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Posts 51 posts

I need at least 3 people to play CAH Oct 18, 2017
msg me please or comment and i'll send you the link,

it's cards against humanity if you didn't know xD

Points: 10 2 comments
wOaH Would ya look at that :/ Oct 15, 2017
Anyone wanna plus these ? :) thanks if you do :)

Points: 0 0 comments
Ik this is really stupid but eh? Oct 14, 2017
is there any chance anyone would join frookies so i can have a charity thing? i'm trying to save up for a design  xD  It would be a nice boost and i've seen alot of rookies charities for other random reasons :/

Points: 0 2 comments
When the pep rally doesn't go as planned xD Oct 13, 2017
So we had a pep rally at my school today and we were doing a who can scream the loudest contest between grades from 7th to 12th, and your grade was supposed to scream when the spartan raised his shield. So, we start going through the grades and everyone's screaming and having a gr8 time... and we get to my grade, 10th grade. Who when the spartan raises his shield, liTERALLY NO ONE MAKES A SOUND. the spartan even raised his shield a second time hoping someone would do something. Nope there was no sound from 10th grade just blank, unamused expressions xD. This wasn't planned or anything and it's just great that no one did anything. after the speaker realized 10th wasn't saying anything you just hear "Okay how bout 11th?" xD

Points: 8 1 comments
I only need 1 more person to join this :) Oct 10, 2017
i just need 1 more person before i can start this but more would be great too xD :) i'd love if you joined

Points: 4 0 comments
IT'S MY BIRTHDAY Oct 4, 2017

check out meh group?
Points: 15 9 comments