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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Survivor Hall of Fame.......

Nov 22, 2013 by Hannah_McKay
I don't know if this is old news or not, but I was looking at the Survivor Hall of Fame because Jeff just named his nominees. For anyone who is unfamiliar with it the Survivor Hall of Fame is for outstanding former Survivor contestants. Some Survivors get nominated/selected by a committee including Jeff, other producers for CBS, and any contestants already inducted into the Hall of Fame. The current Survivors in the Hall of Fame include:  Parvati Shallow, Boston Rob, Richard Hatch, Russell Hantz, Sandra Diaz-Twine, Cirie Fields, Ozzy Lusth, Tom Westman, Rob Cesternino, Ethan Zohn, and Amanda Kimmel.
While I don't necessarily like all of the players, credit where credit is due, they all earned their places there.

What I'm upset about is this years nominations by Jeff! They include: Cochran, Malcolm, and Coach. Seriously??? This is turning into the Jeff's man-crush club. So many great female players are being overlooked because their not Jeff's "bros". Those three are definitely not that great. Cochran did win, but there are other winners who played waaaaaay better games than him. I love Malcolm, but I don't think he's a strong enough strategist to be in the HoF. He's likable and physical and that's about it. Coach, seriously Coach??? He played well in SP but his HvV game was bad and his Tocantins game even worse.

I think some better nominees would include: Denise Stapely, the only person to survive every single TC in a season; Kim Spradlin, her game was flawless; Tina Wesson, first female winner/great strategist (in all fairness I believe she in ineligible because she is on the current season); Stephenie LaGrossa, only person to be a one-person tribe, first player to play back to back seasons and plus she came back to make the finals in her second season; JT (hate him) but he did play the first "perfect game" no votes during the game/unanimous win; Todd, winner/great strategist. Some obscure people i would add because they played really strong games would be (plus I'm kinda biased towards them): Natalie Bolton, Peih-Gee Law, Jerri Manthey, Jonathan Penner, Erinn Lobdell, Colby Donaldson, Kathy Vavrick O'Brien.

I want to hear feedback from you all! What do you think of Jeff's nominees? Who would you nominate?



Hannah_McKay  I agree if boston rob was so good he should've survived to the merge in ALL the seasons he played
Sent by workhardplayhard247,Nov 22, 2013
jerri manthey and tina wesson for sure should be in there! and kim and denise!
Sent by tdan13,Nov 22, 2013
I sent my vote for Jerri, Todd and Courtney Y.
Sent by manalord,Nov 22, 2013
Cochran is so overrated. Dawn should have won Caramoan.
Coach is just Probst man crush.

I don't have a problem with malcolm being in it cuz he is so popular plus he has all three parts of the game locked down.

My choices

BRIAN HEIDIK--Great gamer. So underrated but he played the best game ever played by a player. He was tight with everyone, and had to cut them lose cuz they would beat him. He brought a goat to the end, and almost lost cuz he was too busy playing the game and working hard at camp to deal with sitting around and talking about lives back home like Clay did.

RUDY BOESCH--Just cuz he is Rudy.

KIM SPRADLIN--Most dominant female gamer ever.
Sent by Dinosauro27,Nov 28, 2013
Fuck you retards.
Sent by MarthaSpeaks,May 25, 2018

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