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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Aug 13, 2011 by Reputation
20 housemates have entered the Big Brother house! They are;

1. Ginny Weasley
2. Neville Longbottom
3. Draco Malfoy
4. Pansy Parkinson
5. Hermione Granger
6. Ron Weasley
7. Bellatrix Lestrange
8. Harry Potter
9. Minerva McGonagall
10. James Potter
11. Lily Potter
12. Lord Voldemort
13. Luna Lovegood
14. Sirius Black
15. Molly Weasley
16. Severus Snape
17. Rita Skeeter
18. Percy Weasley
19. Dolores Umbridge
20. Albus Dumbledore

Big Brother told the housemates that they would be competing for HoH IMMEDIATELY and that it would be a quiz on each other. Pansy Parkinson turned out to be the winner of the competition.

Lord Voldemort immediately tried to persuade Pansy to join the Death Eaters alliance [Himself, Draco & Bellatrix and he also had plans to recruit Dolores Umbridge]. Pansy seemed unsure of her position in the alliance, and went to Draco for comfort, Draco asked her who she would like to nominate, and Pansy said Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley. Draco said he'd speak to Voldemort and see if that would be satisfactory. Draco returned with Voldemort's approval, who said it would be good to get those out who are close to Harry Potter first, so they could make him less of a threat.

Meanwhile, Harry had just met his parents for the first time, and they form the DA/Order alliance consisting of Harry, Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore, Snape, James, Sirius, Lily, Neville, Ginny, Luna, Molly & McGonagall. There appears to still be huge rivalry between the likes of James & Sirius and Snape. Harry begs his father and godfather to try and keep the peace, of course, with James giving his life for his son and meeting him for the first time since he was 1, he said he'd be happy to do that, much to Lily's seal of approval in the form of a kiss.

Nominees: Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley

Nobody is particularly surprised by this move. But Ron & Hermione are eager to win the POV. Ron tells Hermione that if he wins the veto, he'll save her.

James Potter wins the POV. There is much debate over what he will do, Sirius reminds him that if he uses it, undoubtedly Voldemort will force Pansy to nominate Harry, and it's too much of a risk if they want to stay in the house together. James apologizes to Ron & Hermione and tells him the situation, of course Hermione knew immediately that it would be a silly move of him to use it, and understood.

POV: Not used.

Final Nominees: Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley



Evict Ron lol good story
Sent by generalmills,Aug 13, 2011
actually better option would have been use pov and use imperious charm to get pansy to nom voldemort.
Sent by generalmills,Aug 13, 2011
Wands are confiscated!
Sent by Reputation,Aug 13, 2011
ahh that would make sense
Sent by generalmills,Aug 13, 2011
Ron because Hermione is hot lol.
Sent by Qwerty3000,Aug 13, 2011

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