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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Aug 14, 2011 by Reputation
imagePercy Weasley has became the second housemate to be evicted with 57.14% of the public vote losing out to Lord Voldemort.

1. Ginny Weasley
2. Neville Longbottom
3. Draco Malfoy
4. Pansy Parkinson
5. Hermione Granger
6. Ron Weasley ~~ 1ST EVICTED
7. Bellatrix Lestrange
8. Harry Potter
9. Minerva McGonagall
10. James Potter
11. Lily Potter
12. Lord Voldemort
13. Luna Lovegood
14. Sirius Black
15. Molly Weasley
16. Severus Snape
17. Rita Skeeter
18. Percy Weasley ~ 2ND EVICTED
19. Dolores Umbridge
20. Albus Dumbledore

Nobody is particularly bothered about Percy's eviction, unless you count Molly Weasley, crying her eyes out again. They are more bothered about the fact that Lord Voldemort managed to survive the public vote, which they are shocked about. Pansy and Draco are now in 2 alliances, as they assumed Voldemort would be going and therefore created a new alliance, and they must be careful. The housemates get told that the HoH competition will be soon. Lord Voldemort won the competition and is therefore Head of Household [Courtesy of].

Lord Voldemort immediately and obviously targets Harry Potter, and decides to put up his girlfriend alongside him, Ginny.

Nominees: Harry Potter & Ginny Weasley

Nobody is surprised about this move, however Molly Weasley is drastically upset and tells her daughter she will try and win POV for her, Ginny tells her mother to calm down. Meanwhile, the drama that everybody has been waiting for; James and Snape finally erupt into a heated argument after Snape commented on Harry's intelligence, Severus decides that he'd rather work with his other alliance [Draco, Pansy, Umbridge & Rita Skeeter] as his and James' rivalry are not going to enable the huge alliance to work.

Neville Longbottom wins the POV. He has no idea what to do with it, Harry says that he wouldn't mind if he used it on Ginny. But Sirius & James, desperate for Harry's safety, greet Neville as an old friend and discuss Neville's parents, who Sirius & James used to be friends with, and then move onto the topic of the veto, and that Harry is the obvious target to go and they need to save him or Voldemort will have won, they also ask Neville not to tell Harry that they were campaigning for him because they wouldn't want him to think that they were against Ginny.

POV: Neville Longbottom uses it on Harry Potter

Voldemort is furious with Neville for this, and, well you guessed, Bellatrix decided to confront him and taunts him about his parents, Molly walks by, and calls Bellatrix a bitch and she'd better leave him alone, Molly walks off again, Bellatrix carries on, and Neville doesn't know what to say in defence until Sirius comes and rescues the situation, and notifies James. They decide to create another, slightly smaller, alliance, as they know, plenty of people in the Order+DA alliance wouldn't keep them over others. They recruit themselves, Lily and Harry (Obviously) and Ginny & Hermione.

Final Nominees: Ginny Weasley & Albus Dumbledore



Sent by AlyssaRiggs,Aug 14, 2011

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