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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

They say love conquers all...

Jun 19, 2010 by IamBen
They say. Tengaged it's been a few months since I've checked in to see the updates/changes being made, and wow, changes indeed.

I see new games, color levels, people, shops and so much more. I must admit, t'was a lot better when it was only a HoF, Rookies & Castings.

But that's not what I've come here to talk about, recently, I've been very ill. I came down with a disease known as Rota-Virus, for those of you who do not know, it's severe de-hydration. I did a bit of research and discovered it's almost the No.1 Killer when it comes to diseases in babies, and it kills a lot of children in third world countries. I didn't think it would happen to me, but it did. I went to hospital, they kept me there for about a week, under constant observation. I had very, very, very low blood pressure and was struggling to breathe, eat and drink. I had lost the will to live, eventually I was living by a single drip in my arm. I swear I saw something, a light, everytime I closed my eyes.

But thankfully, like a gift from God, I recovered, I guess I was one of the lucky ones. My blood pressure returned moderately to normal and after two weeks of irritating constant nausea and also still to this day, I am feeling a little better.

I also recently lost my grandmother, who I was deeply close too. She had a massive stroke, losing 50% of her bodily functions. I said goodbye to her the night she died, she couldn't really do anything, except squeeze my hand. I squeezed hers back and told her I loved her.

Her funeral was this Wednesday, a beautiful ceremony. But still to this very moment, something is missing, like I hole in my life. I don't know what it is...perhaps it's tengaged? lol. But I know deep down something is not right and I am trying to find out, sometimes posting this sort of stuff to strangers or people I once knew is easier, well so I thought


Sent by nukapox,Jun 19, 2010
Awh that's really sad. At least you were there with her. :( +10
Sent by ZEEnon,Jun 19, 2010
awwwh :( i'm sorry.
Sent by kelly_joanne,Jun 19, 2010
wow. That's deep
Sent by Kwon,Jun 19, 2010
aww :(
Sent by Pingu,Jun 19, 2010

that sucks. i feel for you
Sent by NeonChaos,Jun 19, 2010

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