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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Question for those who have played awhile.

Jul 30, 2009 by WhiteTiger
So i'm in my first game...

and since day 1 everyone I have spoken too says that out of respect you plus everyone who speaks and they return the favor..

Now on day 6 of the game. We have someone saying that plussing everyone actually counts against you with the Algorythm.. and you get penalties if you plus everyone that's in the game.

Does anyone know if this is true?! Does it really affect you negatively for plussing a lot?!


Sent by CherishFawn,Jul 30, 2009
theyre bullshitting
Sent by rhyss,Jul 30, 2009
it only effects your conscience.
Sent by cheznahuf,Jul 30, 2009

"If you vote every body’s comment positive the algorithm will penalize you, it happens the same when you vote everybody’s comment as negative, so Try to always vote something near to half votes positive and half votes negative."
Sent by Daisy,Jul 30, 2009
The algo in Castings can be a bit finicky, though. Like others have mentioned, plussing everyone doesn't count against you (and I believe a part of it counts as you being active), but spamming like hell only to get plusses may count against you. So keep that in mind. :)
Sent by ksax00,Jul 30, 2009
"Tips on BB Casting games
January 28, 2009

Many people have been asking lately  about how the “algorithm” on casting games work. Basically many of them don’t understand why some active people are sometimes on the block.

As you know there are 2 evictions each “game day”, one selected from the block and another one from the less active players.  Being on the block has nothing to do with activity initially, although it’s something checked by the algorithm.  The algorithm to select the 3 nominated participants is based on votes received, so if you’re not active it’s obvious your final counter will be zero. If nobody votes negative then the less “active” people will be on the block, but in case somebody votes negative things start to change on how algorithm selects the nominees. The algorithm takes into account how many of the participants have vote you positively or negatively, as well as the total number of votes to your messages.  To be out of the block is good to have lots of positive votes but it’s much more important the number of participants that at least voted positive for my messages (even if they only voted once).

As an example: if I get a daily total of +1000 points from 6 participants but other 4 participants voted negative my messages (-4) I will rank worst that a participant with only a total +20 points but having those votes comming from all participants.  If at the end few people negged some of my messages I will rank even worst than a non active. 

It’s better to watch out for who is negging you rather than getting lots of positive votes for the same few people. Negg inactive people that sends a few messages per day… (they are a threat)"

Sent by Daisy,Jul 30, 2009
Haha, Daisy is posting tons of info! The first blog link is a bit out-dated, since that was about the ten person Casting games before it changed into a twenty person game. :)
Sent by ksax00,Jul 30, 2009

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