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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Mar 30, 2009 by IrvinIcon
imageheh. I get online today to start playing some poker and I decide to come to Tengaged, to check out STARS. And what do I see Randomize? I see you, yet again, killing your own website. AKA, Banning Alisowned, AKA Banning another person during STARS.
Then I begin to think to myself... "Why, oh why was she banned this time?" Then it hit me... Mr. Butt Hurt Wonder himself, KingMac. Oh yea, Randomize, I'm shooting with this one, I really don't give a shit. Ban Me, Blacklist me, do whatever you feel necessary, but the Truth will be heard. No matter how much you try and bury it.
You know, 2 FUCKING TIMES. 2 FUCKING TIMES. 2 FUCKING TIMES. I've had him banned. And why? Because, on 2 separate occasions, Mac engaged in Pedo-esque activities with Minors on YOUR website. Not for nothing, the fact I had sufficient evidence, and you yourself, seen it in your history, but you still unban him, Randomize? You let this dog lose on a website, that age limit starts at 13? It's like a Pedo being the Principle at an Elementary School... You just don't do that shit.
And the fact that you people rally behind him is disgusting. It's truly disgusting how you can get behind someone like that. Because I bet you, I fucking bet you, if an 19 year old man, came to your front door and said, "Hi, I'm a convicted Sex Offender, and I will be moving into your neighborhood." All of you would have a fucking problem, and complain to the authorities about your safety and you know it!
This brings me to my point, Randomize. Just because you have Mac resting under your balls nice and warm-like, you give him free reign over this fucking website? Hell, Alison's more of an ICON on this site than he will ever be. And please, please Randomize, don't say you banned her for the picture. Because everyone saw that picture, and no one seen any pornography on it. They seen Mac wearing a bra. Big Fucking whip. Why are you so mad over that?
Oh, that's right... I almost forgot, KingMac is your little dog now. He promises you 'Tengaged TV' when it's just him acting a Flaming Untalented Fairy, spewing his like and or dislike to certain members on your website. Dancing inappropriately or "trying" to dance cursing every other sentence and has more bias in him than Bill O'Riley and Keith Olbermann combined!
Here's the thing Randomize. You can go ahead and black list me all you want. Hell, you can even ban me. But people know I'm telling the truth and I am right. You did this shit to Paxton and Brianmertz, so I should suspect something this low from you. Yea, Mac can ave multiple accounts like 'BigMomma' and 'Kyle' and still not be banned. You sir, ARE THE BIGGEST HYPOCRITE OF THEM ALL.


