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Oedipus' Big Questions: Round 1 (Meaning)

Jan 24, 2023 by Oedipus

Welcome philosophers! Over the next coming days the 10 of you will voice your thoughts on the world until just one of you remains! Good luck! And I can't wait to hear your thoughts!

🥊🥊🥊ROUND 1🥊🥊🥊
What is the meaning of life?

Human beings spend a large portion of life searching for meaning and purpose. It is of no surprise then, that the big question of 'what is the meaning of life?' arises. How people answer this question often plays a large role in how they then lead their life and even how they view their inevitable death. So how do YOU answer this question? What is the meaning of YOUR life? What is YOUR purpose? Does purpose/meaning even exist?


At the end of this round there will NOT be an elimination. This first question is a broad, and popular philosophical question. One that when answered it often deeply rooted in the fundamental beliefs of a person.

While I will still rank your answers (based on the three categories I previously mentioned: deep thinking, honesty and new perspectives), this round is mainly focussed on me getting to know the cast and introducing how we all think ideologically and philosophically. So try not to stress too much about how you answer this! Be as raw as you like because at the end of this round there will still be 10 philosophers in the game!


To answer the question, simply send your answer in the comment section (you can only send one comment... so don't send multiple otherwise I'll either ask you to combine them or choose one). You have until this blog expires to submit! Good luck philosophers!!


🧠Karma ( KarmaSutra)
🧠Wolven ( Wolven6974)
🧠Jay ( teamclay)
🧠Mackey ( Mackey)
🧠Princess ( princesspretty)
🧠Johnny ( suit)
🧠Stranded ( Stranded)
🧠Andalarew ( andalarew_2231)
🧠Lifeiscool ( lifeiscool)
🧠Ryan ( Nanonerd)


No one can tell the actual definition of the meaning of life. For some, it is all about happiness, building a family, and leading life as it is. For some, it is about accumulating wealth, whereas, for some, it is all about love.
Sent by Mackey,Jan 24, 2023
It's really whatever you choose it to be. The meaning life is just a funny way to say what your life's goals are or to say what you think everyone's goals should be, much preferably the former.
So in a way there's no true one definitive meaning of life.
Sent by Wolven6974,Jan 24, 2023
Many people often think about this question and believe that there is one fixed answer for all forms of life that exist. However, the answer is not that simple. The “meaning of life” as it is described is ultimately just our reasons for living. It’s what motivates us to keep living our lives, whether that be our goals, our dreams, our ambitions, or the things that are already in our lives here in the present. So the “meaning of life” actually has a different answer for each and every life form in the universe, and the meaning of our individual lives is determined by what we do with them. What our personalities are, what kind of friends and family we interact with, what kind of interests we develop, and how we have fun.

If there was a fixed, simple answer to the question, however, then it would boil down to one thing: ultimately, living organisms just want to be happy. No matter what kind of things we like to do, we do them because they fill us with joy. We do these things because we want to be happy, and these things make us happy. We often think about how we can have the most fun, and for many of us our definition of fun is very different. Living things have many different ways to enjoy themselves, but ultimately they are all doing the same thing: attempting to quench a thirst that can only be quenched by feeling joy and satisfaction.

So long story short, if there was a fixed “meaning of life”, then the meaning of life would simply be to enjoy it, however one can, before it’s over.
Sent by NanoNerd,Jan 24, 2023
To me, the meaning of life is for you find what you're passionate about and pursue it to the fullest. I believe we're all put on Earth for a specific reason, and it is up to you to walk through life trying to figure out what your reason for being here is. This is not always an easy task, and a lot of people go through life feeling like they don't have a purpose and their life has no purpose. The sad truth to that, at least to me, is that no one you meet is ever going to look at you and tell you what your purpose is. Life is one big journey of using the scientific method to deduce whether the different things you try are what your true calling and purpose is. Once, you've finally figured out your true purpose and the reason you're here on Earth, you spend the rest of your life honing that skill or responsibility. Striving for as close to perfection as possible in that area, and maybe even enhancing how others do the same thing.
Sent by KarmaSutra,Jan 25, 2023
The meaning of life I feel like is a very funny question because we simply do not know the correct answer to it. Wether it’s to live a healthy life and to never do anything bad it to live life in the moment carefree. I do however believe that everything happens for a reason and therefore humans exist for a reason. Looking at it as the bigger picture overall I do believe that humans were meant to be here to take care of the earth and to make it better, but as for the overall meaning of life itself. It’s whatever you make it out to be, what is your purpose, who are you meant to be around, what are you meant to accomplish and vise versa fail. Everyone has their own destiny in their own hands and you choose it everyday with the decisions you make.
Sent by teamclay,Jan 25, 2023
the meaning of life is so simple. everyone wants to be happy, and everyone is on their own journey to find happiness. because of capitalism and all the evil in the world the path to happiness has become alot more overcomplicated for most people, but that is what lifes journey is all about as we seek to find our happiness
Sent by princesspretty,Jan 25, 2023
Jesse, I wish I could tell you there was a neat & clean answer to this question.  So many people are looking for an easy way to find meaning in life, and many people are scared of the idea that life has no inherent meaning.

But for better or worse, it’s true.  We might be subject to laws as members of a society, but we don’t have a rule book for what life is supposed to be.  Some people realize this and get depressed.  But I see a tremendous opportunity in living in such an open ended world. 

Millennials and Gen Z play a lot of video games, right?  Well, we live in the ultimate open world.  At any time, we can choose to pursue new opportunities, and this means the power is in our hands.  We can explore vast landscapes, come up with totally original quests to pursue.  And this isn’t just true in a big picture sense; no, we have the freedom to make small choices that make our lives better every day.  The big choice is what the meaning of life is, and your personal answer to that question will inform the small choices that give you a sense of control over your situation.
Sent by suit,Jan 25, 2023
The meaning of life is to find what you enjoy and what you love most.

If you do what you enjoy you won’t hate what you do. If you find what you love then you found happiness. Life wasn’t meant to be so boring and minimalist as it is currently. Do what makes you happy. Do what you like. Do what you love. It doesn’t matter in the end.

All that matters is that at the end of your life you feel happy. You feel satisfied with how you lived. If you feel that, you lived the best life that YOU wanted. Not how anyone else wanted it.
Besides, it’s likely you will be forgotten in a century anyways.

Just do what makes you happy and do what you love.
Sent by Stranded,Jan 25, 2023
I will take the honest approach. Short answer. There is no actual purpose to life. People like to act like their is one when there really isn't any purpose. It gives people something to hold onto. The fear of nothing scares people away and that is why religion exists. We are only here to reproduce and pass away. But that doesn't mean you cant give yourself a purpose. But there is nothing waiting for us in the afterlife. Although we all wish there was...
Sent by Lifeiscool,Jan 25, 2023
So when it comes to this question it means 2 things to me. 1) why am I alive
2) how do we live a life full of fulfillment

I’m just gonna tackle point 2 as point 1 is pretty obvious.

So how do we live a life of fullfillment? Well the simplest thing to take away from this is how do you perceive your life and how do you wish to live. Some people could interpret it as wake up go to work go home go to bed repeat. Where as others may interpret it as donate and make people smile. The littlest of things could be what brings someone fullfillment.
To each their own
Sent by andalarew_2231,Jan 25, 2023

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