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Is Barack Obama the antichrist? ( follow up upon the frist one) Who knos Jul 15, 2010
Typically, there are at least two inherent flaws when this question is asked. First, in the United States, and surely other nations, many seek to demonize those with whom they disagree politically. Calling a man the antichrist is essentially declaring him to be Satan incarnate. Some on the far right were convinced that President Bill Clinton was the antichrist. Some who hold to far left political views were convinced that President George Bush was the antichrist. Now, those who disagree with the political views of President Barack Obama are throwing the antichrist label at him as well. This political demonization is ridiculous, as the biblical indicators of who is the antichrist have nothing to do with conservative or progressive politics. Second, Christians in the United States tend to forget that the end times revolve around the nation of Israel, not the United States. The Bible nowhere explicitly prophesies the existence of the United States. While the United States may have a role in the end times and/or with the antichrist, it is just as possible that the United States will not even exist in the end times.

There is rampant misinformation being spread around that makes unbiblical statements about the antichrist, attempting to create links with Barack Obama. One of the most common states that the antichrist will be a man of Muslim/Arab descent, in his 40s, and will rule for 42 months (close to the length of a U.S. presidency). The Bible nowhere says anything about the ethnicity, religion, or age of the antichrist. Further, Barack Obama vehemently denies accusations that he is a Muslim, and he is not of Arab descent. The “42 months” concept is taken from Revelation 13:5-8, but there is absolutely nothing to connect the 42 months with the 4-year (48 months) tenure of a U.S. President. Intentional misinformation like this is deceptive and counterproductive. It likely will, in fact, make it more difficult to recognize the true antichrist once he appears on the scene.

With the distractions and misinformation put aside, that still leaves the question—is Barack Obama the antichrist? First, let’s look at a few things that argue against Barack Obama being the antichrist. There is some debate among Bible prophecy experts as to the ethnicity of the antichrist. Some believe that the antichrist will be of Jewish descent, as he would have to be a Jew to claim to be the Messiah. Others believe that the antichrist will come from a revived Roman Empire, most likely identified with modern-day Europe. Barack Obama is the son of a white, non-Jewish mother, and a black, non-Jewish, Kenyan father. He is neither Jewish or European (unless the United States is considered part of Europe in terms of Bible prophecy). Ethnically/racially speaking, Obama does not seem to match what the Bible says about the antichrist. Also, Barack Obama claims to be a Christian and claims to have faith in Jesus Christ as his Savior. While anyone can make such claims, it seems highly unlikely that the antichrist would even claim/pretend to be a follower of Jesus Christ.

Let’s look at a few items that the Bible ascribes to the antichrist that are similar to traits possessed by Barack Obama. Barack Obama is undeniably a charismatic, intelligent, determined, and revolutionary individual. Often, hundreds of thousands of people attend events when Obama speaks. Believing him to be a great leader is one thing; mass-hysteria and complete devotion are another thing entirely. Barack Obama seems to have the ability to lead and inspire millions of people. The antichrist, who will be the leader of a one-world governmental system in the end times, would have to also possess such traits. It will take just such a person to deceive the entire world in the end times (2 Thessalonians 2:11). The Bible prophesies that the antichrist will come to power peacefully (Revelation 6:2) and will rule the earth in a time of tremendous peace and prosperity, which will then be followed by the evil and devastation of the end times (Revelation chapters 6-19). Barack Obama’s message of world unity and peace is similar to what the Bible says about the beginning of antichrist’s reign. Further, Barack Obama seems to favor a “big government” approach to solving the world’s problems. While the end times’ one-world government is far beyond anything that Obama is proposing, his view of government does lead in that general direction.

Probably the most important factor in identifying the antichrist is the nation of Israel. The Bible teaches that the antichrist will create a 7-year peace covenant with the nation of Israel, but then break the covenant after 3.5 years (Daniel 9:27). The antichrist will then essentially attempt a second Holocaust, the annihilation of the nation of Israel and Jews around the world. Barack Obama has stated his strong support for the nation of Israel. Obama claims that he will come to Israel’s defense should it be attacked. At the same time, Barack Obama has made some unclear statements regarding his support of Israel. Obama has had relationships with individuals and groups that have anti-Semitic tendencies. This claim of support for Israel, contradicted by dubious statements and troubling relationships, does seem reminiscent of what the Bible says about the antichrist and the nation of Israel.

So, is Barack Obama the antichrist? While Obama does possess some traits that are similar to what the Bible says about the antichrist, the same could be said for many of today’s world leaders. Further, there are serious questions regarding whether it is even possible that the antichrist could be a non-Jewish / non-Semitic person. As with many of the powerful people in the world today, the answer to the question, “Is Barack Obama the antichrist?” has to be “wait and see.” Second Thessalonians 2:3 states that the antichrist, “the man of lawlessness,” will be revealed – it will be abundantly clear who he is when the time comes. Rather than speculating and demonizing, our responsibility is to be wise and discerning, based on what the Bible says about the antichrist.

“Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God” (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).

“And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the beast. Men worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, "Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?” (Revelation 13:1-4)
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Is Obama the messiah? Jul 15, 2010
"Is this a messianic movement? A cult of personality? Or just good ol' fashioned politics?" Those are the questions an Internet blog called "Is Barack Obama the Messiah?" began with one year ago.

By simply highlighting media reports since then – including WND's account of an Obama rally in Seattle – the website has captured the wave of euphoria that has followed the Democratic senator's remarkable rise to the brink of the party's presidential nomination.

