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The Flamey9999's blog

Posts 67 posts

RIP Dec 1, 2016
Today my friend MattLovesAmerica passed away due to a allergic reaction.
Since I started this site,I saw him on it and we became friends.
I had fun with him in RPs.
I can't believe this happened..Matt was a great friend him

Points: 51 1 comments
Total Drama Rankings (#83) Nov 30, 2016
imageDamn we have a long way to,next up is a Generation 2 contestant. Now,Gen 2 is probably my least favorite Generation out of all 4. and my least favorite from that generation is definitely....MIKE

Mike-Revenge of the island,All stars

Now,back when TDROTI first premiered,I liked him. Mainly cause i was younger and i always rooted for the good guys over the bad guys. And Mike was a good guy. Now,I dont like him in TDROTI now.But,TDAS is what killed the character for me. And a lot of other people. They brought him down to a new low in TDAS. Let me give you the run down.Mike suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder. Now,I know they wanted to do a character with a disorder. But,it was just executed horribly. He came off as offensive to people. And I dont blame those people for that. And now,with his 4 other personalities and Season 5 introduced to us,Mal. By far,the worst villain in the entire series. Really all Mal did was break stuff and only caused one elimination,which was Alejandro. So,Mal was pointless as a villain and now what murdered this character. In the finale of TDAS, Mike is able to get rid of his alternate personalities using a reset button. Are you for real Fresh? A reset button!? I dont have multiple personality disorder nor do I know anyone who was multiple personality disorder. But im pretty sure it can't be solved with a button. You would actually need to see a doctor. And also,after that whole fiesta with getting rid of his alternate personalities, thats where you realize he's just a bland character now. So he has no point in returning. I honestly hope Mike never does. We dont need anymore offensive characters in this show. So,Mike takes 83 on the list.

Plus if you agree
Neg if you disagree

Points: 16 0 comments
Total Drama Rankings (#84) Nov 29, 2016
imageSo who is my least favorite Total Drama character? Its none other than...COURTNEY
Courtney-Island,Action,World tour,All Stars

Where do I begin with Courtney. Ive always hated her. Now,oddly to some hardcore Total drama fans,TDI was not the first season I watched. First season I watched was TDWT. Yeah,I joined in a bit late but its all good. I hated Courtney back then,and I still hate her now. Now,I believe that TDI was her only good season. The first half of TDI at least. She was introduced as one of those sane characters. You know like,the normal one put into a group of oddballs. That was what she was portrayed as. But then,she got eliminated in courtesy of Harold. And then,came the Courtney we know today. She has done many terrible things on her time in the show. Including, letting people die for money in the Special,joining the game in TDA thanks to her lawyers and having a PDA giving her unfair advantages in challenges. And then we have,how bitchy she acted when the whole love triangle fiesta happened in TDWT,which was just a mess. But,I still hated her for that because even though she was the innocent one, I prefer GwenXDuncan over CourtneyXDuncan. #Iregretnothing  And then we have TDAS which she was brought back for. Now,In TDAS I actually enjoyed her relationship with Scott,who we will get to later. I thought the relationship was good for the first half of the season,but then the second half happened,the relationship crashed and burned and then we have Courtney's durailment in Sunday,Muddy Sunday. Which I think every Total Drama fan would like to forget. Courtney is also that not fun of a villain to watch. Now,I usually love villains in Total Drama. I think her interesting,but Courtney dosent spark with me. Just annoying,bitchy and thats why she takes dead last.

Plus if you agree
Neg if you disagree

Points: 15 1 comments
NEW SHOW:WHO IS QUEEN!? Nov 26, 2016
This is based off nutsvsguts's Who Is Queen?

So,the first 8 to comment down below will be in the show

Rules will be explained later

1: hellocat
2: CalebDaBoss
3: LosAngeles
4: epicwafflez23
5: BigBrother_78
6: turkeylover
7: adeleadele

Points: 20 7 comments
OMG literally crying Nov 25, 2016
I can't say this on the group cause I've been disabled

Congrats to everyone who made it to Ultimate Stars 11!
You accomplished something I never have
I'm literally crying,I understand the only reason I was rejected was cause' I'm white level but...I just wanted it really bad,more than anything in the galaxy.

WannaBeeFriends good luck with Ultimate Stars 11

Points: 39 3 comments
The Glee Project Survivor Episode 1 Nov 25, 2016
Team 1

Team 2
Lily Mae

Team 2 Wins!
Vote someone on Team 1 to be eliminated

Points: 6 4 comments