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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Sep 4, 2013 by brock7
My dream Big Brother Season 15 final would be Elissa, Judd, and Ginamarie because Andy's a floater, Spencer is literally the Adam Poch of this season, and McCranda have just slept together all season and been incredibly rude.

Your thoughts? :)

#casting #fasting #BB15 #BigBrother


If anyone but McCranda or Elissa win, this season sucked
Sent by Cmack311,Sep 4, 2013
McCrae hasn't been rude.... McCrae deserves it more than Elissa. He can win comps and he obviously has been doing something if he's controlled basically every HoH until last week. And Elissa is playing like an idiot this game.
Sent by IloveMeanGirls,Sep 4, 2013
I agree .
Mcranda sucks
Elissa, judd and gm will be f3.
But spencer is a mystery idk
He Could make it, maybe
Sent by sebastian89,Sep 4, 2013
All I care about is that Amanda, Spencer, and Andy get their rude/annoying/floater asses out of the house asap. After that I wouldn't mind if McCrae, Elissa, Judd, or Ginamarie won. (I kinda want GM to though)
Sent by LoyalLestrange,Sep 4, 2013
I hope Judd or Elissa wins, GM is still racist & Amanda is just too much for me too handle, I dont know if i can get over McCrae being with Amanda but I'll try :P
Sent by SomebodyAwesome,Sep 4, 2013
Andy will have no jury votes.
Spencer is impossible to figure out.
Elissa and McCranda won't make it to the end.
GM and Judd are the only two I think have a chance at winning.
Sent by tdiloka,Sep 4, 2013
Judd for the win!
+6, please tag me here
Sent by BigJoeFrimodt,Sep 4, 2013
I want Elissa and Judd in the finals for sure!
Sent by Tailslover13,Sep 5, 2013
I agree! :) keep commenting I really enjoy your theory's, especially with tonight's double eviction! #bb15 #bigbrother #fasting #casting
Sent by brock7,Sep 5, 2013

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