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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

I don't think it's a big deal anymore, but I'm finally black

Apr 4, 2010 by Dillbob27
68 games and 451 karma after joining in June of 08', I'm finally a black level. Probably would of had it a long time ago, but I suck at survivor so I wasted a lot of my money haha. But nonetheless I have really enjoyed this website since I've joined. A friend from school, fellow tengaged user TongaHonga, showed me this site and told me to join. I was skeptical to join cause I didn't know what to expect. But I did join and enrolled in my first game and somehow won. And for anyone that's a member of this site, you know how addicted you get after your first game. I would still say I'm hooked since I'm in a game just about everyday haha.

I know I'm not a real big name on this site. I've won quite a few castings but I've never won a rookies or enrolled in stars. I guess the only reason I'm sorta around is so I can try and make people laugh. I may not be a great player, but I would at least like to think I'm making the games I'm in a little fun. I have my own radio show that I try to have for tengaged but not a lot of people listen, which is ok. Thank you to all who do listen. I appreciate it. But I just wanna give thanks to the people that have made my time on this site so awesome.

AngelFede - The first friend I ever had on here. We played together in my first ever game and he was a real cool guy. Sucks that he's not around anymore, but he was a real cool guy and he made me wanna stay on here hoping there were more cool people like him on here.

Skyblue2005 and Jenny_c - These two, as most of you know, are incredibly awesome people. I only grouped them together cause I've only played with them when they were together haha. We played in a rookies over last summer that was probably my favorite game I've played on here. Sky is an awesome guy to talk to, whether its sports or just casual conversation. He's a great ally and just a down to earth guy. And Jenny is just the same, except the guy part haha. Very sweet and fun to talk to. Hope we can play together again someday.

Dools - Dools you boob ! Haha every time I talk to him that's always how I start off our conversation. Why? I have no clue haha. Met him back in February and just another cool guy. He can quote movies and tv shows ALMOST as good as I can, but good nonetheless haha. Very energetic and fun to be around.

SamMacTavish - Oh Sam, whatta man whore haha just kidding. I made fun of him on my radio show one time while he was on call with us and I didn't know and it was probably the funniest thing I've ever experienced on this site. Ever since then we've been friends. He loves mini-eggs and taking pictures of himself, which I will probably make fun of him for some other time haha. But he's cool and is pretty funny also.

IcyHot - The one I call when I'm supposed to be sleeping haha. So much fun to talk to I don't mind talkin to her at 1:00 in the morning my time haha. Very funny and knows how to keep a conversation going and interesting. Glad to call her my friend.

Now I saved these last two people for last cause they've made the most impact on me and I wanna give them some special appreciation

Blondie9122 - My Bestie, my mom, so many nicknames I have for her. One of the most unique and special people I've met in a long time. I can talk to her about anything. Very smart and fun. We were besties for awhile but she's in college and isn't on as much as she used to be. Kinda sad about that, but she's doing more important things and I wish her the best of luck. Miss you Blondie.

_Payton_, i_MissPrice, My Wifey, etc, - Oh sweet Jesus where do I begin? I can honestly say I met an amazing person on here, and her name is Peyton. I joined her group where she was looking for her new tengaged boyfriend and there I truly met someone special. Most people know and like her for her looks, but I'm thankful I got to know the real her. Behind all the beauty is an amazing woman with a lot of great characteristics that I wouldn't trade for anything. I look forward to talking to her everyday cause she can always brighten my day up no matter what, which seems kinda weird right now cause I'm not supposed to talk to her for 3 days cause she bet me haha. But when everyone says how some of their friends on here could be there friends in real life, that's how I feel about her. I am truly blessed and thankful to have her in my life. I'm honored to call you my friend.

These people and many others I am all glad to call my friends. You guys are awesome and make this site fun. When drama gets crazy on here, and for some reason lately there's been a lot, you guys know how to still make logging on here worth my time. I thank everyone for wanting to get to know me since I've been here and I hope to meet a lot more. Thank you all for reading.



Sent by jhaybiie,Apr 4, 2010
WTG but you forgot about me.  I always call in your shows.  I feel sad now lol.
Sent by Runner430,Apr 4, 2010
Sent by James1985,Apr 4, 2010
WOOT WOOT! u titter
Sent by dools,Apr 4, 2010
Sent by Jdsolo24,Apr 4, 2010
yayyyy congrats dillllbob :DDD and thank you so much!!!
Sent by skyblue2005,Apr 4, 2010
Congrats! Wow you beat me. I love you and we need to talk more
Sent by IcyHot,Apr 4, 2010
Sent by SamMacTavish,Apr 4, 2010
congraaaats bby! :)
I had the biggest paragraph out of em all,
wooohooo !
Sent by i_MissPrice,Apr 4, 2010
Where is my shoutout?????
Sent by Abrogate,Apr 4, 2010
awwww dill :)♥♥♥♥♥
Sent by Jenny_c,Apr 6, 2010
Thanks dilly:)
Sent by Blondie9122,Apr 12, 2010

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