The site, laced with photos and magazine covers illustrating the theme, is topped by a Obama quote strategically ripped from a Jan. 7 speech at Dartmouth College just before the New Hampshire Primary in which he told students, "… a light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany, and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote" for Obama.

The blog prominently displays the July 11 cover of the German magazine Der Spiegel, which has a photo of Obama under the title, "The Messiah Factor, Barack Obama and the Yearning for a New America."'s Timothy Noah introduced last year his tongue-in-cheek "Obama Messiah Watch," a periodic feature "considering evidence that Obama is the Son of God."

"Is Barack Obama – junior U.S. senator from Illinois, best-selling author, Harvard Law Review editor, Men's Vogue cover model, and "exploratory" presidential candidate – the second coming of our Savior and our Redeemer, Prince of Peace and King of Kings, Jesus Christ?" Noah wrote. "His press coverage suggests we can't dismiss this possibility out of hand."

"I therefore inaugurate the Obama Messiah Watch, which will periodically highlight gratuitously adoring biographical details that appear in newspaper, television and magazine profiles of this other worldly presence in our midst," Noah proclaimed.
Points: 0 2 comments

    14 ppl will play the game but now there is a new twist the Saboteur
Points: 0 0 comments
Man in the Mirror RIP MJ alive forever in the hearts he changed Jul 14, 2010
Michael Jackson is the always the MAN i see IN THE MIRROR
he healed THE WORLD
haters should BEAT IT
i would had always gave him ONE MORE CHANCE no matter how bad it was
he's BEN the king o' pop and always will be
and when your fans get to heaven, i hope you WILL BE THERE
R.I.P. MJ forever and always THIS IS IT
Points: 4 0 comments
Big Brother 12 Natty's thoughts Jul 14, 2010
Yay!! Big Brother 12 is finally here! :o ) I can’t believe we are already at another season of Big Brother! Man, time flippin flies!! It’s so exciting watching BB and knowing what all those hgs are gonna go through. Right now they are still in the beginning and having fun. After your there about a month is when you really start to go stir crazy. So far I’m loving the season.
When the hgs names & pictures were released I went on line & checked everyone out at the cbs website. Based on first impressions I liked Rachel the best. She just has that bubbly, positive attitude that I love so much! ;o) I was also liking Kathy, Brenden, Annie, Kristin & Britney.

So BB finally started on Thursday the 8th of July. I absolutely loved the premiere. It’s crazy seeing everyone move in, meet, find out what the twist is, ect… Of course BB never wants anyone to know what they are gonna do next & I never suspected a saboteur! HAHA…that’s brilliant! Love the idea that someone is not in there to win it. I wonder who it could be. I thought it could be Brenden because who the heck brushes their teeth right when the lights go out, plus he’s from California & he just looks like a saboteur! :o ) haha…or I think it could be the cop Kathy because she has done terrible in every comp so far. I mean for the Love of God didn’t the police academy teach her how to climb & jump over walls or swim in goo. She couldn’t hang on to the wiener to save her life. So maybe she’s throwing everything so she won’t be a target & no one would suspect her. My 3rd pick would be Monet because she is so quite & I notice she likes to observe everyone. She tends to lay low & not causing any drama. Plus no one would suspect her, the princess.

I haven’t seen that much of the feeds yet but from what I have seen my favorite to win is Kristin. I think she is a nice, down to earth, fun loving girl. I think she is gonna do great in all the comps. People in the house aren’t even concerned with her yet so that’s a sign she will last a long time. Also, on the feeds Annie has been doing a lot of crying & I know it’s because she’s on the block & everyone wants her out. Same with Rachel though. She is on the block & crying to Brenden about how tough it is & she didn’t do anything wrong to anyone. So why does she deserve to be put up. I know, it freaking sucks but someone has to go every week. I do like Rachel & hope she can pull it together & start playing the game. I wanna see what happens with her & Brenden.

I really love watching the feeds because it really lets you watch & see how they really are in the house not just cbs edited version. It’s hard to tell who you really like when you only watch cbs. So after watching the feeds I’ve decided that I’m not too fond of Kathy anymore. I think she might end up being as bad as Sheila. I really don’t like listening to people who are a little older complaining & talking crap bout other people. Older people in the house should be a role model for the younger folk. Renny BB10 was great & I rarely heard her talk crap, she just spoke the truth about what’s going on in the game, not just gossip. Britney, Monet & Kathy are just doing too much gossiping & I really don’t like listening to that. It’s so funny watching the feeds though because we always talk about the same things in there. What’s gonna happen when we get evicted, where do we go, do we go on the early show? Where’s the jury house? etc… Haha they even talk about past hg’s. LMAO we all do it!!
Well that’s what I think so far, who knows what’s gonna happen or who the saboteur is. I need to watch a few more episodes and a little bit more feeds before I can make up my mind on my favs.
Points: 28 3 comments
Tiger woods ( Love Child) Jul 14, 2010
imageThis story has been burning through the internet for the past 48 hours, slowly but steadily building up some steam. From what little sourcing and back-tracking I’ve done, I think all of the reports steam from the same source: The National Enquirer. The Enquirer is reporting, in this week’s issue, that Tiger Woods is a big, fat cheater. They claim he’s cheating on Elin Norgegren, his wife of six years and mother of his two children (who was a model before they married - just so you know). The Enquirer’s sourcing seems to be exclusively from friends of “the other woman”. The woman is an “events planner” Rachel Uchitel, and in case that name sounds familiar, she is the same woman that Bones star David Boreanaz alleged had an affair with when his wife was pregnant earlier this year . Good Lord. This Rachel woman gets around, doesn’t she? Allegedly.
Points: 20 0 comments