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Patrick319's Blog

Posts 16009 posts

I hate newbs that..... Jan 12, 2010
Go into their first Rookies, don't talk at all, and expect to make the Finals!! Then when they come 10th or 9th they use this "ITS MY FIRST ROOKIES" excuse and bitch and moan in a blog :\
Plus/comment if you agree (:
Points: 46 6 comments
20 Things timecat does instead of Homework!! Jan 11, 2010
Here is the Official List:

1. Write useless blogs.
2. Spam me.
3. Make useless polls.
4. Ask me to do something on Skype for her, but then wont answer.
5. Call me a bitch for negging her blog.
6. Purposely be slow.
7. Flirt with hoodieboy7449.
8. Join a quickgame and then quit halfway through.
9. Search up "20 things to do instead of homework".
10. Make fun of me.
11. Take a picture of herself in black and white.
12. Comment on her picture saying how she looks like a slut.
13. Tell me her life story.
14. Talk to me on Skype being like "talk Patrick!"
15. Take useless quizzes online.
16. Link me these quizzes and I get a result like "YOU WILL BE MURDERED".
17. Sing on Skype.
18. Go to bed very early.
19. Get grounded for 1 week.
20. And of course.. distract me from doing my Geography Essay ;)
Points: 68 6 comments
Working on a Geography Essay.... Jan 11, 2010
but I can't logout </3
Points: 36 5 comments
What was the highest amount of money you earned from a blog? Jan 11, 2010
imageMy highest was 15.9$ from this blog:

What was yours, and lets see who wins xD
1st. Patrick319 - 15.9$
2nd. je7467 - 12.2$
3rd. Alexxandra - About 11$
4th. hoodieboy7449 - 9.8$
5th. Leblanct - About 8.2$
6th. konohavillage1 - 6.1$
7th. MarieEve - 6.0$
8th. allycatstrikes - 5.1$
9th. Quail - 0.5$
Points: 64 10 comments
Don't you hate it in Castings when..... Jan 11, 2010
You make it through the WHOLE game un-nommed, and then in the Final 5 your nominated and then given 5th? :\
It just happened to me xD
Oh well (:
Points: 52 6 comments
HELP IN DOND XD Jan 10, 2010
(EDIT: I took No Deal and picked 23, which had the million. The offer was like 168,000, so I took the Deal with a bonus of 40% :)

Amounts left:


Offer: $193,501

Cases Left: 4, 20, 23
I chose 25

Points: 26 7 comments