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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Jan 7, 2010 by heyitsmaggee
my tribe blows. they are terrible... they vote out the people that talk. its so boring. im beginning to really dispise this site.


dont play with them.


you could just tell them to vote you out and cast a vote against yourself at tribal council

but don't eat all the food/water; that's an immature fucking move and just proves that you are a worse person than them
Sent by zimdelinvasor,Jan 7, 2010
no, someone in the tribe begged to get eliminated.. but noooo. they voted out amylou... who was one of the only people who even talked. those people are worthless.
Sent by heyitsmaggee,Jan 7, 2010
if begging does not work, intentionally lose your tribe the immunity challenge over and over until they vote you off. compete in it and get a score of 0. then yell at them all. then do no work at all around camp and eat a bit of food and water more than you should, but NOT all of it.

they'll have to get sick of it eventually
Sent by zimdelinvasor,Jan 7, 2010
true.. im gonna try to stick it out because we're only 2 people away from merge. it just sucks cause i know if i lose indiv. immunity, im gone. its like the real game!!
Sent by heyitsmaggee,Jan 7, 2010
<3 I thought you wanted me gone :(
Sent by amylou8251,Jan 8, 2010
maggee, we didn't want lily to go because she was our friend and she wwas really good at the challenges.
we wanted amy to go because she wasn't as good at the challenges and plus she was in the premade of you, jon, nick, and amy.

so we felt threatened when the game started since all of you were in an alliance.
Sent by DamnDrake,Jan 8, 2010
no i didnt want you gone amy. why would i??

and drake, no we didnt have a premade. if we had a premade, dont you think we would have all voted the same?!?! and took yall out one by one?

and amy is 75% better at every challenge then icegirl. think about that one. oh wait, you didnt wanna vote for her because she's in YOUR alliance. its ok though.
Sent by heyitsmaggee,Jan 8, 2010
you can die if you when the fire is exhausted...and need to have 0/0 levels before day change...if you have these, you are gonna die after the day change:) good luck
Sent by Lukyn,Jan 8, 2010

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