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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Do your real life friends/family know

May 26, 2024 by NathanDamnit
you play ONLINE REALITY GAMES? Mine do. My mom would get stories about my strategies and such. She disliked the whispering from the show because it was usually scheming someone elses gameshow downfall. My sibling played a fast casting for me while I texted my votes etc while I ran out for fun (during BB11).

My friends know about my reality show obsession. A couple relationships ago my ex would hear my stories about rookies, frookies and castings. I suggested he play and/or let me use his then 27 year old abs as votes and leverage but he said no. He knew his type (a skinnier gay) was more popular because I would talk about this site or read him the comments and blogs. I even got him into Survivor and it lead to us playing VSURVIVOR with hundreds of people. I tried to paint players as duplicitious and publicly outed myself LMAOOO and went down in a blaze of glory with Sandra Diaz-Twine and her QUEENS ARMY of devout reality fans. Marty Piombo also went down with us too. My ex outlasted half the cast but was outed; he had a target for switching his vote and getting notoriety for voting QUEEN SANDRA OUT and his vote was highlighted for a last minute switch (likely 1 of many but his was so final second and a nail in my coffin). We voted for the winner; a woman who won over this bloke with spectacles. They were a cool and under the radar final 2 who played as a pair!!!!

There was a asian fellow playing VSURVIVOR and during the game he was like "got my buff and my rice to play Survivor should I camp outside" and he was urged not to. THE DUDE WAS LEGIT STARVING AS THE GAME PROGRESSED LIKE HE FOR REAL ACTED LIKE A SURVIVOR AND HE VANISHED TIL HIS DEPARTURE LMAO.

I think I got a SURVIVOR MICHIGAN YOUTUBE SERIES ALL STAR eliminated. He was upset with me because he thought us Tengaged people stick together. I guess we have to stick together because duh why cannibalize our own?

That's all my stories for today. The VSURVIVOR took place ONCE in 2013 and the winner scored $200 USD I think?? Everyone else; nada, nothing, zero.  There were, I think, several hundreds of players maybe 500+ anyone else know??


why wouldnt they?
Sent by Harley,May 26, 2024
harley hey we joined around the same time, crazy.your name doesn't ring a bell. but yeah ikr?
Sent by NathanDamnit,May 26, 2024
This is wild
Sent by Tryphena,May 26, 2024
I think they have an idea but idk if they know exactly what types of games I play
Sent by Tester,May 26, 2024

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