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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

What a year it has been

Jun 18, 2010 by Dillbob27
Today is my one year anniversary of bein on tengaged, and it has been amazing. When I first heard about this site, I honestly thought tengaged was dumb, but when I joined I actually found it to be fun, and a year later I'm still here. I know I'm not a big name on here and I know I'm not the best game player, but I've met a lot of great people on here and tengaged has definitely been better for me than shitty high school. And it makes it better cause apparently now I'm in the Night Crew haha. I don't know ask Enraged Beauty about that haha, but the Night Crew has been very supportive of me since joining, so I'm giving them all shoutouts for bein so helpful. So a big thanks to Coolndcomfy, Kmyster, MV, Cap and EB. I'm grateful to have been playing for as long as I have and I hope to keep to keep playing for quite some time. Thanks to all that have made my experience here fun.

I've already given out shoutouts before, but lets remind everyone of all of the special people on here haha

AngelFede - The first friend I ever had on here. We played together in my first ever game and he was a real cool guy. Sucks that he's not around anymore, but he was a real cool guy and he made me wanna stay on here hoping there were more cool people like him on here.

Skyblue2005 and Jenny_c - These two, as most of you know, are incredibly awesome people. I only grouped them together cause I've only played with them when they were together haha. We played in a rookies over last summer that was probably my favorite game I've played on here. Sky is an awesome guy to talk to, whether its sports or just casual conversation. He's a great ally and just a down to earth guy. And Jenny is just the same, except the guy part haha. Very sweet and fun to talk to. Hope we can play together again someday.

Dools - Dools you boob ! Haha every time I talk to him that's always how I start off our conversation. Why? I have no clue haha. Met him back in February and just another cool guy. He can quote movies and tv shows ALMOST as good as I can, but good nonetheless haha. Very energetic and fun to be around.

SamMacTavish - Oh Sam, whatta man whore haha just kidding. I made fun of him on my radio show one time while he was on call with us and I didn't know and it was probably the funniest thing I've ever experienced on this site. Ever since then we've been friends. He loves mini-eggs and taking pictures of himself, which I will probably make fun of him for some other time haha. But he's cool and is pretty funny also.

IcyHot - The one I call when I'm supposed to be sleeping haha. So much fun to talk to I don't mind talkin to her at 1:00 in the morning my time haha. Very funny and knows how to keep a conversation going and interesting. Glad to call her my friend.

Blondie9122 - My Bestie, my mom, so many nicknames I have for her. One of the most unique and special people I've met in a long time. I can talk to her about anything. Very smart and fun. We were besties for awhile but she's in college and isn't on as much as she used to be. Kinda sad about that, but she's doing more important things and I wish her the best of luck. Miss you Blondie.


wooot woot
Sent by Savcodushe,Jun 18, 2010
Sent by Kmyster5610,Jun 18, 2010
Sent by LostnGreece,Jun 18, 2010
Sent by mvonneumann,Jun 18, 2010
+11! Congrats!
Sent by coolndcomfy,Jun 18, 2010
Sent by Bryan,Jun 18, 2010
yay congrats!!!
Sent by EnragedBeauty,Jun 18, 2010
woo hoo.
grats :_]
Sent by TripleXXX,Jun 18, 2010
Sent by cubs0707,Jun 18, 2010
+7 :)
Sent by Jenna2010,Jun 18, 2010

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