Sent by Lexxu,Mar 30, 2009
Sent by JJJJ,Mar 30, 2009
Sent by OliviaSofie,Mar 30, 2009
there needs to be a CLEAR banning policy!
Sent by knixuk,Mar 30, 2009
i love how people are completely hypnotized by Mac's "TV", when he clearly hasn't changed one bit.
Sent by lemon5029,Mar 30, 2009
preach it Irvin!!!!! The things this guy has said and done do not compare to what he gets in return. Yup, try to solicite minors for sexual purposes, banned, whining, unbanned, makes up mulitple accts, Kyle, BigMomma, AGAIN tries to solicite teenage boys for sex acts, banned, more whining, unbanned. WTF is going on??
Sent by MattyD,Mar 30, 2009
Very good points Irvin, I completely agree.
Sent by Richpaca,Mar 30, 2009
Sent by Zacharyy,Mar 30, 2009
Sent by NoelSarah,Mar 30, 2009
Best believe that.  @_@
Sent by IAmPaxton,Mar 30, 2009
i so agree with this, some bans recently were definitely needed but ali didn't deserve it for that picture
Sent by girlracer265,Mar 30, 2009
I am now in the know! :)
Sent by Yoshitomi,Mar 30, 2009
Sent by BarnesDyke,Mar 30, 2009
Your information about Kingmac is false.
But in case you think it's an error or you have additional information about it I encourage you to directly inform FBI local agency or Internet Crime Complaint Center.
Sent by randomize,Mar 30, 2009
What information would that be, Randomize? I've sent you the links the game where he was doing it. I've even posted the chat logs. What information is wrong?
Sent by IrvinIcon,Mar 30, 2009
Randomize..Well at least tell us why ALISOWNED is banned!
The point of this article was mainly for alisowned to be unbanned..People of this site have done much worse than her
Sent by JJJJ,Mar 30, 2009
Just unbanned Alisowned, she didn't deserve it :(
Sent by Uskyld,Mar 30, 2009
what does randomizes response mean???
Sent by Emmaleigh,Mar 30, 2009
false? was that not him involving in a pedophiliac conversation with jamesss about having oral sex? he's 14 years old. kingmac, however, is 21, and he should know better to harass (ToS rule 4) a minor about this kind of act. i seriously can't comprehend how he is getting away with this.
Sent by lemon5029,Mar 30, 2009
"Well, it may be true, but I don't need to deal with it. Please contact those that care."
Sent by IrvinIcon,Mar 30, 2009
I totally agree with this.
Sent by Daisy,Mar 30, 2009
Sent by Zacharyy,Mar 30, 2009
i agree with everyone agreeing
Sent by Mike_Basirat,Mar 30, 2009
Sent by jrxoxo8,Mar 30, 2009
Sent by Daisy,Mar 30, 2009
But Daisy he's innocent!  Unless you have further evidence, and in that case please send them to your local authorities.
Sent by Uskyld,Mar 30, 2009
Sent by HeyItsDerek,Mar 30, 2009
You'd think a man that has a child himself would take this more serious.
Sent by Daisy,Mar 30, 2009
Sent by David,Mar 30, 2009
I know you guys love Alisowned, but i think randomize might end up closing the site if we keep complaining.
Sent by Jasmine,Mar 30, 2009
That's not the point, Jasmine, the point is, KingMac has done worse shit to constitute and permanent ban, while Alisowned hasn't. It's unfair. And we, THE PEOPLE THAT MAKE THIS SITE RUN, are not having it.
Sent by IrvinIcon,Mar 30, 2009
I honestly don't have a problem with Kingmac. But I don't think Alisowned should have been banned especially during stars, because all that does is screw up people's games... it's really unfair especially since those people worked hard to get into stars. UNBAN ALISOWNED :D
Sent by supergoten,Mar 30, 2009
This may be a game site, but in all honesty tengaged as a whole is a community.  No, we're not always going to get along and have everything be dandy and such.  However, in a community, there should be a sense of safety for everyone.  If there are people with questionable behavior free to roam and seek out young ones and allowed to talk dirty and the like  to them, then that sense of safety is broken.  It really shocks me to sit here and watch rando act as he has in response to this matter.  Mac is not one to just brush off as we've all seen his track record.  The things he has done in the past should have been enough to already have him gone, yet here he remains.  My only questions to this is, why?  What does he bring to this site that warrants his staying?  Is he that crucial to its success?  I think not.  I'm sorry to anyone who may disagree with me but it's just how I feel.  I want tengaged to only get better and for us to still be dealing with Mac yet again after all this time seems like a step back again.  If we want this place to get better action must be taken.  The scum needs to be removed.  Without this happening nothing is going to change here.
Sent by IAmPaxton,Mar 30, 2009
I'm with knix on this. There does need to be a clear banning policy, and on top of everything she was banned during Stars...
Sent by J_Byrd,Mar 30, 2009
I'll say this much:
If one goes, the one who's done equally the same should go.
In perspective, both have done incorrect acts.
Therefore; both should be banned.
Sent by Lockie,Mar 30, 2009
Paxton said it perfectly, bravo post of the year Paxton <3
Sent by Uskyld,Mar 30, 2009
WOW! Well Said. 1,000,000,000,000 % agree with what Irvin said.
Sent by BioDork,Mar 30, 2009
I didn't know posting a photo that wasn't porn, warranted being banned, Lockie.
Sent by IrvinIcon,Mar 30, 2009
The people who act inappropriately on this site have no respect for Randomize or his rules because he doesnt stick to anything.  A ban should MEAN a ban.. Randomize please just make some clear and precise rules, particularly with regard sexual talk and behaviour on a site that is apparently suitable for age 13 up.  Please do not sway from your decision once someone is banned in the fear that people will 'leave' the site.  People like this site and enjoy the community and we will all eventually 'get over it' if someone is forced to leave.  I have no idea about ali's picture so i cant comment and as for KingMac I only know what I have heard but if there is any basis of truth in it he should ABSOLUTELY NOT be allowed in this site.  Randomize you are in danger of this site turning into chaos if you dont do something quickly to make and firmly enforce rules with regard behaviour.
Sent by EssexGirl,Mar 30, 2009
Sent by Aeterna,Mar 30, 2009
Nicely put!!!
Sent by FoxxyCleopatra,Mar 30, 2009
+9 i agree 100%
Sent by Vessa,Mar 30, 2009
Sent by donkeypoon,Mar 30, 2009
I'll anounce who my Multi is bay bay soon!
Sent by Patrick0323,Mar 30, 2009
+9 I do think that randomize should make some clearer rules
Sent by Pogo11,Mar 30, 2009
As one of the sites young people I too think KingMac should be banned and don't wanna be prey to him. If Randomize can ban Alisowned who has just posted a picture of her in a bra, which I feel is no way pornographic, and KingMac is unbanned even though he has been preying on the sites young people and being a pedo, then I think there is seriously something wrong with Randomize and he should get his act together and post some clear rules about this. AND BAN KINGMAC!! Its pathetic how some paedophile is allowed to roam in a site full of young people and I think alot of people think the same.
Sent by Iscreamforicecream,Mar 30, 2009
Sent by UnderCat,Mar 30, 2009
Awww. It doesn't work :( Shame.
Sent by UnderCat,Mar 30, 2009
100% AGREE
Sent by Aaron1996,Mar 30, 2009
Sent by azn_dude89,Mar 30, 2009
mr. IrvinIcon, you are the weakest link, goodbye!
- Randomize
Sent by Charming2010,Mar 30, 2009
well stated
Sent by Alegeeter,Mar 30, 2009
Sent by Halio88,Mar 30, 2009
If that's true, that sicko has to go!
Sent by MelissaP,Mar 30, 2009
i agree<3
Sent by TrevorV,Mar 30, 2009
How did I miss this blog? LMFAO
Sent by Alisowned,Mar 30, 2009
"Your information about Kingmac is false."

Proof was sent, but ignored.
Sent by Richpaca,Mar 30, 2009
Plus plus
Sent by AngelOfWater,Mar 30, 2009
holy shit . i cant handle all this truth .
*drowns in truth*
Sent by Kathryn,Mar 30, 2009
Lol @ all this misfits ass kissing in this comment section. Hopefully one day some peoples balls here will drop.
Sent by Oscirus,Mar 30, 2009
^^ Oscirus, I forgot how much I dislike you. Thanks for reminding me.
Sent by Alegeeter,Mar 31, 2009
Sent by Tess11,Mar 31, 2009

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