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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

bham9090's blogBlog

  1. Big Brother Public Vote: Returning Evictee Round 2
  2. Big Brother Week 6 + Public Vote
  3. Big Brother Public Vote: Returning Evictee Round 1
  4. Big Brother Fifth Eviction + Sixth HoH + New Twist
  5. Big Brother Week 5 + Public Vote
  6. Big Brother Fifth HoH Conclusion
  7. Big Brother Fourth Eviction + Fifth HoH + Twist..
  8. Big Brother Week 4 + Public Vote
  9. Big Brother Third Eviction + Fourth HoH
  10. Big Brother Announcement
  11. Big Brother Week 3 + Public Vote
  12. Big Brother Second Eviction + Third HoH
  13. Big Brother Week 2 + Public Vote
  14. Big Brother First Eviction + Second HoH
  15. Big Brother Week 1 + Public Vote
  16. Big Brother Premiere + 1st HoH
  17. Big Brother Cast + Rules + Twist Information
  18. 2 spots left!
  19. Current Cast (4 spots left BTW)
  20. 8 spots left
  21. Big Brother PYN [Closed]
  22. Survivor South Africa: Battle of the Fans FINALE..
  23. Big Brother: All-Stars vs Second Chances Eviction..
  24. Survivor South Africa: Battle of the Fans FINALE..
  25. Big Brother: All-Stars vs Second Chances HoH 9..
  26. Survivor South Africa: Battle of the Fans FINALE..
  27. Survivor South Africa: Battle of the Fans Ep. 13
  28. Big Brother: All-Stars vs Second Chances Eviction..
  29. Big Brother: All-Stars vs Second Chances Week 8
  30. Survivor South Africa: Battle of the Fans Ep. 12
  31. Survivor South Africa: Battle of the Fans Ep. 11
  32. Big Brother: All-Stars vs Second Chances Eviction..
  33. Survivor South Africa: Battle of the Fans Ep. 10
  34. Blogs Update
  35. Survivor South Africa: Battle of the Fans Ep. 9
  36. Survivor South Africa: Battle of the Fans Ep. 8
  37. Big Brother: All-Stars vs Second Chances Week 7
  38. Survivor Tocantins Ep. 4 [CANCELLED]
  39. Survivor South Africa: Battle of the Fans Ep. 7
  40. Survivor Tocantins Update [CANCELLED]

Big Brother Week 3 + Public Vote

Dec 13, 2014 by bham9090
1. Chris (Austin's partner)
2. Lance (Tony's partner)

Cam ( Baseball03) & Trey ( treywilkerson1)
Carly ( carlyjordan14) & Courtney ( lol4ever)
Dominick ( dvisco1102) & Seth ( disneyworldlover)
Felicia ( gagaluv) & Niki ( massgustavo95)
Kass ( sikspin) & Natalie ( coolKat)
Austin ( wildboy12) & Tony ( tonyalbright)
Robynn ( NerdiiKiid) & Timmy ( meduncan)

HoH: Carly
As Carly's partner, Courtney cannot be evicted this week.

With Carly winning HoH minutes after almost getting backdoored, Robynn, Timmy and Trey start feeling uneasy as the three of them knew that they are the next ones out unless something happens.  While Robynn hopes to make amends with the girls so she wouldn't get evicted out of spite, Timmy & Trey had an idea on who flipped on them; they openly accused Felicia, Dominick and Seth for lying to them.  Specifically, Felicia was the one that came to Robynn about her suspicions with Niki.  However, Felicia admitted that the reason that she evicted Lance was that she felt that he did not trust her.

Robynn attempted to bury the hatchet with the girls by telling them that she had no say in who the target is.  She then went on to throw Timmy under the bus by saying that backdooring Carly was his idea.  She also brought up Felicia's name due to her being one of the first to find out about the girls alliance.

After Robynn left the HoH room, Carly told the girls that Robynn had to go this week; she doesn't care how or why she turned on the girls alliance, but what mattered was that Carly cannot trust Robynn anymore.  However, Niki felt like they should give Robynn another chance in case Timmy got in the way of Robynn's loyalty to the girls.  Natalie somewhat agreed with Niki, but Carly shot it down.

---Nomination Ceremony---
As Carly's partner, Courtney is safe this week.
Austin, you are safe.
Niki, you are safe.
Seth, you are safe.
Tony, you are safe.
Natalie, you are safe.
Kass, you are safe.
Cam, you are safe.
Felicia, you are safe.
Dominick, you are safe.

(Robynn, Timmy and Trey do not have their keys yet.)
The last person safe is...
Timmy, you are safe.

Carly has nominated Robynn and Trey for eviction.  As a result of what happened last week, Carly cannot trust Robynn anymore and admitted that Robynn is her target this week.  Trey was nominated instead of Timmy in order to prevent him from saving both Robynn and Timmy due to the duos twist, in addition to Carly not trusting him either.  Trey is only up as a pawn against Robynn; he would be the target only if Robynn is saved with the veto.

