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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Big Brother 12 Natty's thoughts

Jul 14, 2010 by Essam
Yay!! Big Brother 12 is finally here! :o ) I can’t believe we are already at another season of Big Brother! Man, time flippin flies!! It’s so exciting watching BB and knowing what all those hgs are gonna go through. Right now they are still in the beginning and having fun. After your there about a month is when you really start to go stir crazy. So far I’m loving the season.
When the hgs names & pictures were released I went on line & checked everyone out at the cbs website. Based on first impressions I liked Rachel the best. She just has that bubbly, positive attitude that I love so much! ;o) I was also liking Kathy, Brenden, Annie, Kristin & Britney.

So BB finally started on Thursday the 8th of July. I absolutely loved the premiere. It’s crazy seeing everyone move in, meet, find out what the twist is, ect… Of course BB never wants anyone to know what they are gonna do next & I never suspected a saboteur! HAHA…that’s brilliant! Love the idea that someone is not in there to win it. I wonder who it could be. I thought it could be Brenden because who the heck brushes their teeth right when the lights go out, plus he’s from California & he just looks like a saboteur! :o ) haha…or I think it could be the cop Kathy because she has done terrible in every comp so far. I mean for the Love of God didn’t the police academy teach her how to climb & jump over walls or swim in goo. She couldn’t hang on to the wiener to save her life. So maybe she’s throwing everything so she won’t be a target & no one would suspect her. My 3rd pick would be Monet because she is so quite & I notice she likes to observe everyone. She tends to lay low & not causing any drama. Plus no one would suspect her, the princess.

I haven’t seen that much of the feeds yet but from what I have seen my favorite to win is Kristin. I think she is a nice, down to earth, fun loving girl. I think she is gonna do great in all the comps. People in the house aren’t even concerned with her yet so that’s a sign she will last a long time. Also, on the feeds Annie has been doing a lot of crying & I know it’s because she’s on the block & everyone wants her out. Same with Rachel though. She is on the block & crying to Brenden about how tough it is & she didn’t do anything wrong to anyone. So why does she deserve to be put up. I know, it freaking sucks but someone has to go every week. I do like Rachel & hope she can pull it together & start playing the game. I wanna see what happens with her & Brenden.

I really love watching the feeds because it really lets you watch & see how they really are in the house not just cbs edited version. It’s hard to tell who you really like when you only watch cbs. So after watching the feeds I’ve decided that I’m not too fond of Kathy anymore. I think she might end up being as bad as Sheila. I really don’t like listening to people who are a little older complaining & talking crap bout other people. Older people in the house should be a role model for the younger folk. Renny BB10 was great & I rarely heard her talk crap, she just spoke the truth about what’s going on in the game, not just gossip. Britney, Monet & Kathy are just doing too much gossiping & I really don’t like listening to that. It’s so funny watching the feeds though because we always talk about the same things in there. What’s gonna happen when we get evicted, where do we go, do we go on the early show? Where’s the jury house? etc… Haha they even talk about past hg’s. LMAO we all do it!!
Well that’s what I think so far, who knows what’s gonna happen or who the saboteur is. I need to watch a few more episodes and a little bit more feeds before I can make up my mind on my favs.


bb11 natalie or bb9?
Sent by kalyna_survivorfan,Jul 14, 2010
BB11 :)
Sent by Essam,Jul 14, 2010
Oh cool! +11
Sent by ZEEnon,Jul 14, 2010

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