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Look Out Behind You Cos Imma Comin'

Posts 162 posts

Is it bad to cancel on friends Apr 17, 2015
Points: 27 3 comments
Calling you out 13 Apr 17, 2015
You do not dictate the feelings of others Thirteen. You may be smart, but you're not manipulative. Tdiloka is one of my favourite people on this site. He blogs about whatever he wants even though like 2 people get his references. He doesn't care about attention, he writes from his heart. And I absolutely love that about him. He is a wonderful person. :')
If he quit, I would miss him! I'm not a nobody, I'm a somebody!
You preach love and peace, Mr. 13, what was that?
Telling someone they should leave cos no one will miss them?
How dare you decide how important someone is!
You sir are turning into an upsetting individual and I respected you, you know that.
I gave you pieces of myself, honest pieces.
But you insulted a friend and I cannot stand for that!
Points: 42 4 comments
How to Blog "In Peace" Apr 16, 2015
Be irrelevant! It's not hard!
Here's a guide on How to be Irrelevant!
#1 Be a low level
While this does not guarantee irrelevance, irrelevancy does favour the lower levels. If you're a TV Star, you should quit for 7 days and make a new account, which leads to...
#2 Have a boring username
If you go for something which is unique, fun or based on a character/reality star, you could become relevant! Go for something like "BigBruvaLuvaBoy9001" for ignored blogs.
#3 Blog about things which only interest you, or 1 person
If you blog something about a TV show or celebrity, that will get lots of attention! You don't want that! But if you say things like, "Don't drink while deriving" with a dy/dx, very few will giggle! I did! :(
Those are guaranteed 100 points! Don't do those! They make you relevant for a day! :S
#5 Be blunt and honest from Day 1
With no secrets comes no confessions. No confessions mean no change of perspectives or you being a topic of discussion. :)
#6 Never get involved in drama
Don't play hard and no one will notice or hate you. You will not just have the peace of irrelevancy but also the dramafree harmony. ^_^
#7 Don't be interesting!
...Or be interesting? I dunno, neither work! XD
I'm stuck, got any more??
Points: 26 0 comments
Basically Apr 16, 2015
Very little turns me on! ;)
...Or maybe nothing does...;)
Points: 10 0 comments
Bored so PYN Apr 16, 2015
And put on ur sexiest avi, n ill tell u if it turns me on. ;)
TheJoe The shades & the mouth r a lil sketchy, but Squirtle wins me over everyday of the week! ;)
Acyuta U a lil angel wit a halo....imma make u sin! ;) :P
TheExterminator4 Well you have those serious brown eyes and you're wearing red - the colour of love and passion! You turnin me on bro! ;)
Points: 36 7 comments
Wearing Dark Green Apr 16, 2015
Points: 11 0 comments