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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Why So Much Negativity?

Jan 9, 2010 by RitaBlankets
So. I'm at the father's house, completely miserable because HE is. Well no, I'm happy right now, but it's 'cos he's not here. >_< Does anyone else know angry people like this? He is INCESSANTLY angry. If you say one thing to him, he explodes. I'm serious. We had an argument earlier about how come he didn't tell me lunch was ready today, and apparently I was instigating. If I was , my bad, but still -- it's taxing on my brain to be around such a negative person.

I wanna go back to school! Ironically, there is so much less stress there and I'm happy like...24/7. It's so awesome. But the frustrating thing is, too -- I'm deff not alone. Like, EVERYone I've been talking to needs to get back to school stat because they hate where they live. WHY is the world full of so many negative people??? UGH. It makes ME negative. Far more often than it should.


i +4ed coz you talked alot.
Sent by w0witztyler,Jan 9, 2010
LOL thanks Tyler. xP <3
Sent by RitaBlankets,Jan 10, 2010
People just find it easier to be negative about something than positive, it's sad but true :(
Sent by Sabrewulf238,Jan 11, 2010

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