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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

right or wrong

Jun 9, 2010 by JessAnn2011
Most people look at a man and another man holding hands and make jokes. People laugh and criticize other people based on their sexual orientation. Gay marriage is often frowned upon in most places in the United States. 'Its wrong and gross', often said by most passserbys. However, is fate wrong?

Growing up, my aunt was and still is a lesbian. I didn't know the difference until I was about 10 years old. It was a little 'weird' to accept at first, but the idea warmed on me. She only wanted happiness, and obviously a man wasn't what made her happy. It was her choice and I was one hundred percent okay with that.

Seeing her go from girlfriend to girlfriend was a growing point for me. I began to understand more and more how her sexual orientation was only different in gender, not structure. She did the things most men and women do on dates. Out to dinner, the occasional movie here and there, and even mini golfing. Seeing how similar her relationships with other women were compared to a man and women relationship made me understand that maybe she just had a different view on life. That view was her own, and I'm glad she was brave enough to acknowledge it and let others know without fear. I admire her for her bravery.

Though some of the 'physical' aspects of a gay relationship might be different, the important thing is that the couple is happy. Happiness is something everyone wants to achieve in life, and if a person the same gender as you allows you to feel that happiness then its good.

In most states, gay marriage is banned. This is discrimination of the rights of individuals according to the first amendment. Why aren't people who want a same sex marriage denied their right? Its a 'free' world, yet our government sets so many limits. These limits have many negative effects on relationships. If someones gay partner is on their death bed, they aren't allowed to give permission to pull the plug or keep them alive. They can't share Medicare, or any other kinds of things most married couples are allowed. These kinds of things hold gay couples back on improving their futures. These things can even stop them from moving on in their lives.

As a bisexual teenager, I have yet to face the discrimination others pose on a gay individual. However, most people don't frown upon lesbian girls as much as they do gay guys. I live my life everyday seeing my gay friend Matt get picked on for his sexuality. It hurts me because hes the nicest guy you could meet with the hottest fashion trends. He knows his designers and its awesome to be friends with such a cool person. I just wish other people would give him a chance. I know that discrimination is never going to completely end, but I'd like to think that others would become more open to the idea of same sex marriages. I mean, they aren't going to effect the lives of ordinary citizens, only help improve the lives of gays and their families. Making a change for one person can make a change for many people. Improvement is what every person strives for, and one little improvement can lead to more. So my advice to you is to love who you are. Gay, straight, or bi, you are who you are and thats what makes you you. Never fear what others thinks, because the people who mind don't matter and the people who matter don't mind. True friends stick with you no matter what, so be brave and be you.


Awh I completely agree there are some double standards out there. +10
Sent by ZEEnon,Jun 9, 2010

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