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The aceman509's blog

Posts 52 posts

Aceman's Big Brother: Lucky 7 HoH Blog Jul 14, 2015
This is my blog for the HoH competition in Carly's Big Brother. If I mail you and you are kind enough to post in here, please remember to tag your name. The rules are it has to go in ABC order starting with A, then B, the C etc. So if your name starts with an "A" and someone with an A already posted, please don't post. Thank you guys so much and sorry for the spam :)
Points: 158 17 comments
PYN For Random.Org Survivor Jul 5, 2015
Need 13 more people

Points: 12 3 comments
PYN For Random.Org Survivor Jul 5, 2015
First 16 people will join. I'm debating whether I should randomize just the challenges and let you guys vote or randomize the whole game. Say what you want in the comments.
Points: 17 4 comments
What is the best way to earn T$ Jul 4, 2015
Just curious. I've tried to find charity games to bet on but there doesn't seem to be any. You can earn it through blog posts right?
Points: 0 0 comments
Big Brother 3 Jul 4, 2015
So hey guys I've never seen Big Brother before so I'm doing a series watch from the very beginning. BB 1 sucks obviously but I loved BB 2 because Will was awesome. So I just got done with BB 3 and... how did Danielle not win? I mean I get maybe losing on a 5-4 vote, by 9-1??? Were people just really bitter or was there something we didn't see?
Points: 3 4 comments
Random.Org Game Question Jun 26, 2015
So this is a really dumb question but I keep seeing all these games and I'm not quite sure what it is. It is just me choosing 18 people at random, and then using to see who wins HOH, POV, and who is evicted?
Points: 10 1 comments