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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

No title

20thFeb 3, 2015 by chibideidara
image Somebodyawesome

Ok so i'm gonna keep it short because you forgot my birthday even after Skype notified you.

You are REALLY bitter and have tantrums; we are completely opposite and maybe that's why we get along so well?
There hasn't been a day i didn't get bullied by you and apparently i like the abuse because my crush is still intact. < 3
It feels like just yesterday when we met in a frookies, you were angry at me because i didn't vote you in f2, and i went through hell to make you forgive me.

Its almost been a whole year since we met and in that time we've made so much memories.
My favorites include:

- You threatening to block me if i didn't spam all your discounts

- You being angry at me after i hadn't jumped into your argument with moxii , while i was recovering from my surgery.

- Our Skype dates where we watch episodes of ''The 100''

You're like my little brother!

But jokes aside i hope you have a nice day. Congrats on being 17 and ALMOST legal.

Taking Blueu22 's Idea and tagging his friends



Sent by blueu22,Feb 3, 2015
This is so cute
Sent by babiicakes,Feb 3, 2015
Sent by SomebodyAwesome,Feb 3, 2015
You're like my little brother!

did you just family-zone me?
Sent by SomebodyAwesome,Feb 3, 2015
I'm not even this bitter what is wrong with you
Sent by SomebodyAwesome,Feb 3, 2015
ur not even a good spammer?
Sent by SomebodyAwesome,Feb 3, 2015
DONT LIE. Somebodyawesome
Sent by chibideidara,Feb 3, 2015
Sent by RobertGuajardo,Feb 3, 2015
Fuck Sim.
Sent by Absol,Feb 3, 2015
happy birthday bro somebodyawesome
Sent by BengalBoy,Feb 3, 2015
Thanks man! Bengalboy
Sent by SomebodyAwesome,Feb 4, 2015

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