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A Collection of Moany Rants

Posts 10724 posts

Imagine not being able to turn brown!! Feb 9, 2009
When I really really want to! :'(
Stupid college blockage!!

And I actually swore yesterday! I couldn't believe it! I was shocked at myself!! =O
Well, I was pretending to be a parent, but I was very angry!

No one noticed anyway! =P

Also, join my group!!
(seeing as I'll be out of DB today, and I can't send or check PMs from here even though I have 17!!!!)  :)
Points: 27 8 comments
Imagine this being my 12th imagine blog in a row........ Feb 8, 2009
And giving up before the 13th!! =O

But, a summary of my week!

- SNOW!!!
- Slipping in the ice twice
- Dropping all my chips on the floor, and being laughed at
- A kind lady giving me free chips because I was laughed at
- The Great Tissue Race (winks at RiDsTeR)
- My amazing group existed!! :)
- I got 5th in my game!
- Wearing various colours! =P
- Digital Brother
- Missing college for 2 days!!!
- Starting Decision Maths!

And that's all I can think of!

Feel free to remind me of stuff, and make your own list! :)
Points: 34 6 comments
Imagine having an alliteration name!! Feb 6, 2009
imageI dunno, I'm really really bored!
And I gotta do boring coursework!! :'(
But, it's about the dude to your left! :P

But today, I am Yodelling Yoshitomi!
Why? Because I feel like a yodelling yodeller! :)

And what are you today??
Points: 41 6 comments
Imagine joining my 1st ever group!! :D Feb 5, 2009
Please join!! :) 

It'll be awesome!
I'm gonna start the applications soon, for now I just wanna get numbers and name ideas! :)

I'll just explain briefly how I want it to work:

10 players, each with their own posting thread!
They gotta post at least once in there every 6 hours!
Anyone else can post in there, BUT the player must post in there once every 6 hours!

Failing to do so will get you evicted!

There will be tasks, and winning tasks can get you extra hours to post!
Failing tasks could reduce hours!! =O

Sound good? Please join and suggest ideas!
It's my first group, so help is always welcome! :)
Points: 42 3 comments
Imagine being concerned if your bunny is gay!! =O Feb 5, 2009
imageOkay, let me explain:

My bunny is a male, his name is Chino! He's 5 years old, and he'll be 6 in May!
Now, we all know that he's a little bit crazy and girly! He has never done "anything" with female rabbits, and he doesn't fight or anything! He does jump at cats though, which is funny! :)

But the problem is, I was cleaning his hutch today, and I found glitter!!

Yes, glitter! Shiny glitter!

Should I be worried if he'll never have rabbit babies?
Points: 45 8 comments
Imagine your washing up liquid bottle! Feb 3, 2009
imageAll alone
On the kitchen surface
Or shoved in a dark cupboard!
Only to be taken out, squeezed, used and abused
And then put back in the darkness until it can be used no more!

Please, by donating 2T$s an hour directly to me, Yoshitomi, you can help innocent washing up liquid bottles that have been left behind, thrown away, or even run over by cars for entertainment!

2T$s an hour will help me to get more people involved by allowing me to waste pointless money on rubbish advertising!

Here's a story that perhaps will sway you:

Once upon a time, a lady went to Tescos and bought a cheap, large bottle of washing up liquid (lavender scented)
She realised that her hands were too sensitive, and she hid the bottle away!
Her peculiar looking daughter found the bottle months later and asked her mother if she could use it! Her mother said no!
So, the daughter took the bottle, and tried to get people to sponcer or take it to a caring home!
Her school banned it!
She took it home, and her mother took it away and put it in the garden!

The bottle is still there, years later! Alone, scared, and cold!

So, 2T$s an hour can help bottles like this one!

Please, go into your kitchens, and hug your washing up liquid bottles! :)
Points: 57 11 comments