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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

My stars journey ✨

Jun 15, 2024 by SultanPeppershaker
After being nominated for the 16th spot, I knew I couldn’t just blend in—I spiced things up. I befriended those who nominated me, infiltrated alliances, and secured multiple paths to the end. I reached the final three without being seriously targeted more than once or twice, all while playing a major role in the game's big moves and staying under the radar.

Benja, my closest ally since day one, was saved numerous times thanks to my timely splits and strategic seasoning. I protected my friends while subtly guiding the game, letting players like Yan, Rock, and Shawn take the spotlight and target. I was like a crafty barracuda, navigating the waters of Stars 813, striking when the moment was right. My pursuit was relentless and strategic, like Captain Ahab hunting Moby Dick, ensuring that the bigger threats were targeted while I stayed safely under the radar.

As the sultan of spices, I had to spice things up of course. Whether it was a dash of deception or a sprinkle of strategy, I kept things interesting. I formed key alliances and outlasted those who initially targeted me. My journey was tough, but every sultan knows that the best dishes take time and effort. I played with intelligence, empathy, and perfect timing.

Vote for me to keep the spice alive and show that this Sultan of Spices can still bring the heat. Together, let's make this a victory worth savoring!

Good luck Yandereboy12 and Benja31 🍀 Yan, it was great talking hours about survivor when we weren’t just strategizing and Benja, you were there in the beginnng when nobody knew me from Adam and continued to be there. Both of you were kind and made this game enjoyable. I appreciated all the members of the cast, from Noxack who was my first ally in the game, my discord less partner in crime- our time was short, to Brice who was very polite and kind but was just present.  Everyone be  in my so likable made it so much harder to navigate - like Scooby69 was difficult to do since Kara is so sweet and just a lovely person, and everyone else along the way.

Unbelievable how this week unfolded and I am happy and proud of the game I played and I am pleased with the other twos games as well, Benja especially, who played a well rounded social and strategic game along side me aside from when I went rogue.

This is long so plllease vote for me to win I want to be immortalized in the hall of fame next to whomever this weeks cast decides to flavor- it better be @mrkKyle.


Best of luck my friend you did a great job :)
Sent by joe001,Jun 15, 2024
you slayed this game!
Sent by cheritaisdelicious,Jun 15, 2024
the Sultan of Slay
Sent by Tryphena,Jun 16, 2024

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