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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

NET NEUTRALITY - Proxy/Dark web/Incognito mode

1stDec 14, 2017 by Temeky
Even if you use proxy servers or incognito mode or anything related to the internet, it still has to go through your internet service provider - and with net neutrality being repealed, your ISP is allowed to decline these services for you.

You can't use proxy servers unless your ISP allows it - which they probably will not - nor going onto the dark web. EVERYTHING goes through your ISP. Every single word that you type, every single website you visit, every single Google search - everything. And now they're able to prohibit you from visiting certain sites, looking up different things and stuff like that.

Incognito mode only hides things on your end, not your ISPs. If you search for child pornography and you go into incognito mode, your ISP can still see that you searched for that. It only hides your browser history.

Apparently there's still a chance that this does not go through, the court has to vote on if this should pass - which it might.

If you have any more questions, ask me down below and I'll happily answer them to the best of my ability. I may live in Sweden, and I'm not affected by net neutrality being repealed - YET - but I do know stuff about it. #TemekyLovesComputers

EDIT: I do not support Net Neutrality being repealed. I think Net Neutrality should stay in place, and that the internet should be free for everyone to use, with no boundaries being set or any blocking to occur.


Are we really gonna have to pay to use certain websites
Sent by KatarinaDuCouteau,Dec 14, 2017
temeky will I still be able to use stuff like Snapchat and Instagram or will it be blocked?
Sent by DoubleSS,Dec 14, 2017
KatarinaDuCouteau - It's a possibility. Your ISP will be able to charge you to use certain websites, if they want to. As of today, when net neutrality is still in effect, they're not allowed to do so. However, if it gets repealed, they'll be able to.
Sent by Temeky,Dec 14, 2017
DoubleSS - It's entirely depending on what your ISP wants to do. If they wish to charge an amount for you to use Snapchat or Instagram, they're allowed to - if this goes through.
Sent by Temeky,Dec 14, 2017
temeky oh ok thanks
Sent by DoubleSS,Dec 14, 2017
So if it goes through will there be ANY difference between using normal browser and incognito browsers
Sent by KatarinaDuCouteau,Dec 14, 2017
KatarinaDuCouteau - Nope. Incognito mode only deletes browsing history from your end. Your ISP can see everything that you browse, incognito mode or not.

If you open incognito mode on Chrome, and you read the site that first pops up, it says "Your activity may still be visible for websites you visit, your workplace network administrator or school, and your internet service provide".
Sent by Temeky,Dec 14, 2017
When is the next possible date for it to be repealed
and, where can I access chi|d p r0n0gr*phy in the future
Sent by Carsonl,Dec 14, 2017
Carsonl - I do not know, sadly, but I think the court votes for it in 10 days? I could be wrong.
Also, I do not know where to find child porn, and if you really want it, you really should find other interests.
Sent by Temeky,Dec 14, 2017
Sent by levonini,Dec 14, 2017
levonini - As long as Canada doesn't implement it, Canada won't be affected! But I do think that some countries will bring this system in, since USA just voted to repeal net neutrality. I think Germany and the UK have the highest chance of continuing this "craze".
Sent by Temeky,Dec 14, 2017
So they know what kind of porn I watch?
Sent by Aerodynamics,Dec 14, 2017
Aerodynamics - Yep! If they wish to see your history, they're able to see everything your household has ever done on the internet.
I doubt that they'd check you specifically unless you do some shady activity, though.
Sent by Temeky,Dec 14, 2017
is it illegal if u accidently seen it. like for example if u ask an underaged teen to flash her tits on cam on omegle. asking for a relative
Sent by Carsonl,Dec 14, 2017
Would I have to pay then to use certain search engines and emails? Say Google, Gmail and Google docs?
Sent by BonAppetit,Dec 14, 2017
Does that mean that they will block websites from everyone in the USA like block facebook and stuff like that? or would they just make us pay to use facebook?
Sent by Megan,Dec 14, 2017
Megan Big websites like Facebook will pay more money to have better internet speeds, as a result they may demand more money
Sent by TypeOfDude,Dec 14, 2017
you don't know anything about this
Sent by FrOntIeRpSyChIaTrIsT,Dec 14, 2017
youre so clever
Sent by Oliviaxoxo,Dec 14, 2017
this isnt even true ur talking out of ur ass rn LOOL
Sent by mathboy9,Dec 14, 2017
well most of it is true but the isps still couldnt charge so stop it baby
Sent by mathboy9,Dec 14, 2017
Mathboy9 oh honey
Sent by Brandonator,Dec 14, 2017
Carsonl - This isn't something I know. Talk to someone else about this.

BonAppetit - I believe so? Your ISP is able to charge you for visiting certain websites, so search engines and such should be affected, if they decide to do so.

Megan - They're able to - it's not a guarantee that they'll do it - but they're certainly able to do so. They're also able to charge you to visit sites, as well as block sites.

Frontierpsychiatrist mathboy9 - I'm well aware of what's going on. If you choose to not believe what I'm saying, then go ahead.
Sent by Temeky,Dec 14, 2017
temeky so you support people watching child pornography you sick bastard.
Sent by JayElVeeIsBack,Dec 14, 2017
temeky, so pretty much we're like China?
Sent by Hash,Dec 14, 2017
This is why I love England
Sent by melindaMrskk,Dec 14, 2017
Hash you are too overprivledged to be saying this is China. For one China doesn't allow 60% of the web lol like you can't Google, Half of Youtube doesn't ever work, they only have 1 isp to choose from out there lol.
Sent by JayElVeeIsBack,Dec 14, 2017
JayElVeeIsBack - I never said that .Child pornography is illegal, and I do not in any way support it.

Hash - Kind of, except China (if I'm not mistaken) has only allowed a few certain websites PERIOD - whereas in the US you'll be able to pay to visit certain sites. So basically, yes, you're like China but you're much less restricted.
Sent by Temeky,Dec 14, 2017
net neutrality benefits big corporations
Sent by trickdaddy6,Dec 14, 2017
trickdaddy6 In what way does NN even remotely benefit big corps?
Sent by Booyahhayoob,Dec 15, 2017
Hopefully the senate appeals it
Sent by LuckyLefty,Dec 15, 2017

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