Despite agreeing with Carly's nominations, Niki is starting to know how Robynn felt last week as she wanted to give her another chance.  Niki told Natalie about this, who coincidentally felt the same.  The two girls decided that they would evict Robynn if they had to, but also decided to blindside Carly & Courtney the first chance they get as Natalie & Niki saw them as the "Derrick & Cody" of the alliance.

Desperate for numbers on his side, Trey turned to Tony & Austin, who have no loyalties with anyone and have also lost their partners in the first 2 evictions, for a chance to save him with the veto so he could target Carly next week.  Trey is unaware that Natalie & Niki vowed to do the same within the next 2 weeks.  Austin immediately agreed to save Trey with the veto (for his own reasons, not because of Chris), but Tony was on the fence about it.

--Power of Veto Selection--
If Robynn is saved with the veto, Timmy cannot be the replacement.  If Trey is saved with the veto, Cam cannot be the replacement.

Carly: Seth
Robynn: Austin
Trey: Timmy

Carly selected Courtney to host the competition.

This is a bad scenario for Carly as the selections would increase Trey's odds of being saved as well as Robynn's odds.  Austin is likely to save Trey.  Timmy would definitely save Robynn.  Seth is the only person other than Carly that would not use the veto.

--Power of Veto Competition--
The HouseGuests must cross a balance beam while carrying a scoop of a certain substance (non-toxic of course) from the barrel on one end to the bowl on the other end.  If at any point a HouseGuest falls off the balance beam, he/she can try again, but after the second fall, he/she is eliminated.  The first HouseGuest to fill the bowl enough to grab the ball inside easily or the last HouseGuest to not be eliminated will win the Power of Veto.

5 min: No one fell off yet.  Carly and Trey are currently neck-and-neck.
13 min: Carly fell off.  She still has another chance.  Meanwhile, Trey, Austin, and Seth have stolen the lead from her.

20 min: Seth is now in the lead.  Austin and Trey are behind him.  Robynn is taking her time, but is starting to catch up.

23 min: Carly fell off the balance beam for the second time, and is eliminated from the game.  Trey and Seth are tied for first.  Austin is behind them, and so is Robynn.

39 min: Timmy and Robynn fell off.  The both of them have one chance left.  Trey is now in the lead.

44 min: Seth fell off the the first time.  Robynn is now starting to pass Seth.  Meanwhile, Timmy fell off his balance beam once again, and is the second person eliminated.

54 min: Robynn is ahead of Seth, and is working on getting ahead of Austin.

1 hr 15 min: Seth is falling way behind.  Austin, Trey and Robynn are close to each other and close to the goal.

1 hr 22 min: Seth is eliminated.  Robynn has passed Austin, but Trey is almost there.

1 hr 40 min: Trey fell off the first time.  He is still in the lead.

1 hr 52 min: Robynn has slipped.  Robynn is eliminated.  It has come down between Austin and Trey.

1 hr 55 min: Trey has taken the ball out of the bowl.

Congratulations Trey!  You have won the Power of Veto!

Carly is not that fazed about Trey winning over Robynn, although the outcome made her nervous as Robynn almost won.  As for the replacement nominee, the plan is to put up either Timmy (as he is a vote to save Robynn) or Kass (as a pawn against Robynn).  Meanwhile, Robynn is happy for Trey to win the veto, although this means that she will be the one evicted this week.  She then advised Timmy to team up with Trey and Austin and get Carly out next week.  Timmy didn't want Robynn to lay down and die and assured her that he could still get Felicia nominated.

As the veto ceremony neared, Courtney became paranoid about where Kass currently stands as she is not in an alliance yet.  Carly then stressed once again that her priority is to get Robynn out; she is not worried about Kass at all.  Courtney is still concerned in case Kass makes a move against them, but Carly has the same concern against Trey, who is now the next target.  When Natalie and Niki were informed of Courtney's concerns, they somehow felt that they cannot trust Kass either; they view her as a floater.

At the veto ceremony, Trey decided to use the veto on himself.  When deciding on a replacement nominee, it came down to the fact that one has a better chance of surviving against Robynn.  Timmy would be the obvious choice, but he could easily be evicted since he was the one that won HoH last week.  Kass would not be the obvious evictee unless Timmy gathers enough votes to save Robynn.  Carly has decided to nominate...

Carly felt that it was only fair since he put her up last week, in addition to being a vote to keep Robynn as well as being the one that outed her alliance.

Both Robynn and Timmy are reluctant to campaign against each other, but have agreed to do so as they will be split up this week either way.

Did Robynn's actions last week result in her eviction, or will Timmy be a victim of the 11th hour switch?  Who will be crowned the next Head of Household?  Find out in the next post.

Public vote: Comment below to evict either Robynn or Timmy.  The nominee with the most public votes will receive an extra vote against him/her in the eviction.



Sent by meduncan,Dec 13, 2014
Sent by treywilkerson1,Dec 13, 2014
Sent by coolKat,Dec 13, 2014
Sent by Showalter,Dec 13, 2014
Sent by tonyalbright,Dec 13, 2014
Sent by massgustavo95,Dec 14, 2014
I vote to evict Robynn
Sent by ThePhenomenalOne,Dec 14, 2014
Voting closed.
Timmy will receive an extra vote against him in the eviction.
Sent by bham9090,Dec 15, 2014

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