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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Survivor Big Brother Week 6 HoH

Aug 11, 2012 by kanyouhelpme
1.Rob Cesternino Dinosauro27
2.Ozzy Lusth jakehou97
3.Kim Spradlin CookieMonsterIsMyBud
4.Bob Crowley RHINO_47
6.John Cochran MarthaSpeaks
7.Parvati Shallow ivan1234
8.Stephenie LaGrossa  z3ro
9.Courtney Yates Qwerky99

14th:Russell Hantz yoshi9999
13th:Brandon Hantz Tcdrillers5
12th:Troyzan Robertson awesome233
11th:"Boston" Rob Mariano Russell11
10th:Jud "Fabio" Birza chrisdooger

HoH-Bob Crowley RHINO_47 please send me your nominations


jury :0
Sent by z3ro,Aug 12, 2012

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