begins the climb to the roof. Behind him, the bookcase moves, it is the killer with a tied up and blindfolded Jeffrey.
Killer: Now stay quiet or I will kill you.
The killer closes the secret passage behind the bookcase and follows Mr Robzilla to the roof.
On the roof Mr. Robzilla finds another envelope on the top of the chimney. It reads: Inside this chimney is a key to the front door of this house, it is hidden inside 1 of these bricks, your clue is that it is reachable. Mr Robzilla looks down and begins to feel around, trying to find the brick with key inside it.
Meanwhile the killer is slowly sneaking up on Mr Robzilla, who is unaware he is about to die.Right when Mr Robzilla finally feels a loose brick, the killer pushes Mr Robzilla whose head is still in the chimney down the chimney head first, snapping his neck when he finally hits the ground.
Mike was heading to the kitchen to grab a snack when he  went through the living room and saw Mr Robzilla lying there. He went to feel for a pulse and didn't t feel 1.
End of episode 3


I am going to try to finish by 5 pm,its either that or 9pm.
Sent by lhooper902976,Nov 28, 2017
A miracle I finished way early
Sent by lhooper902976,Nov 28, 2017
rip mr robzilla :s
glad i stayed with a group - safety in numbers i hope!
its Eleanor* btw, you've been missing an E :p
Sent by k4r4k,Nov 28, 2017
Holy crap! That was s brutal death
Sent by iichaoskimmy,Nov 28, 2017
Damn. RIP MrRobzilla
Sent by bbbeth,Nov 28, 2017
I'M not holding back with deaths, by the end of this some will be as brutal or more brutal than this one.
Sent by lhooper902976,Nov 28, 2017
I’m glad I didn’t go to the third floor that is just asking to be killed I really hope I can stay long
Sent by BreadMaster0221,Nov 28, 2017
Sent by aria_grande,Nov 28, 2017
*Walks To Heaven* Nahhhhh
*Turns around and goes to Hell*
MrRobzilla: Turn Up!!!!!!!!
Sent by MrRobzilla,Nov 28, 2017
This next episode will be terrifying to read, hope you have a strong stomach for it, you are going to need it.I would really hate to die like this.
Sent by lhooper902976,Nov 28, 2017
Sent by lhooper902976,Oct 17, 2018

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