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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Thoughts on BB 11 Cast

Jul 28, 2009 by WhiteTiger
Well I thought i'd post my views on the current cast due to two reasons.

1) Seem's to be a common blog topic here

2) I seem to be in the minority when it comes to opinions on house guests.

Casey - So the dude makes me laugh! He's got so many witty one liners that I love... But at the end of the day.. he reminds me of an old run down version of Mike Boogie...

Chima - I dear God I hate this girl. She's loud, obnoxious, ignorant... I can't wait for her to go home.. Thank you :-D

Jeff - Okay so maybe it's cause i'm a straight guy... but I am not understanding all the Jeff love... He's not all that special and I almost would love to see him evicted just so people will stop pumping him up for being so much better then he really is.

Jessie - I am one of the few who are actually enjoying Jessie.. He makes me laugh with his cockiness in the diary room and there's nothing better then seeing someone get built up high and then knocked off their throne which I think is going to happen to him sooner rather then later!

Jordan - Hmm... she's blond, stupid, and accidentally flashes the cameras all the time on the live feeds. Unlike Jeff... as a hetero male.. I can understand the Jordan love and I approve!

Kevin - I <3 Kevin, He's so hilarious. I didn't know how much i'd like him at the beginning. He's definitely playing UTR. But the way the live feeds are going I think we can expect him to be upping his game very soon, which I can't wait to see.

Lydia - I remember at the start of the season everyone was all about the Lydia love... I didn't think she was that great. Then when she joined forces with Jessie... everyone started hating on her. It was actually not until she joined with Jessie I started to like her. It showed that she was a strong female who was willing to do what she has to do to move her game forward, including turning on a whole alliance just days into the game. I think this may come back to bite her though cause if she'll turn once. She'll turn again.

Michele - My FAVORITE! She's the one i'm cheering for to win. Right now she's playing in the middle could cost her.. but as you live feed watchers know, she has become the resident chef for the house and everyone's wanting to keep her in the game longer due to that reason. Now I can only hope that her husband gets tired of her saying all their 'naughty secrets' on national tv and leaves her so I can move in :-)

Natalie - Ugh... Now here's where I do agree with the majority perception. She's as annoying as heck and it's horrible to think that when the athletes do start getting picked off... She's gonna probably stay safe for awhile due to the others being bigger threats then her.

Ronnie - Okay... So everyone is hating on Ronnie... calling him a rat.. saying he's a horrid player... Hmmm I remember at the start of Big Brother them saying the same thing about another player... by the name of Dr. Will... We all see how he ended up doing for himself. The secret is not avoiding being seen as the rat. It's being able to bounce back after being called out. Will did it many times... and Ronnie proved he can bounce back too.. I think he's better then people give him credit for.

Russell - I go back and forth on Russell... He kinda annoys me at times but at other times.. He seem's to be playing the best game in the house as he basically is seen by almost everyone in the house as on their side. When the power finally shifts.. I'm betting Russell will follow it.

Overall... I love this season! No one besides Chima who I really hate and even she brings the drama so it's not too horrible!

In my perfect world F4 (In order from who should win to who should get 4th): Michele/Kevin/Jordan/Lydia


Sent by Fizzeray,Jul 28, 2009
ug i dunno about michele, i dunno what u like about her
shes not like a terrible person, shes just nothing that special
heres my list
Russell/ Jordon/ Kevin/ Michele
Sent by Fizzeray,Aug 3, 2009

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