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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Big Brother 1: Week 4

Jan 9, 2013 by Danielle43
Jon  J0nhale
Brittany  LaFierceBrittany2
Unique  wavykidq
Kiz  Kizzi
Eddie  49288
Kenneth  konohavillage1
Laquisha  blueu22
ShonD  baileyboy1
Brittney  Ninihead25

Laquisha was super excited she won HoH. Kiz and her started jumping up and down. Brittany was furious that someone changed their vote at the eviction and Kiz ended up staying. Kenneth and Brittany were in the bedroom talking. "Were fucked. Kiz is going to be in Laquisha's ear and you and me are going to be nominated." Brittany told Kenneth. "Unless Unique wins the Veto again one of us is for sure leaving." Kenneth said. "I dont want to leave!" Brittany said as she was starting to tear up. Kenneth hugged Brittany and told her she was staying. They started talking more and realized they had alot in common, in the Diary Room Kenneth told us that he has a crush on Brittany.  "If I win POV im using it on you" Kenneth told Brittany. Unique was talking with Eddie in the bedroom and both agreed to keep each other safe. Unique went up to talk to Laquisha. "What are your thoughts on nominations?" Unique asked Laquisha. "Look im going to be honest with you, Kenneth and Brittany are who im likely going to nominate. I know their your friends but they are never going to take you to Final 2. They would take each other. If you want you can work with me and Kiz and we can work together to get to the Final 3." Laquisha told Unique. Unique said yes but in the Diary Room she said she is staying loyal to Kenneth and Btittany.

Nominees: Brittany and Kenneth

"Laquisha and Kiz are going down! I will not go down without a fight! I will win veto and make those bitches get scared!" Brittany said in the Diary Room. She completely ignored Kiz and didnt want to talk to her or Laquisha. "Pack your bags Brittany! Were evicting you this week! Karmas a bitch isnt it?" Kiz said to Brittany. "Oh how stupid you are Kiz. I will win that veto." Said Brittany. Kiz started  laughing and Brittany threw her drink in Kiz's face. Kiz was about to go punch Brittany but Laquisha stopped her before she did it. "Are you crazy Kiz?! You could get expelled if you hit her!" Laquisha said.

POV Players Chosen: Laquisha, Kenneth, Brittany,ShonD, Eddie, Unique

In the POV Competition Laquisha was out first. Unique purposely threw the competition because if she won she would be Kiz's next target. Eddie and ShonD were out next. It came down to Kenneth and Brittany.

POV Winner: Kenneth  konohavillage1

Who will Laquisha nominate as a replacement nominee? And who will be evicted from the Big Brother house? Find out next time on Big Brother!


12- Liam    MoooHades
11-  Daniel  Slice
10- Chris  chrisw756


ugh when i am gonna win a competition?
Sent by 49288,Jan 9, 2013
49288  Sorry I use for the competition winners.
Sent by Danielle43,Jan 9, 2013
danielle43 i know! i just wish would like for at least once!
Sent by 49288,Jan 9, 2013
Omg as I'm in a lot of drama
Sent by wavykidq,Jan 10, 2013
LMAO Im dumb for vetoing Brittany :[
Sent by konohavillage1,Jan 10, 2013
i never won a comp either lol floater
Sent by baileyboy1,Jan 10, 2013

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