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Dark Coffee

Posts 155 posts

Time to get some T-Cash Oct 19, 2009
imageI have 28 karma, and after my game is over I will have over 30.  So in order to get my Skanky Orange level I will need a lot more T-Cash.  So I shall be posting a blog every day of whatever is on my mind, even if you don't agree.  I will also post in that blog the "Youtube Song of the Day", where I will get a song stuck in your head (maybe) of whatever it is I am listening to at the moment.

Speaking of which, this is what I've got stuck in my head right now:

It is Super Driver, the song for the OP of The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi (Season 2).
Points: 75 13 comments
TOMARE! (Stop!): Lies and Fallacies Oct 19, 2009
imageIt has come to my attention that a certain Taylorrocks created a blog lamenting his recent eviction in my latest castings game.

If you look at the description for me, you will see what he says.  However, there are a few problems with this.

I never wanted him out "since day 1" as he so put it.  It is true I rejected the idea of a Final 4 deal, but I never said it in such a way as to warrant such a nasty description of myself.

The truth is I only ever said two things to him.


from Taylorrocks 2 days 19 hours ago
    I want to know if you want a final 4 deal? I know we have not talked but I think we could run this game.

by me to Taylorrocks 2 days 19 hours ago
    The fact yer telling me this implies you have an alliance of three already.

from Taylorrocks 2 days 18 hours ago
    I just want a final 4 deal..

by me to Taylorrocks 2 days 18 hours ago
    Sigh.  I don't get involved in things without any info about it.

from Taylorrocks 2 days 18 hours ago
    ok thats fine .

That is the last thing we said to each other.  WOW I was totally being a bitch there.  Just WOW.

The fact is I held back and rejected him as politely as I could personally, while making it clear I didn't want any sort of alliance with him.

However, it has also come to my attention that a certain Vendetta told Taylor that I had wanted him out since day 1.  I can only think she was playing the field as well.  It really depends on when she told Taylor this bit of info.  If it was after her eviction, then the only explanation would be she is seeking vengeance for what she viewed as a wrong against herself.  I had her evicted because someone in a Rookies game I had been in had told me she was bad news, so I took action to nip a potential problem in the bud.  It was with everyone's best intentions in mind.

However, it is also possible that Vendetta merely told him who was who in my alliance, and then Taylor misread the information.  Some people will believe anything either because they want to, or they fear it may be true. (Totally not a Wizard's First Rule reference, lol)

Also, had I wanted Taylor gone "since day 1", I had an alliance that would have taken him out a long long time ago, and even then that would be only if they had listened to me.

So, in the words of the Season 2 ending theme for The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi...

TOMARE! (Stop!)

That is all.

*cue Ending theme song, Tomare!*

Points: 44 17 comments
Maestro, play the Hallelujah Chorus!!! Oct 15, 2009

All I can say is this:


Seriously, this person was just so full of shit and as far as being a decent human being, she was bankrupt.  I'm glad she's gone, for whatever reason.

To those who are about to be and/or are banned/removed, we SALUTE YOU!

*drinks a 24 oz cup of coffee*
Points: 0 5 comments
My Very First Rookies Game Aug 29, 2009

I finally got enough cash (after buying my yellow level), and now I'm in my first Rookies games.  Hopefully I'll do better than last place, lol.
Points: 4 3 comments
What's the Deal, America? : Homophobes. Aug 27, 2009
imageBeing a gay man, I sometimes come across those people (mostly men), who are friendly one moment, but as soon as you say yer gay they instantly hate you.  What's the deal?

There are multiple theories, but here are only a couple.

Insecurity: The overly homophobic men sometimes are dealing with some inner conflict regarding their own sexuality.  They not only avoid gay men, but anything remotely gay.  Sometimes they even become hostile (as is the case of this player here:  They think it's wrong to be gay, but they can't help but entertain the thought "what if".

Belief system: Religious or not, some people are brought up to believe homosexuality is wrong, but may or may not be hostile towards you.  They may or may not have nothing against you personally (depending on the beliefs), but they think what you're doing is wrong. (Maybe it is, who knows? But meh.)  However, because of this, they may believe they are superior to you, because they are "in the right" while you "are in the wrong".

Hate: Sometimes they make fun of your orientation just because they don't like you.  Let's face it: There are some real jerks on this site (as well as others).  They think that making fun of yer orientation is what bugs you the most, so they will pick at it and pick at it until you show some negative reaction to it, after which their own ego will have tasted the "drawn blood", to speak metaphorically.  These types of people should, in my opinion, not be allowed to procreate (you know, get their thang on).

There are many reasons why homophobes exist.  These were just a few.  However, now that my "mini-rant" is done, I shall leave you all to your regularly scheduled programming.  Carry on! :P
Points: 58 28 comments
My First Quick Group Game... Aug 26, 2009

I actually managed to get 2nd, lol.  I didn't expect first, didn't much care, but it's cool I got as far as I did.
Points: 1 9 comments